Duties & Responsibilities of Railway’s Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator, Town In-charge , Observers, Gp C Staff, Control Room Staff and Invigilators of ECA: RRCB No. 05/2021


Duties & Responsibilities of Railway’s Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator, Town In-charge , Observers, Gp C Staff, Control Room Staff and Invigilators of ECA: RRCB No. 05/2021

Duties & Responsibilities of Railway’s Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator, Town In-charge , Observers, Gp C Staff, Control Room Staff and Invigilators of ECA: RRCB No. 05/2021

RRCB No: 05/ 2021

เคญเคพเคฐเคค เคธเคฐเค•เคพเคฐ / GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
เคฐเฅ‡เคฒ เคฎเค‚เคคเฅเคฐเคพเคฒเคฏ / MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS
(เคฐเฅ‡เคฒเคตเฅ‡ เคฌเฅ‹เคฐเฅเคก / RAILWAY BOARD)

No. 2015/ E(RRB) / 26/ 21 Pt-1

New Delhi, dated 31.12.2021

General Manager Indian Railways/ PUs

Sub: Duties & Responsibilities of Railway’s Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator, Town In-charge, Observers, Group ‘C’ Staff, Control Room Staff and Invigilators of Exam Conducting Agency (ECA).


In supersession of instructions issued vide letter of even number dated 26.04.2019, following instructions are being issued in regard to deputing Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator, Town In-charge, Observers, Group C Staff to Examination Centers and deputing officers to man the Control Rooms for smooth conduct of Computer Based Tests (CBTs) of Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) as well as bringing out the role and responsibilities of the above officers/ officials . These are:

(a) Regional Coordinator: ADRM (In case of multiple ADRMs in Division, ADRM concerned looking after personnel department) shall be the Regional Coordinator. He shall coordinate between PCPO and Divisional officers/ officials for nomination of Town In-charge, Railway Observers and will ensure nomination of assisting officials i.e. Railway Supervisor and RPF staff pr9mptly. He shall ensure smooth and hassle free conduction of exam. In this regard he will maintain close liaison with Chairperson RRB also.

(b) Additional Regional Coordinator: Sr. DPO of the division will be the Additional Regional coordinator. He will assist Regional Coordinator for conduct of exam. He will nominate Railway Observer, Railway Supervisor in consultation with Regional Coordinator. He will nominate RPF staff in consultation with Sr. DSC of the division. He shall ensure that concerned officials reach to respective examination venue in time . He will discharge his duties in close coordination with Regional Coordinator and maintain close liaison with RRB officials during RRB Exam. Role and duty list of Asst. Regional Coordinator is placed at Annexure I

(c) Town In-charge: A SG/JAG Officer to be nominated by PCPO on need basis on the request of RRB Chairperson only. In case the number of examination centers in town is too many more than one Town In-charge may be nominated in consultation with Chairperson RRB. The role and duties of Town In-charge is placed at Annexure- I

(d) Observer(s) (Center In-charge): shall be of the rank of ‘Senior Scale/ Junior Scale’. In case of extreme exigency of officers duly approved by Regional coordinator, Sr. Supervisors may be nominated as Observers . They will be responsible of the activities in that Examination Centre. In ,case, at particular exam venue if the numbers of Computer Labs are more than four or exam centre is multistoried having labs at different floors,ย one additional Railway Observer may be deputed Railway Observers shall be nominated preferably ten days in advance of the exam phase or as per request of Chairperson RRB to get familiarize with the exam process and with their presence during mock test at exam venue . Their Role and duties are placed at Annexure-II.

(e) Group ‘C’ Railway Staff nominated for 2 Stage CBTs:

(i) For 1st Stage CBT, the Observers will be assisted with 1 Group ‘C’ staff for less than 250 candidates and in case of exam center having more than 250 candidates additional Group ‘C’ staff should be provided proportionately . Actual numbers of Group ‘C’ staff required may be decided by the RRB Chairpersons in consultation with the PCPOs keeping in view the sensitiveness of centers and availability of Railway officials;

(ii) For 2nd Stage CBT, the Observers will be assisted with one Group ‘C’ Staff per 40-80 candidates. Within this scale, actual numbers of Group ‘C’ staff required may be decided by the RRB Chairpersons in consultation with the PCPOs keeping in view the sensitiveness of centers and availability or Railway officials.

