Resettlement Courses to be Conducted for Retiring / Retired JCOs / ORs & equivalent for Training Year 2020-21


Resettlement Courses to be Conducted for Retiring / Retired JCOs / ORs & equivalent for Training Year 2020-21

Resettlement Courses to be Conducted for Retiring / Retired JCOs / ORs & equivalent for Training Year 2020-21

Programme Schedule of Resettlement Courses to be Conducted for Retiring / Retired JCOs / ORs & their equivalent in IN & IAF for Training Year 2020-21

Sl No. Course No. Course Name Name of Institute & Place Start Date End Date Vac as per detailment Duration (in hours) Duration in Wks Common Norms Category (if applicable) Common Norms Rate (If applicable) Course Fee
1 41-01-2021 Diploma in Industrial Cooperative Management Institute of Co- Operative Management, Bhopal 22-Mar-21 11-Jun-21 40 300 12 NA NA 12000
2 72-03-2021 Asst. Catering Manager Food Craft Institute, Visakhapatnam 30-Mar-21 14-Aug-21 30 475 20 2 34.7 16482
3 73-03-2021 Certificate in Financial Accounting System Indus Institute of Information Management (IIIM), Kolkata 30-Mar-21 19-Jun-21 40 300 12 NA NA 12000
4 74-03-2021 Diploma in Marketing & Sales Management DNS Regional Institute of Co-Operative Management, Patna 22-Mar-21 11-Jun-21 50 300 12 NA NA 12000
5 75-03-2021 Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Electronics Instrumentation Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Ltd (HARTRON), Ambala 30-Mar-21 19-Jun-21 50 300 12 NA NA 15000
6 76-03-2021 Cert Course in Retail Management Institute of Co- Operative Management, Bhopal 30-Mar-21 19-Jun-21 40 300 12 NA NA 12000
7 77-03-2021 Cert Course in Retail Management Institute of Co- Operative Management, Jaipur 30-Mar-21 19-Jun-21 50 300 12 NA NA 12000
8 78-03-2021 Cert Course in Sales Management Indira Gandhi Institute of Cooperative Management, Lucknow 30-Mar-21 19-Jun-21 50 300 12 NA NA 12000
Sl No. Course No. Course Name Name of Institute & Place Start Date End Date Vac as per detailment Duration (in hours) Duration in Wks Common Norms Category (if applicable) Common Norms Rate (If applicable) Course Fee
9 79-03-2021 Cert Course in Sales Management Regional Institute of Cooperative Management, Bagalore 30-Mar-21 19-Jun-21 50 300 12 NA NA 12000
10 80-03-2021 Cert Course in Retail Management Regional Institute of Cooperative Management, Chandigarh 30-Mar-21 19-Jun-21 50 300 12 NA NA 12000
11 81-03-2021 CHM ‘O’ Level National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), New Delhi 30-Mar-21 14-Aug-21 50 400 20 NA NA 18090
12 82-03-2021 CHM ‘O’ Level National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Jammu 30-Mar-21 14-Aug-21 50 400 20 NA NA 18090
13 84-03-2021 CHM ‘O’ Level National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Chandigarh 30-Mar-21 14-Aug-21 50 400 20 NA NA 18090
14 86-03-2021 CHM ‘O’ Level National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Kolkata 30-Mar-21 14-Aug-21 50 400 20 NA NA 18090
15 87-03-2021 CHM ‘O’ Level National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Aurangabad 22-Mar-21 06-Aug-21 50 400 20 NA NA 18090
16 88-03-2021 CHM ‘O’ Level National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Lucknow 22-Mar-21 06-Aug-21 50 400 20 NA NA 18090
17 89-03-2021 Computer Applications and Accounting Management Regional Institute of Cooperative Management, Bagalore 30-Mar-21 22-May-21 40 200 8 NA NA 8000
18 90-03-2021 CHM ‘O’ Level National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Patna 30-Mar-21 14-Aug-21 50 400 20 NA NA 18090


Note: –

  1. The list of courses mentioned above is duly approved
  2. Institutes have been approached to ensure their feasibility to conduct in-campus courses by last week of Mar Confirmation from some institutes is expected in the near future and accordingly list of additional course will be uploaded.
  3. Course participants as nominated by respective Service HQs, are requested to be prepared to move for pre-release courses at short notice.

