Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958 and amendments – Compilation (as amended upto 03.04.2023)

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Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958 and amendments – Compilation (as amended upto 03.04.2023)

Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958 and amendments – Compilation (as amended upto 03.04.2023)

[Compilation (as amended upto 03.04.2023)]

No. F. 18/4/51-Ests(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs

New Delhi, the 1st September, 1958


G.S.R. 789.- In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to clause (3) of article 320 of the Constitution and in supersession of all previous regulations on the subject, the President hereby makes the following regulations, namely –

1. These regulations may be called the Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958.

2. It shall not be necessary to consult the Commission in regard to any of the matters mentioned in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of clause (3) of the Article 320 of the Constitution in the case of the services and posts specified in the Schedule I# to these Regulations.

α2A. It shall not be necessary to consult the Commission in regard to any of the matters mentioned in sub-clause (b) of clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution in the case of posts specified in Schedule II to these Regulations.

3. Save as otherwise expressly provided in the rules governing recruitment to the Civil Service or Civil post concerned, it shall not be necessary to consult the Commission in regard to the selection for appointment:

(a) to a post included in an All India Service, of any Officer who is already a member of an All India Service:

(b) to a post included in a Central Service Group A of any Officer in the Armed Forces of the Union or any officer who is already a member of an All India Service or a Central Service, Group A:

(c) to a Central Service, Group B, or to a post included in a Central Service, Group B, or any officer who is already a member of a Central Service, Group B, or Central Service, Group C or of any officer in the Armed Forces of the Union; and

(d) to a tenure post included in Central Service Group A or a Central Service Group B, of an Officer of a State Service.

Note:- In this regulation-

(i) the terms “Central Service, Group A”, “Central Service Group B” and “Central Service, Group C” shall include the corresponding Railway Services and Defence Services (Civilian);

€(ii) the term ‘Officer’ means a person appointed to an All India Service or the Armed forces of the Union, or a Central Service Group A, or Central Service Group B, or a Central Service Group C or a State Service, as the case may be in accordance with the relevant recruitment rules.

(iii) the term “State Service” means service in a State appointments to which are made by the Governor;

(iv) the term “tenure post’ means a post whether permanent or temporary, which has been classified as a tenure post in consultation with the Commission.

4. It shall not be necessary to consult the commission in regard to the selection for a temporary or officiating appointment to a post, if-

(a) the person appointed is not likely to hold the post for a period of more than one year; and

(b) it is necessary in the public interest to make the appointment immediately and reference to the Commission will cause undue delay.

Provided that-

(i) such appointment shall be reported to the commission as soon as it is made;

(ii) if the appointment continues beyond a period of six months, a fresh estimate as to the period for which the person appointed is likely to hold the post shall be made and reported to the Commission; and

(iii) if such estimate indicates that the person appointed is likely to hold the post for period of more than one year from the date of appointment, the Commission shall immediately be consulted, the Commission shall immediately be consulted in regard to the filling of the post.

5. (1) It shall not be necessary to consult the Commission in regard to the making of any order in any disciplinary case other than:

(a) an original order by the President imposing any of the following penalties:-

(i) Censure

(ii) Withholding of increments or promotion;

(iii) recovery from the pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Government by negligence or breach of orders;

µ(iv) reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for a specified period, with further directions as to whether or not the Government servant will earn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on expiry of such period, the reduction will or will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pay;

£(ivA) reduction to a lower time scale of pay, grade, post or Service with or without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to the grade or post or Service from which the Government servant was reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that grade, post or Service;

(v) compulsory retirement;

(vi) removal from service;

(vii) ismissal from service:

(b) an order by the President on an appeal against an order imposing any of the said penalties made by a subordinate authority;

(c) an order by the President over- ruling or modifying, after consideration of any petition or memorial or otherwise, an order imposing any of the said penalties made by the President or by a subordinate authority;

¥(d) an order by the President imposing any of the said penalties in exercise of his powers of review and in modification of an order under which none of the said penalties has been imposed.

(2) It shall not be necessary to consult the Commission in regard to any disciplinary matter affecting a person belonging to a Defence Service (Civilian).