(f) Group ‘C’ Railway Staff nominated for Single Stage CBT:-

The Observers will be assisted with 1 Group ‘C staff per 75 candidates in case CBT is being conducted by maintaining social distancing due to COVID-19 or l Group ‘C’ staff per 100 candidates otherwise . Actual numbers of Group ‘C’ staff required may be decided by the RRB Chairpersons in consultation with the PCPOs keeping in view the sensitiveness of centers and availability of Railway officials.

Railway Group ‘C’ staff nominated at the venue shall assist the Observer in discharging the above mentioned duties and any other duties that may be assigned by the observer and ensure smooth and fair conduct of the Exam. Their role and duties are placed at Annexure-III.

The Railway Observers/ Group ‘C’ Staff assisting the Observer should not be allowed to continue at one Exam centre for more than 5 days. They should be replaced by another Railway Observers/ Group C’ Staff assisting the Observer, as the case may be

(g) One Group ‘C’ Railway staff and one Senior Group C RPF Staff for Server and Control Room

In addition to Group ‘C’ staff nominated for exam centre as given above, one Senior Group ‘C’ competent Railway staff preferably from S & T or Electrical department or B. Tech in Computer Science/ IT/ Electrical / Electronics (Level 5 or higher Database of such officials to be maintained by Railways) and one senior RPF staff shall be exclusively nominated for Server arid Control Room having CCTV feed of all labs of that particular exam center. The RPF Staff assigned (by Railway Observer of the centre) will remain alert for any unusual and will remainย present in uniform. The officials will monitor the activities of all labs as well as keep vigil on the activities of Venue Head and IT manager. They will ensure only the nominated and authorized person should enter in Server room with restricted communication. If they notice anything unusual in Server room they will immediately bring this to notice of the Railway Observer who in turn will ensure and satisfy himself that nothing unusual is happening in exam at/from the respective centre.

(h) RPF Staff:

Three RPF staff should be deputed per centre in which one senior most RPF staff will be assigned for Server room duty as mentioned in Para (g) above. Duties of remaining two staff in which preferably one male and one female are placed in Annexure-V.

(i) Invigilators: The invigilation is provided . by the ECA. There shall be one (1) invigilator per 25-30 candidates. These invigilators shall assist the Group ‘C’ Staff and the ObserVers from the Railways for smooth conduct of Computer Based Test (CBT} in that particular exam centre. The list of Invigilators along with selfยญ attested copy of their ID proof should be available with Railway Observer and the ECA Center Head . Invigilators should also be rotated across centers randomly and should not be continued at one center. Their role and duties are placed at Annexure-IV.

(For payment of Honorarium, the above officers/ officials are governed by Board ‘s letter No . E(G}2010/ H01-38 dated 02. 11.2012 (RBE.No. 125/2012).

(j) Formation and broad role of Cotrol Room will be as under:-

1) Formation:

(i) Control Room at Division: Divisional Control Room will be consisted of Regional Coordinator (ADRM}, Additional Regional Coordinator (Sr. DPO}, Sr. DSC, One Jr. Scale officer prefera bly of Personnel Branch (To be decided by Additional Regional Coordinator in consultation with Regional Coordinator) , two Group ‘C’ staff as decided by Additional Regional Coordinator, One staff of level One. Control room at division will work in close coordination of Regional Coordinator and Additional Regional Coordinator. Control room official will be in close contact with railway officials of all test centers of their jurisdiction. In need they may visit to test centers also. Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator and Sr. DSC should make some surprise checks of test centers during exam to ensure conduction of smooth, hassle free and error free exam.

(ii) Control Room at Zonal HQ: Zonal control room will be consisted of Zonal Coordinator (CPO Admin.) , Additional Zonal Coordinator (Chairperson / RRC), Dy. CSC, One Jr. Scale officer preferably of Personnel Branch (as decided by Zonal Coordinator ‘i.e. CPO Admn), One Group ‘C’ staff as decided by Additional Zonal Coordinator , One staff of level One. Control room at Zonal office will work in close coordination with Divisional Control Room. Control Room officials will be in close contact with Divisional railway officials of divisional control room under their jurisdiction and maintain close liaison with Chairperson RRB. Zonal Coordinator, Additional Zonal Coordinator and Dy. CSC should make some surprise checks of test centers during exam to ensure conduction of smooth, hassle free and error free exam.

