Dedicated Day for Pensioners’ Grievances Redressal – Request for Reiteration of Guidelines & Reintroduction: BPS


Dedicated Day for Pensioners’ Grievances Redressal – Request for Reiteration of Guidelines & Reintroduction: BPS

Dedicated Day for Pensioners’ Grievances Redressal – Request for Reiteration of Guidelines & Reintroduction: BPS

(AL India Federation of Pensioners’ Associations)
2/13-A – LGF Backside, Jangpura – ‘A’, New Delhi- 110014

No BPS/SG /Grievance/24/01

Dated 12.05.2024


The Secretary,
G.O.I. M/O Personnel, PG & Pensions- DOP &PW

(For the kind attention of Shri V. Srinivas, IAS.)

Subject: Request for Reiteration of Guidelines & Reintroduction of Dedicated Day for Pensioners’ Grievances Redressal


I am writing on behalf of the Bharat Pensioners Samaj to bring to your attention some important matters regarding the redressal of grievances faced by pensioners.

Firstly, reference is made to the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW) communication, F.No 41/38/2011-P &PW(C) dated 21st September 2011, which identified specific associations and requested all Ministries and their departments, including regional field officers, to extend necessary cooperation to the office bearers of these associations for grievance redressal. This initiative was highly beneficial at its inception; however, over time, adherence to these instructions has significantly diminished. Additionally, the list of identified associations has grown. In light of this, we respectfully request that these instructions be reiterated to ensure continued and effective assistance in addressing the grievances of pensioners.

Secondly, I would like to highlight the directive issued under No 55/40/2012 P & PW(C) dated 31st December 2012, which designated Wednesdays for pensioners to personally meet with a nominated officer of the DOP&PW. This practice greatly facilitated direct communication and swift resolution of issues but has unfortunately not been maintained. We propose that this practice be reintroduced to enhance the support system for our pensioners.

We hope these concerns will be met with favorable consideration and prompt action. We appreciate your attention to these matters and look forward to your support in improving the welfare of our pensioner community.

Thank you for your attention to these important issues.

With regards,

DA/As above

Yours faithfully,

S.C. Maheshwari
Secretary General
Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Copy to the Joint Secretary DOP &PW for n/a at his level please.

S.C. Maheshwari


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