±(3) It shall not be necessary for the President to consult the Commission-

(a) in any case where the President proposes to make an order of dismissal, removal or reduction in rank after being satisfied that such action is necessary in the interest of the security of the State; and

(b) in any case where the President proposes to make an order under rule 3 of the Central Civil Services ( Safeguarding of National Security) Rules, 1953, or rule 3 of the Railway Services (Safeguarding of National Security ) Rules, 1954, as amended by the Railway Services (Safeguarding of National Security ) Amendment Rules, 1960.

Ω 5A It shall not be necessary to consult the Commission in regard to any matter mentioned in sub-clause (d) of Clause 3 of Article 320 of the Constitution:-

(a) in the case of a person belonging to Central Service Group ‘C’ or Central Service Group ‘D’;

(b) in any other case, where the Government has accepted the claim of the Government servant.

™6. It shall not be necessary to consult the Commission in regard to any of the matters mentioned in sub-clause (e) of clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution in the case of –

(a) a person belonging to an All India Service or a Central Service, Group A or a Central Service, Group B, in so far as claims arising out of injuries sustained at any time during which the proclamation, issued on 26th October, 1962 by the President under Clause (1) of Article 352 of the Constitution, remains in operation, are concerned; and

(b) a person belonging to a Central Service, Group C or a Central Service, Group D.

#. Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/5/90-Estt (B) dated 13/11/91. (GSR 666 dated 30th November, 1991)

αInserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/5/90-Estt(B) dated 13/11/91. (GSR 666 dated 30th November, 1991)

€ Substituted vide D/o Personnel and AR Notification No. 18/10/74-Estt. (B) dated 29/4/1975. (GSR 594 dated 17th May 1975) as amended vide DOPT Notification No. 39015/2/75-Estt (B) dated 5/7/76. (GSR 1063 dated 24th July, 1976)

µ Substituted vide Cabinet Secretariat (Department of Personnel) Notification No. 18/4/71-Estt.(B) dated 6/9/71. (GSR 1654 dated 6the November, 1971)

£ Substituted vide Cabinet Secretariat (Department of Personnel) Notification No. 18/4/71-Estt. (B) dated 6/9/71. (GSR 1654 dated 6th November, 1971)

¥ Inserted vide MHA Notification No. 18/7/59-Estt. (B) dated 23/5/1961. (GSR 731 dated 3rd June, 1961).

± Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 18/10/60- Estt. (B) dated 17/8/1961. (GSR 1047 dated 26th August, 1961)

Ω Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/3/85-Estt. (B) dated 1/4/86. (GSR 268 dated 12th April, 1986)

™Substituted by MHA Notification No. 18/5/65-Estt. (B) dated 10/11/65. (GSR 1672, dated 20th November, 1965).

π(See Regulation 2)

(1) Posts in respect of which the authority to appoint is specifically conferred on the President by the Constitution.

(2) Posts of Chairman or Members of any Board, Tribunal, Commission, or other similar authority created by or under the provisions of a statute.

(3) Posts of Chairman or Members of any Board, Tribunal, Commission, Committee or other similar body appointed by or under the authority of a resolution of either House of Parliament or by a resolution of Government for the purpose of conducting any investigation or inquiry into or for advising Government on specified matter.

(4) Posts of Heads of Diplomatic, Consular and other similar Indian Missions in countries abroad (eg. Ambassadors, High Commissioners, Ministers, Commissioners, Consuls- General, Representatives, Agents).

(5) Posts on the personal staff attached to holders of posts mentioned in items (1) to (4) above.

(6) Posts in the Secretariat of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

(7) All technical and administrative posts in or under the Atomic Energy Commission.

ᾝ(8) Judicial Commissioners, Additional Judicial Commissioners, District Judges, Sessions Judges, Additional District Judges and Additional Sessions Judges in Union Territories.

(9) All Civil and criminal judicial posts in Union Territories under the control of a High Court of a Court of Judicial Commissioner other than those included in item(8).

®(9A) Group ‘B’ (non-gazetted) posts of Assistants and Stenographers Grade ‘C’ to be filled by direct recruitment through open competitive examinations.