2) The role of the Control Room will be as under:

  • Monitoring the RRB Computer Based Test (CBT) in each of the cities and issuing suitable directions to the authorities concerned.
  • Ensuring that the CBT is conduded in a fair and transparent manner.
  • Incidents or exceptional situations arisen during the day should be solved and noted properly to be placed on record for future references.
  • Deployment of Staff to the exam centres and replacements, if any.
  • Ensuring deployment of RPF in each centre, interaction with State Police, mob management, Dy. CSC & Sr. DSC concerned should also ensure all these aspects etc.

All Observers and Group ‘C’ officials nominated for RRBs CBT should give 6ndcrtaking (Annexure VI) that they have read and understood all the instructions related to conduct of CBT and ensure compliance of these instructions and bring it to notice of Railways any violation done by ECA.

The roles and responsibilities mentioned in this letter are general in nature. For any special requirement protocol document of Exam may be referred.

For payment of Honorarium, the officers/ officials in the Control Room are governed by Board’s letter No . E(G)2010/ H01-38 dated 19. 11.2018 (RBE.No.174/ 2018) .

In case of exigency, relaxation in respect of requirement of officers/ staffs as specified in these instructions may be given by Chairperson RRB in consultation with PCPOs duly recording reasons for the same.

DA: As Above.

(Vidya Dhar Sharma)
Director E/RRB
Railway Board

CI – Chairpersons
All Railway Recruitment Boards

Annexure- I

DUTIES OF TOWN IN-CHARGE (SG / JAG officer) / Additional Regional Coordinator)

  1. Will ensure that Observers as well as Supervisors are performing their duties as per the directives given.
  2. Will ensure smooth and fair conduct of the CBT at the centres placed under them.
  3. Will act as a representative of RRB to see the examination conducted by the ECA/ Center Head efficiently, properly and smoothly according to the prescribed procedures.
  4. Will see proper deployment of RPF personnel / State Police .
  5. Will ensure lodging of FIR by ECA / Center Head in case of malpractice/ untoward event(s).
  6. . Will submit report to RRB mentioning in detail the unusual occurrence if any.
  7. Responsible for nomination and sparing of required Railway Staff for exam duties under his/ her jurisdiction.
  8. Will monitor that the Railway Observers and Invigilators nominated by ECA are rotated randomly across centres .
  9. Will take und ertaking (Annexure VI) from Railway Observers nominated in the town that they have read and understood all the instructions related to conduct of CBT and ensure compliance of these instructions and bring it to notice of Railways any violation done by ECA .
  10. Additional Regional Coordinator. will ensure that all nominated Railway officials have reached exam centers well in time.
  11. Additional Regional Coordinator will ensure shift wise submission of day to day attendance of candidates of exam centers well in time to RRB.
  12. Town In charge and Additional Regional coordinator will maintain close liasioning with RRB officials during Exam.
  13. Additional Regional Coordinator should ensure that nomination of officials for exam duty should be submitted to RRBwell in advance and if any changes made in the assigned duties same should also be reported to RRB well before exam.
  14. After completion of CBT, Additional Regional Coordinator should ensure timely submission of account to RRB and associate accounts for the disbursement of honorarium and related expenditure.
  15. Any irregularity should be personally brought to notice of GM, DRM and ED / E(RRB) with detailed report within six hours .
  16. To ensure adequate infrastructure is available for Aadhaar authentication at centres as per agreement wherever implemented.



