Submission of Boarding Pass along with Travelling Allowance Bills –  PCDAO Message No. 08/2021

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Submission of Boarding Pass along with Travelling Allowance Bills – PCDAO Message No. 08/2021

Submission of Boarding Pass along with Travelling Allowance Bills – PCDAO Message No. 08/2021

Message No. 08/2021

Submission of Boarding Pass along with Travelling Allowance Bills

As per Government of India, Ministry of Defence, Dept of Military Affairs letter No. 12630/Tpt.A/Mov C/205/D(Mov)/2020 dated 16th Dec 2020, sanction of the Competent Authority has been conveyed to extend the provisions contained in MoF, DoE OM No. 19030/3/2014E.IV dated 23rd June 2020 to the Armed Forces Personnel.

In the said GOI, MoF, DoE letter dated 23rd June 2020, it is stated that in case an Army Officer is unable to submit the Boarding Pass along with TA Bill, he/she can submit self declaration certificate in lieu of Boarding Pass along with TA Bill. The proforma is enclosed with the letter ibid. Proforma needs to be countersigned by the Controlling Officer in case of officials below the under secretary level (i.e. from Pay Level 10 and below).


Source: Click Here to view/download the pdf