(10) All Group C and D Services and post, save as otherwise expressly provided in the relevant rules or orders governing recruitment thereto.

β(11) Save as otherwise expressly provided in the relevant recruitment rules or orders governing recruitment thereto any service or posts concerned with the administration of the Union Territories or Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram.

©(12) Posts in the Secretariat and Personal staff of the President and Vice President.

≠(12 A) Posts in the Government Hospitality Organisation under the Ministry of External Affairs.

∞(13) National Research Professors under the Ministry of Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs.

► (14) Posts of Consultants and Chief Consultant in the Planning Commission.

◄ (15) Posts of Private Secretary to the Solicitor General for India and the Additional Solicitor General for India

◇ (16) Deleted

○ (17) Group B Ministerial posts in the Intelligence Bureau other than the posts of Section Officer.

◌(18) All technical and Administrative posts in or under;

(a) the Department of Space.

(b) the Space Commission, constituted by the resolution of the Government in the Department of Cabinet Affairs No.83/1/1/72-CF dated the 1st June, 1972.

(19) All technical and administrative posts in or under the

●(a) Department of information Technology.

◘(b) the Electronics Commission, constituted by the Resolution of the Government of India in the Department of Cabinet Affairs No.26/7/70-EC dated the 1st February, 1971.

◙(19A) The posts of private Secretary to the Speaker and Private Secretary to the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu.

☺(19B) All technical and administrative posts in or under the Commission on Additional Source of Energy, constituted by the Resolution of the Government of India in the Cabinet Secretariat No. 64/1/1/80-Cab. dated the 12th March, 1981 for a period of three years from the commencement of the UPSC (Exemption from Consultation ) (Second Amendment ) Regulations,1982.

☻(19C) The posts of Directors (Technical), Principal Scientific Officers and Senior Scientific Officers in or under the Department of Non-conventional Energy Sources for a period from 15-5-86 to 14-5-87.

☼(19D) Recruitment/ Promotions of Scientific and technical personnel in the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) under the Ministry of Defence.

♀(19 E) All Group A and B posts in or under the Central Administrative Tribunal.

♂(19 F) Scientific posts in the Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Ocean Development, Department of Non-conventional Energy Sources and the Department of Environment, Forests and Wild Life as specified in the Annexure annexed to these regulations except in respect of appointments to be made thereto by promotion through the Departmental Promotion Committee.

♠(19 G) Posts of Computer Specialist, Programmer (Software), Programme Assistant, Technical Assistant, Editorial Consultant, Sr. Research Officer, Biliographer (Lexicon), Library Assistant, Reprography Assistant and Folk Art Consultant in the Department of Arts for a period not exceeding five years. The appointment made against these posts under the exemption granted under these regulations shall not confer any right of permanent absorption in Government on the persons so appointed to these posts.

♣(19 H) All posts of Advisers in the Planning Commission carrying the Pay Band-4 of Rs 37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000 or HAG scale of 67000 (annual increment @ 3%) – 79000 or the apex scale of Rs. 80,000 other than those required to be filled under the Senior Staffing Scheme or those included in any organised service.

℔[19 H (A)] One time exemption, to complete one recruitment cycle in respect of nineteen posts of Joint Adviser (Level 13 in the pay-matrix) or Deputy Adviser (Level 12 in the pay-matrix) and twenty-eight posts of Senior Research Officer (Level 11 in the pay-matrix) or Research Officer (Level 10 in the pay-matrix) or Economic Officer (Level
7 in the pay-matrix) in Flexi Pool on deputation (including short term contract) or Contract basis in the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog.

⅌(19 H (B)) One time exemption, to complete one recruitment cycle to fill up the posts of Director/ Senior Research Officer/ Research Officer/ Economic Officer/ Economic Investigator in the Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO), National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog.

⅌(19 H (C)) Posts of Director General [equivalent to Senior Adviser (Level-15 in the pay matrix Rs. 182200-224100)]/ Deputy Director General [equivalent to Adviser (Level-14 in the pay matrix Rs. 144200-218200)] in the Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO), National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog.