  1. Shall carry the identity card as well as letter of nomination with him.
  2. Should reach the Exam Centre at least half an hour before the reporting time of each shift.
  3. Shall give declaration before the exam that none of their near relatives is appearing in the exam at that centre. This declaration should be obtained on Proforma (Annexure – VI) and handed over to the Centre Head and should be shown during inspection by Vigilance Team or Flying Squad visiting the Centre. He shall also ensure that all the ECA officials connected with exam at test centre also give no close relative undertaking before the exam.
  4. Shall coordinate with the inspecting Vigilance Team and provide necessary assistance/ information to them in consultation with the Chairperson RRB/ RRC.
  5. Will supervise the proper functioning of CCTV camera/ location & its feed on monitor and their storage. In case any camera is not functioning, the same is brought to the notice of Centre Head for repair/ rectification at the earliest. This should also be included in the Observer’s report. He will also ensure that candidates present in Computer Lab for Exam are properly in the ambit of camera.
  6. Candidates availing assistance of scribe are entitled for compensatory time as per the extant instructions issued by Railway Board from time to time. Eligible PWD candidates can opt for change of scribe .at the venue after filling the prescribed pro forma. It is required to be ensured.that PWD candidates who have opted for scribe but are . actually not availing the services of scribe are not given any extra time . Similarly, PWD candidates who had not opted for scribe but are eligible for the same and want to avail the services of scribe may do so in which case they will be provided extra time as prescribed in CEN/ Protocol documents of the Exam .
  7. Shall ensure thaC the supervisory staff keeps a close eye on the invigilation process . All the invigilators must wear identity cards displaying the nodes for which they are responsible . Any quality issues regarding invigilator / invigilation should be brought to the notice of centre head for quick rectification.
  8. Observers shall oversee the processes related to the following:

(a) Verification of e-Call letters and original photo ID of candidate, passport size color photo, Covid self declaration form if exam is happening following the Covid protocols. While allowing the candidates to come inside ensure that the e-call letter, photo identity card and the face of the candidate is verified.

(b) Checking by ECA to ensure no candidate is allowed to enter the Exam Hall with prohibited gadgets/ stationery items. To check whether frisking staff at centre is in uniform. Quality of frisking should be kept under watch.

(c) Biometric recording of attendance and face photo capturing through webcam by ECA at the Centre for candid ate as well as scribe. It needs to be ensured that biometric LTI capture is proper and the photograph being captured is with adequate illumination, white background and should cover full face (should not be a long shot) . After completing Biometric and photo capture of all candidates in the particular lab, the same will be verified after the end of shift exam on the same day with Biometric taken before the start of the exam. If there is any mismatch i.e . non-matching of biometric taken during the exam with the biometric taken before start of the exam, the exception report of the same will be generated and uploaded on portal/ server. The same should be mentioned in observer’s report also.

(d) Paragraph writing and taking left thumb impression by candidates on the physical form of e-Call letter in coordination with Centre Head of ECA.

(e) Smooth conduct of CBT in every session.

(f) Candidate reporting time and exam timings.

(g) No candidate is allowed to en ter the test centre after gate closure time. No candidate is allowed to leave the Exam Hall / Centre till completion of the exam.

(h) Candidates availing assistance of Scribe are entitled for additional time.

(i) That Railway Group ‘C’ staff attached with them, are ensuring that candidates sitting on the allocated computer terminals.

j) The Center Head has an authority letter / e-mail from the ECA for conduct of RRB/ RRC Computer Based Tests (CBTs)

(k) ECA has provided a list of Invigilators with names and their ID to the concerned RRB/ RRC in advance.

