Management of McCamish User ID of Departmental staff due to transfer /superannuation/exit from service or any other such scenarios: Directorate of Postal Life Insurance

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Management of McCamish User ID of Departmental staff due to transfer /superannuation/exit from service or any other such scenarios: Directorate of Postal Life Insurance

Management of McCamish User ID of Departmental staff due to transfer /superannuation/exit from service or any other such scenarios: Directorate of Postal Life Insurance

F.No. 13-02/2023-LI
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance).

Chanakyapuri P.O. Complex
New Delhi-110021

Dated: 14/16.02.2024

All Head of Circles

Sub: Management of McCamish User ID of Departmental staff due to transfer /superannuation/exit from service or any other such scenarios.

It has come to notice that McCamish IDs of various departmental staff working at Post Office counters and those who have been assigned a role in the CPCs are often not disabled /de-activated/re-mapped by their respective system administrator/manager of the respective administrative offices subsequent to their transfer/superannuation/exit from service etc.

2. The above negligence may lead to the possibility of fraudulent transactions against such user Ids. Under the above circumstances and in order to address various scenarios in respect of user ID management in McCamish, it is requested that DDMs/ADMs (PLI) of Circle and Heads of Region/Division/Sub-division in your Circle may kindly be sensitized to ensure requisite action be taken corresponding to various scenarios as detailed below:-

SI NO. Scenarios Action to be taken
01. In Case of transfer of official ‘A’ to office ‘B’ ( Intra & Inter – Circle) 1. (Intra – Circle)

  • SPOC (PLI)/System administrator/Manager of respective Region/Division/Sub division of office ‘A’, will disable/de-activate the user ID of the official/officer in McCamish with immediate effect.
  • In case, the official/officer upon transfer from office ‘A’ is assigned with PLI/RPLI work in office ‘B’. Under such scenario, office ‘B’ will raise a request to SPOC (PLI) /system administrator/manager of their respective Region/Division /Sub-division depending upon the office hierarchy structure, for re-activating & re-mapping the said existing user ID in McCamish by furnishing the old and new PLI office codes and user details along with the new role to be assigned.
  • It may be ensured that the role needs to be given to the official/officer in McCamish based upon the work assigned to him/her.

2. (Inter-circle)

  • SPOC (PLI)/system administrator/manager of respective Region /Division /Sub-divison of Circle ‘A’ will disable/de-activate the user ID of the official/officer in McCamish with immediate effect.
  • In case, the official/officer upon transfer from Circle ‘A’ is assigned with PLI/RPLI work in Circle ‘B’. Under such scenario, Circle ‘B’ through proper channel will raise a request for-reactivating & re-mapping the said existing user ID in McCamish to CEPT team by furnishing the old and new PLI office codes and user details. After re- activation/enablement of user ID, the new role needs to be assigned by Circle ‘B’ based on the work assigned to the user.

Shifted from PLI/RPLI work but working in same office

  • SPOPC (PLI) /system administrator /manager of respective Region /Division /Sub – Division will disable / de-activated the user ID of the official/officer in McCamish with immediate effect.

Superannuation/ Exit from the service, etc.

3. This issues with the approval of the Competent authority.

( Mrinalini Srivastava)
Additional General Manager (PLI)

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