§(19 H (D)) For filling up thirty-nine posts of Joint Adviser (level 13 in the pay-matrix) or Deputy Adviser (level 12 in the pay-matrix); and seventy-two posts of Senior Research Officer (level 11 in the pay-matrix) or Research Officer (level 10 in the pay-matrix) or Economic Officer (level 7 in the pay-matrix) under Flexi Pool and Knowledge and Innovation Hub in the National Institution for Transforming India Aayog.

♥(19 I) Framing of recruitment rules of and recruitment to Group B Non-Gazetted posts in the Department of Telecommunications.

♦(19 J) Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted posts under the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Administration.

▓(19K) framing or amendment of recruitment rules for Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) posts under the Union territory Administration of Daman and Diu.

℘(19L) framing or amendment of recruitment rules for Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) posts under the Union territory Administration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
♪(20) Posts of Examiner of Patents and Designs, Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, Deputy Controller of Patents and Designs, Joint Controller of Patents and Designs, Senior Joint Controller of Patents and Designs, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Senior Documentation Officer, Senior Reprography Officer, Junior Documentation Officer, Reprography Officer and Senior Programmer in the patent Office under the Department of Industrial Development, Ministry of Industry.

♫(21) Posts of Lt. General, Scientist “H”, Major General, Scientist “G”, Secretary, Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary, Director, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary, Principal Private Secretary, Senior System Analyst, Research Officer, Private Secretary, Section Officer. Protocol Officer, Assistant, Research Assistant, Personnel Assistant, Protocol Assistant, Senior Library and Information Assistant and Draftsman Grade ‘I’ in the National Security Council Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat.”

♯(21A) Professor of Law, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussorie.”

Ⱡ(21B) All Posts under the National Technical Research Organisation.

ⱡ(22) Any service or post or class of posts in respect of which the Commission has agreed that it should not be necessary for it to be consulted.

Ɫ(23) Posts of Director Generals, of the Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi, the National Archives of India, New Delhi, the National Museum, New Delhi, the National gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, the National Library, Kolkata and the National Research Laboratory for Conservation of Cultural Property, Lucknow, and the post of Director in the Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata, and the post of Librarian in the Central Reference Library, Kolkata, under the Ministry of Culture.

ⱥ (24) Post of Chief Economic Adviser in the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.

╢(25) All Group ‘A’ and group ‘B’ Posts in the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT).

▪ (26) Recruitment to the posts of Scientist D,E,F and G (Group A Posts) in the office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India.

Æ(27) For filling up the post of Director General (DG) in Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) (Level-15 in the pay matrix) under the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

Ñ(28) Post of Flight Operations Inspector (FOI) in Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) under the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

π Inserted vide DOPT Notification No 39018/5/90-Estt (B) dated 13/11/1991. (GSR 666 dated 30th November, 1991)
ᾝ Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 18/7/68-Estt. (B) dated 31/3/70. (GSR 633 dated 18th April 1970).
® Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 24012/31/85-Estt. (B) dated 7-9-1989. (GSR 704 dated 23rd September, 1989)
β Substituted vide MHA notification No. 18/7/68-Estt. (B) dated 31/3/70. (GSR 633 dated 18th April, 1970) as amended by notification No. 18/3/72-Estt. (B) dated 12/2/73. (GSR 168 dated 24th February, 1973)
© Inserted vide MHA notification No. 18/10/61-Estt. (B) dated 26/3/62 (GSR 382 dated 31st March, 1962) and subsequently amended by DOP&T notification No. 18/3/72-Estt.
(B) dated 12/2/73 (GSR 168 dated 24th February, 1973)
≠ Substituted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 18/3/72-Estt. (B) dated 12/2/73 (GSR 168 dated 24th February, 1973)
∞ Inserted vide MHA Notification No. F.18/13/61-Estt. (B) dated 25/3/63. (GSR 578 dated 6th April, 1963)
► Inserted vide MHA notification No. F.18/13/61-Estt. (B) dated 24/4/64) read with MHA Notification No. 18/10/74-Estt (B) dated 29/4/75 (GSR 594 dated 17th May, 1975)
◄ Inserted vide MHA Notification No. F.18/7/64-Estt. (B) dated 14/4/65. (GSR 599 dated 24th April, 1965)
◇ Deleted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/2/78-Estt. (B) dated 6/7/1999. (GSR 441 (E) dated 6th July, 79)
○ Substituted vide Department of Personnel Notification No.39015/2/75- Estt (B) dated 25/4/1971. (GSR 610 dated 14th May 1977)