  1. Shall get conversant with the detailed instructions on the e-Call letter. ยท
  2. Will maintain a list of nominated Group, ‘C’ staff (Railway Supervisor) present in each shift in the venue. Will allocate lab(s) to the Group ‘C’ staff attached with him.
  3. Will see the deployment of RPF personnel. In case of deficiency shall report it to the Regional Coordinator / Additional Regional coordinator (Sr. DPO) Town Incharge, Control Room or Chairperson / Member Secretary/ Assistant Secretary of RRB.
  4. The physical count of candidates after commencement of exam should be taken and compared with the E-Call Letters collected to identify the candidates giving exam on the terminals outside invigilation area.
  5. Ensure that e-Call letters are packed and sealed by ECA and the envelope cover mentions details as per format and puts in documents as per the check list.
  6. At the end of the day, the Observers shall prepare a report about conduct of CBT on a prescribed pro forma and upload the same in the data centre. A copy of the same shall invariably be furnished to the concerned RRB Chairperson.
  7. The physical form of e-Call letter (RRB foil) along with all mandatory Pro forma reports so collected shall be kept in an envelope and sealed jointly with Centre Head of ECA. The summary of attendance in a particular session shall be written outside such sealed envelope and jointly signed by Railway Observer and Centre Head of ECA as per the Format provided . The same will be uploaded in the data centre. The sealing of the envelopes will be done after signing by Centre Head and Observer across the flap and covering the same by transparent cellophane tape.
  8. Handling of e-Call letters & other documents: At the end of each session, the Centre Head of ECA shall keep with them these sealed envelopes with other records of session as per terms of agreement .
  9. Any untoward incident requiring Police intervention, Centre head / ECA along with Observer will have to liaise with the police authorities. FIRs, if any, will have to be lodged by ECA/ Centre Head. Railway Observers will ensure that FIR has been lodged with the concerned authorities. Written Report should be given to the concerned RRB Chairperson
  10. The Center Head, ECA and the Railway Observers to sign the Exception Pro forma and Report of Examination .
  11. Observer will have to ensure Preparation of all mandatory Pro forma reports duly signed by the concerned officials
  12. Anything unusual should be brought to the notice of Regional Coordinator, i.e ., ADRM, Additional Regional Coordinator, Town In-charge, Control Room maintained at Division and / or RRB officers viz . Chairperson / Member Secretary/ Dy. Secretary/ Asst. Secretary.
  13. Will instruct RPF staff deployed at centres to keep watch on the ECA Staff/ TCA/ Invigilators entering the gate / premises or movement of any equipment once gate closure time is over.
  14. Will monitor that the exam functionaries of ECA including Invigilators CJ.re wearing uniform and role tag badge as per prescribed norms. Their identity to be checked with photo ID proof in their possession. Also no person other than whose name is appearing in the list shared by ECA is present at the centre. No person should be allowed who does not fulfill these norms.
  15. Will monitor that nodes are randomly allotted to candidates after bio-metrics registration.
  16. Will monitor that instructions for candidates taking bio-break like escorting of candidate as well as recapturing of bio-metrics are being followed.
  17. Will monitor that invigilators are regularly shuffled among labs per day.
  18. Will give undertaking (Annexure VI) that he/ she has read and understood all the instructions related to conduct of CBT and ensure compliance of these instructions and bring it to notice of Railways any violation done by ECA.
  19. Will take undertaking (Annexure VI) from Group ‘C’ officials nominated in the centre that they have read and understood all the instructions related to conduct of CBT and ensure compliance of these instructions and bring it to notice of Railways any violation done by ECA.
  20. Will regularly monitor the working of server room. Will deploy one Group ‘C’ competent railway staff (if provided from S&T or Electrical department otherwise of any other department) and one RPF staff to server room duty for ensuring error free exam.
  21. Will ensure conduction of smooth, hassle free and error free exam being the senior most railway representative present throughout at exam centre during exam.
  22. Will ensure fulfillment of all Covid- 19 containment guidelines if exam is happening following the guidelines of containment of Covid – 19.
  23. He shall check himself as well as with the help of assisting Group ‘C’ staff (Railway Superv(sor) whether candidates are sitting on allotted computer terminals . He shall also ensure that the count of candidates’ physically taking exam matches with the number of registered candidates in biometric .
  24. The Railway observer is required to keep the mobile phone with himself (in silent / vibration mode) so that any communication from the control room can be made immediately as per the requirement.
  25. To ensure adequate infrastructure is available for Aadhaar authentication at centres as per agreement wherever implemented.



  1. They shall carry the identity card as well as letter of nomination with him.
  2. They should reach the Exam Centre at least half an hour before the reporting time of each shift.
  3. The Group ‘C’ Staff shall give declaration before the exam that none of their near relatives is appearing in the exam at that centre . This declaration should be obtained on a Pro forma and handed over to Centre Head and should be shown during inspection by Vigilance or Flying Squad visiting the Centre.
  4. They shall undertake the following activities along with the ECA officials:-

(a) Verification of e-Call letters and original photo ID of candidate

(b) To ensure no candidate is allowed to enter the exam hall with prohibited gadgets/ stationery items.

(c) Biometric recording of attendance and face photo capturing through webcam by ECA at the Centre for candidate as well as scribe.

(d) Paragraph writing and taking left thumb impression by candidates on the physical form of e-Call letter _in coordination with Centre Head of ECA.

(e) Smooth conduct of CBT in every session.

(f) Candidate reporting time and exam timings

(g) No candidate is allowed to enter the test centre after gate closure time . No candidate is allowed to leave the Exam Hall/ Centre till completion of the exam .

