One more option to switch over to 7th CPC, from a date subsequent to 25th July 2016: Minutes of 48th NC JCM Meeting

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One more option to switch over to 7th CPC, from a date subsequent to 25th July 2016: Minutes of 48th NC JCM Meeting

One more option to switch over to 7th CPC, from a date subsequent to 25th July 2016: Minutes of 48th NC JCM Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on 30.07.2021 discuss the left-out items of the Meeting of the National Council (NC) of the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM), held on 26.06.2021 issued vide DoP&T No. No.3/4/2021-JCA dated 18.08.2021)

Item No. NC-48/7/21: Central Government Employees may be granted one more option to switch over to 7th CPC, from a date subsequent to 25th July 2016

The demand of the Staff Side, in brief, was to permit the option for pay fixation up to 31st December 2017. It was contended that up to the 6th Pay Commission, the rule for cutoff date was different, which has been changed, subsequently, by the 7th pay Commission. This has resulted in loss to many employees.

The provisions of drawal of pay jn the revised pay structure under the 6th CPC [CCS (RP) Rules, 2008] and under the 7th CPC [CCS(RP) Rules, 2016] are same. Moreover, during the 6th CPC also, DoE has not allowed exercise of option for switching over to revised pay after the date of notification of Pay Rules 29.08.2008.

AS (Pers) , DoE, stated that there had to be some limit to the cut-off date. If the cut-off date for switching over to the 7th CPC is extended up to 31st December 2017, as demanded, similar fresh demand may be raised to extend it beyond 31st December 2017, which may lead to a chaos. She, further, stated that there is no logic for extending it up to 31st December 2017.

Decision: The item may be closed. The Chairman, however, stated that if felt necessary, the Staff Side may request major Ministries, like M/ o Railways, M/ o Defence etc. to forward sporadic proposal (s) of such nature to DoE for examination, separately, on case to case basis.

Previous: Item No. NC-48/19/21- Grant of NDA in 7th CPC Pay Scale without any Basic Pay ceiling limit

Next: Item No. NC-48/8/21 (a) Removal of Condition of 3% stipulated to grant Bunching benefits


View Full: Minutes of the Meeting held on 30.07.2021 discuss the left-out items of the Meeting of the National Council of the JCM


  • Amulya Kumar das 11 months ago

    It is requested to help for option for switch over from 6thcpc to 7th CPC after October 2016 in respect of employees of central autonomous bodies since it was notified in October 2017 after one and half an hour later .
    In this regard an decision was given by railway office for pay fixation of the same in November 2017 as it is beneficial.
    Thank u in advance for confirmation
    As the same was declared by the govt and incumbent is more beneficial for the purpose of retirement benefits