◌Inserted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 18/12/72-Estt. (B) dated 14/11/74. (GSR 465 (E) dated 14th November, 1974)

●Substituted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 39018/3/2001-Estt (B) dated 4/6/2003. (GSR 232 dated 14th June 2003) read with DOPT Notification No. 39018/3/2001- Estt (B) dated 25/2/2004. (GSR 67 dated 6th March, 2004).
◘Inserted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 18/5/71-Estt. (B) dated 13/8/75. (GSR 2288 dated 30th August, 1975)

◙Substituted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 39018/1/85-Estt. (B) dated 19/3/85. ( GSR 329 dated 6th April, 1985).

☺Inserted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 39018/3/82-Estt. (B) dated 15/5/82(GSR 481 dated 29th May, 1982)

☻Inserted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 39018/3/86-Estt. (B) dated 3/12/86 (GSR 1071 dated 20th December, 1986)

☼Inserted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 39018/4/82-Estt(B) dated 18/5/85 (G.S.R 512 dated 1st June, 1985)

♀ Inserted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 39018/4/85-Estt. (B) dated
♂ Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 39018/2/86-Estt. (B) dated 1/4/87.
♠ Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 39018/1/87-Estt. (B) dated 6/01/88 (GSR 74 dated 6th Feb, 1988)
♣ Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 39018/09/2008-Estt.(B) dated 7/10/2009 ( GSR 727(E) dated 7th October, 2009).

℔ Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 39018/03/2018-Estt.(B) dated 18/01/2019 (GSR 38(E) dated 18th January, 2019)

⅌ Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 39018/02/2020-Estt.(B) dated 07/10/2020 (GSR 618(E) dated 07th October, 2020)

⅌ Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 39018/02/2020-Estt.(B) dated 07/10/2020 (GSR 618(E) dated 07th October, 2020)
§ Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 39018/03/2018-Estt.(B) dated 11/06/2021 (GSR 398(E) dated 11th June, 2021)
♥ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/8/88-Estt.(B) dated 29/12/89 (GSR 37 dated 20th January, 1990)
◆ Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 39018/2/90-Estt. (B) dated 18/9/90. (GSR 623 dated 6th October, 1990).
▓ Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 39023/02/2015-Estt.(B) dated 25/05/2017. (GSR 519 dated 26th May, 2017)
℘ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39023/01/2018- Estt(B) dated 27/12/2018. (GSR 1239(E) dated 27th December, 2018)
♪ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/01/99- Estt(B) dated 6/7/99. (GSR 219 dated 17th July, 1999)

♫ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39017/01/99-Estt(B) dated 31/01/2001. (GSR 88 dated 17th February, 2001) and amended vide DOPT Notification No.39017/01/99- Estt(B) dated 31/01/2003 (GSR 54 dated 8th February, 2003)
♯ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39017/01/99-Estt (B) dated 31/1/2003. (GSR 54 dated 8th February, 2003)

Ⱡ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/02/2005-Estt (B) dated 14/07/2005. (GSR 247 dated 23rd July 2005)

ⱡ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/02/2006-Estt (B) dated 03/04/2006. (G.S.R 204(E) dated 3rd April, 2006)

Ɫ Subsituted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/3/2009-Estt(B) dated 11/12/2013. (GSR 773 (E) dated 11th December, 2013)

ⱥ Added vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/06/2009-Estt (B) dated 22/7/2009. (GSR 544 (E) dated 22nd July, 2009)

╢Added vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/06/2010-Estt (B) dated 21/6/2011. (GSR 472 (E) dated 21st June, 2011)

▪ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/03/2014-Estt (B) dated 15/7/2015. (GSR 556 (E) dated 15th July, 2015)

Æ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/01/2016-Estt (B) dated 28/07/2021. (GSR 515 (E) dated 29th July, 2021)

Ñ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/01/2021-Estt.(B) dated 29/09/2021. (GSR 678 (E) dated 30th September, 2021)

(See Regulation 2A)

╩1. Group B non-gazetted posts of Research Assistant under the Ministry of Water Resources.