(h) Candidates availing assistance of Scribe are entitled for additional time as prescribed in CEN / Protocol documents of the Exam

(i) Checking by ECA to ensure no candidate is allowed to enter the exam hall with prohibited gadgets/ stationery items . The quality of frisking should be kept under close watch.

(j) He shall ensure that candidates availing bio break are allowed to resume their exam only after their biometrics are captured again.

  1. They shall get conversant with the detailed instructions on the e-Call letter
  2. They shall check about can.didates sitting on allotted computer terminals .
  3. Checking of Rough Paper provided at the Centre has the stamp of the test venue.
  4. Ensuring that the candidate has written his/ her Roll No . on the Rough paper.
  5. Collection of Rough paper from the candidates before the candidates leave.
  6. Shall oversee the invigilators posted by the ECA and ensure that the process of invigilation is being done correctly.
  7. Anything unusual should be brought to the notice Observers.
  8. Assist Observer in all matters related to the process of Computer Based Test (CBT) .
  9. Will give undertaking (Annexure-VI) that he/ she has read and understood all the instructions related to conduct of CBT and ensure compliance of these instructions and bring it to notice of Railways any violation done by ECA .
  10. In case the Railway Observer fails to report at the venue by prescribed time, the senior most railway supervisor available at the venue will act as Railway Observer . .



  1. They shall carry a letter of nomination from ECA.
  2. They should reach the Exam Centre at least half an hour before the reporting time of each shift.
  3. They shall give declaration before the exam that none of their near relatives is appearing in the exam at that centre. This declaration should be obtained on Pro forma and handed over to Centre Head and the Observer .
  4. They must wear identity cards displaying the nodes for which they are responsible.
  5. They shall undertake the following activities:

(a) Verification of e-Call letters and original photo ID of candidate
(b) To ensure no candidate is allowed .to enter the exam hall with prohibited gadgets/ stationery items.
(c) Biometric recording of attendance and face photo capturing through webcam by ECA at the Centre for candidate as well as scribe.
(d) Paragraph writing and taking left thumb impression by candidates on the physical form of e-Call letter in coordination with Centre Head of ECA.
(e) Smooth conduct of CBT in every session.
(f) To en.sure no candidate is allowed to enter the exam hall with prohibited gadgets/ stationery items.
(h) They shall accompany the candidates availing bio break to the washrooms and bring them back to their allocated seat only after their biometrics are captured again.
(i) Anything unusual should be brought to the notice of the Group C staff of the Railways
UJ Assist Group C’ Staff of Railways in all matters related to the process of Computer Based Test (C.BT)
(k) They shall remain present in their assigned Labs during the entire period of exam.

Annexure -V


  1. They shall be present in uniform showing their name badge.
  2. They should monitor complete frisking activity of candidates. Quality of frisking should be kept under close observation.
  3. They should maintain proper queue and crowd management of candidates at test centre.
  4. They should keep a close watch on any unu sual and unlawful activity at test centre. They should ensure for maintaining complete law and order inside the exam centre throughout exam.
  5. They should ensure smooth entrance and exit of candidate at exam centre.
  6. If any impersonation activity is noticed by them, they should immediately bring in the notice of the same to the Centre In-Charge and Railway Observer.
  7. Strict vigil on exam centre campus to be monitored throughout exam to ensure smooth and error free exam . If they ensure any unethical or any unlawful activity during entire exam they should immediately report the same to Railway observer deputed at Exam Centre.
  8. They should ensure that belongings / baggage of candidates are being kept at nominated place only at the Exam Centre .
  9. They should ensure that candidate should not carry mobile phone or any communication device inside the exam centre.
  10. They should ensure that If exam is being held in Covid scenario all covid protocols to be followed by candidates while entering into exam centre .



I …. …. …. …. …. …. …. (Name) …. …. …. …. …. …. …. (Designation) deputed as …. …. …. …. …. …. …. for conducting …. …. …. …. …. …. …. (Name of CBT) at …. …. …. …. …. …. …. (Venue of CBT) on …. …. …. …. (Date) …. …. …. …. …. …. …. (Shift) have read and understood all the instructions related to conduct of CBT and will ensure compliance of these instructions and bring it to notice of Railways any violation done by ECA.

I also certify that none of my close relative is appearing in the above mentioned CBT at this centre.

(Sign of Official)
Name: …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
Date : …. …. …. …. …. …. ….

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