Modification in Appendix-III of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol. I – ACS No. 288: RBA No. 07/2024 dated 07.03.2024 regarding methodology of question papers of LDCE/GDCE
RBA No.07/2024
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. A(E)/A3/2023/10/2
New Delhi, Dated.07.03.2024
The General Managers and FA & CAQs,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
Sub: Modification in Appendix-III of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I(Revised Edition 1989)
Please refer to Boardโs letter of even number dated 21.08.2023 along with Advance Correction Slip No.282 regarding changes in Appendix-III of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I (Revised Edition 1989).
2. Advanced Correction Slip No.288 regarding modification in para 3 (iii)b, (v), (viii) & (x), (ix), (xii) & xiv) in the Appendix-III of Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume-I (Revised Edition 1989) is enclosed herewith.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt.
DA: As above
(Rajat Agarwal)
Jt. Director Finance (CCA)
Railway Board
Advance Correction Slip No.288
Indian Railway Establishment Manual
Volume-I(Revised Edition-1989)
Para 3(iii)(b), (Vv), (viii), (ix) & (xii) of Advance Correction Slip No.282 of Boardย may please be modified are as under:
3(iii)(b) -The subjective Paper will cover:- One section on General Essay, Letter & Precise, and question on Rajbhasha as per ACS No.283 dated 4.12.2023. The remaining parts will test Practical aspect of Finance and Accounts approaching the Finance and Accounts case, comprehending the issue and conclusions arrived thereby. Numerical questions related to Advanced Book Keeping to judge analytical ability of the candidate for which use of calculator will be permitted.
3(v) – Subjective paper will be conducted through on-line mode. Question paper will be available on computer and candidate will have to write answers on paper.
3(viii)ย & (x)ย – The qualifying marks in the individual paper(both objective and subjective) will be 40% (for SC/ST/PwBDs it will be 30%). Candidates should obtain An aggregate of 45% in the three objectives paper (SC/ST/PwBDs it will be 35%)
3(ix)-ย The exemption for taking paper in the subsequent attempts will be 60% and above. The exemption will only stay for 5 attempts, beyond which the paper needs to be taken again.
3(xii)โ Subjective paper will be evaluated only for such candidates who qualify all objective papers.
3(xiv) – A candidate who qualifies objective papers (individual and aggregate) & Subjective paper will be declared successful to have passed the Appendix-3(IREM) Examination.
(Authority Boardโs letter No. A(E)/A3/2023/10/2 dated 07 -03-2023 )
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