╪2. Direct recruitment to all Group ‘B’ (non-gazetted) and Group ‘C’ posts irrespective of the Grade pay attached to the post.

ﬠ2A. Direct recruitment to ‘B’(Gazetted) in the Pay band 2, Rs.9300-34800 and Grade Pay Rs.4800/- posts of Assistant Accounts Officer and Assistant Audit Officer in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, in the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
⅊2B. Direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Accounts Officer (Group ‘B’, Gazetted) in level 8 in the pay matrix Rs.47600-151100 in the Office of the Controller General of Accounts under the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure.

╫3. Direct recruitment to all Non-Gazetted posts in the Pay Band-2 of Rs.9,300- Rs.34,800 with the Grade Pay of Rs.4600.

▀4. Post of Special Director of Enforcement in the Enforcement Directorate in the Pay Band-4 of Rs 37,400-Rs 67,000 with grade pay of Rs 8,900.

ﬦ4A. Recruitment on deputation basis for a period of three years from the date of publication of this Notification, to the posts of Deputy Director, Group ‘A’ in pay band 3 Rs.15600-39100 plus grade pay Rs.6600 and Assistant Director, Group ‘B’ in pay band 2 Rs.9300-34800 plus grade pay Rs.5400 in the Enforcement Directorate (ED).
⅋4B. Recruitment on deputation basis (including short-term contract) for a period of one year to the posts of Deputy Director, Group “A” in level 11 in the pay matrix Rs.67700- 208700 and Assistant Director, Group “A” in level 10 in the pay matrix Rs.56100- 177500 in the Enforcement Directorate under the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue.

ƫ4C. Recruitment on deputation basis for a period of one year from the date of publication of this notification for the posts of Deputy Director, Group ‘A’ in level 11 in the pay matrix Rs.67700-208700 and Assistant Director, Group ‘A’ in level 10 in the pay matrix Rs. 56100-177500 in the Enforcement Directorate under the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue.

█5 Post of Deputy Secretary in the Pay Band-3 of Rs. 15,600- 39,100 with the Grade Pay of Rs 7,600 and Director in the Pay Band-4 of Rs. 37,400-67,000 with the Grade Pay of 8,700 of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS).

╦6 All Group ‘B’ posts carrying a Grade Pay less than Rs.4800/- in Pay Band-2 of Rs.9300 to 34800/- filled by the method of deputation (including Short-Term Contract).

∑ 6A. Exemption from consultation with the Union Public Service Commission for appointment on deputation basis to the posts of Superintendent of Police (Non-IPS), Deputy Superintendent of Police, Additional Superintendent of Police, Programmer, Assistant Programmer, Administrative Officer, Inspectors, Sub-Inspectors, Section Officer, Senior Private Secretary, Stenographer Grade-C and Assistant in the National Investigation Agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs, for a period upto 31st January, 2014.

⌂ 6B. Appointment on deputation basis to the posts of Deputy Inspector General (Non- IPS), Cyber Forensic Examiner, Crime Scene Assistant and Forensic Physiologist in the National Investigation Agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs, for period upto 31st January, 2014.

Ƣ6C. Appointment on deputation basis to the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Level-10) and Additional Superintendent of Police (Level-11) in National Investigation Agency, for a period of two years.

∞7.Recruitment of Non-Indian Police Service Personnel on deputation basis to all Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ posts upto the rank of Joint Director in the Intelligence Bureau under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

▌8. Recruitment as may be made at any time within a period of three years to the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police in the Central Bureau of Investigation under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, the Department of Personnel and Training.

Ø8(A) exemption to complete one recruitment cycle to fill up ten posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police by deputation (including short term contract) in Delhi Special Police Establishment, Central Bureau of Investigation against vacancy circular of June, 2021.

