Centralization of work related to Ration Money Allowance claims in respect of Army Officers through Direct Bank Transfer

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Centralization of work related to Ration Money Allowance claims in respect of Army Officers through Direct Bank Transfer

Centralization of work related to Ration Money Allowance (RMA) claims in respect of Army Officers through Direct Bank Transfer (DBT)


Dated:- 18.07.2022

O/o PCDA(O) Pune, Public Relation office (PRO)

Sub.: Centralization of work related to Ration Money Allowance (RMA) claims in respect of Army Officers through Direct Bank Transfer (DBT)

Ref.: IHQ of MoD (Army), SAPCS letter No. C/7099/Policy/SAPCS/2022 dated 01st April 2022


Your kind attention is invited to IHQ of MoD (Army), SAPCS letter under reference which stipulates the admissibility of Ration Money Allowance (RMA) claims in respect of Army Officers through Direct Bank Transfer (DBT).

2. Army Officers have to publish Part II Order for claiming Ration Money Allowance (RMA), admissible from 01/04/2022.

3. Ration Allowance in lieu of free rations is admissible while serving in Peace or Field/Concessional Areas during different types of Leave, Joining Time, temporary duty when officers are entitled to free ration but cannot draw rations in kind and are not entitled to daily allowance, Under exceptional circumstances with the prior approval of the local Station Commander and during the period of Hospitalisation.

Read also: Ration Money Allowance and Special Rate of Ration Allowance for Indian Army, Indian Navy & Indian Air Force for 2021-22

4. Ration Allowance is admissible including Prefix/ Suffix (wherever admissible) during all kinds of leave.

5. The casualty for grant of ration allowance (GTDRSHNA) would invariably be followed by the casualty for cessation of ration allowance (STPRSHNA).

6. Cases where leave entitlement is equal to or more than 180 days, units will publish Part II orders for entitled Officers on quarterly basis, in arrears, toย avoid Overpayment of Ration Allowance.

7. The following Certificates are to be appended in Part II Orders;

Certified that;

  1. The Officer was on (kind of leave or other reason) from______ to ______ away from HQ station for which Ration Allowance is claimed
  2. No claim was preferred earlier for the said amount/period
  3. No free messing/ration in kind was provided for the period.
  4. The Officer was not hospitalized /not on EOL during the period.
  5. The Officer has not claimed, paid Daily Allowance (DA) / Daily Messing Allowance (DMA) for the period for which Ration Allowance is claimed.
  6. The officer is posted to non- military station i.e where there is no arrangement for issue of free ration( Applicable when posted to non- military station and ration allowance is to be paid for the entire period).

8. Pending receipt of the RMA rates for FY 2022-23, RMA rates applicable FY 2021-2022 i.e. Rs. 127.89 per man/per day are made applicable.

This is for your kind information please.

This is issued with kind approval of PCDA (O), Pune.


Jai Hind

Shri Lehana Singh, bas
(Dy. CDA)
Tel No.-02026401105

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