Ⱶ9. Recruitment of Personnel from Intelligence Bureau on deputation basis for appointment to the post of Assistant Director in the Prime Minister’s Office.

ⱷ10. All Group ‘B’ posts carrying a Grade Pay less than Rs. 4800/- in Pay Band-2 of Rs.9300 to 34800/- filled by absorption method and composite method.

℣11. One time exemption, to complete the current recruitment cycle of selection for filling up the posts of – (i) Additional Director or Joint Director (Investigation), (ii) Additional Director or Joint Director (Financial Transaction), (iii) Additional Director or Joint Director (Capital Market), (iv) Additional Director or Joint Director (Forensic Audit), (v) Deputy Director (Corporate Law), (vi) Deputy Director (Banking), (vii) Deputy Director (Investigation), (viii) Deputy Director (Forensic Audit), (ix) Senior Assistant Director (Banking), (x) Senior Assistant Director (Capital Market), (xi) Senior Assistant Director (Forensic Audit), (xii) Senior Assistant Director (Corporate Law), (xiii) Senior Assistant Director (Taxation), (xiv) Senior Assistant Director (Customs and Central Excise), (xv) Senior Assistant Director (Investigation), (xvi) Assistant Director (Law), (xvii) Assistant Director (Investigation), and (xviii) Senior Prosecutor, on deputation basis in Serious Fraud Investigation Office under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

╩Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/5/90-Estt (B) dated 13/11/91. (GSR 666 dated 30th November, 1991)
╪Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/01/2012-Estt(B) dated 24/7/2012. (GSR 596(E) dated 28th July, 2012)

ﬠ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/01/2012-Estt (B) dated 17/02/2016. (GSR 199(E) dated 27th February, 2016)
⅊ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/02/2016-Estt.(B) dated 19/09/2019. (GSR 672(E) dated 20th September, 2019)
╫Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/09/2008-Estt (B) dated 28/09/2010. (GSR 788(E) dated 29th September, 2010)
▀Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/09/2008-Estt (B) dated 7/10/2009. (GSR 727(E) dated 7th October, 2009)

ﬦ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/03/2015-Estt (B) dated 02/05/2016 (GSR 483(E) dated 4th May, 2016)

⅋ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/03/2015-Estt.(B) dated 15/04/2020 (GSR 253(E) dated 16th April, 2020)

ƫ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/03/2015-Estt.(B) dated 13/02/2023 (GSR 92(E) dated 13th February, 2023)

◆ Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/09/2008-Estt (B) dated 7/10/2009 (GSR 727(E) dated 7th October, 2009) read with DOPT Notification No.39018/09/2008- Estt(B) dated 3/2/2010 (GSR 57(E) dated 3rd February, 2010)

╦ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/01/2015-Estt(B) dated 3/6/2015 (GSR 491(E) dated 15th June, 2015)

∑ Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/11/2009-Estt (B) dated 11/09/2013 (GSR 620(E) dated 11th September, 2013) and amended vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/11/2009-Estt (B) dated 31/12/2013 (GSR 11(E) dated 10th January, 2014)

⌂ Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/11/2009-Estt (B) dated 11/09/2013. (GSR 620(E) dated 11th September, 2013)

Ƣ Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/01/2023-Estt.(B) dated 03/04/2023 (GSR 266(E) dated 03rd April, 2023)

∞ Added vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/09/2008-Estt (B) dated 28/09/2010. (GSR 788(E) dated 29th September, 2010)

▌Added vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/03/2012-Estt (B) dated 10/10/2013. (GSR 691(E) dated 17th October, 2013)

Ø Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/03/2012-Estt.(B) dated 24/11/2021. (GSR 834(E) dated 24th November, 2021)

Ⱶ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/02/2015-Estt (B) dated 18/08/2015. (GSR 655(E) dated 25th August, 2015)

o Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/01/2015-Estt (B) dated 22/12/2015. (GSR 1002(E) dated 23rd December, 2015)

℣ Inserted vide DOPT Notification No. 39018/01/2019-Estt.(B) dated 04/07/2019. (GSR 472(E) dated 4th July, 2019)



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