
Payment of Post-retirement benefits Gratuity & Commutation total Rs.20.39 Lakh after 10 months of retirement: Success Story of DoPPW Toll Free No. for Grievances

Payment of Post-retirement benefits Gratuity & Commutation total Rs.20.39 Lakh after 10 months of retirement: Success Story of DoPPW Toll Free No. for Grievances

7.5 Name: Sh. Satnam Singh
Gist of Success Story: Payment of Post-retirement benefits of Rs.20.39 Lakh- after 10 months of retirement.

Sh. Satnam Singh, had retired from BSF in March, 2023. He received all the pensionary benefits along with monthly pension barring Gratuity and Commutated pension. He actively pursued the case with BSF and it was found that the bills of Gratuity and Commutation had to be processed on PFMS Online Pension Module only. However, his efforts did not yield results.

Thereafter, he got to know about the DOPPW Toll free no. 1800-11-1960 and filed a complaint on 07th November, 2023 (DOPPW/P/2023/0012319). His case was taken up by BSF. On 05th January, 2024, BSF responded with interim reply to him and uploaded the same on the portal. In the reply, it was intimated that his claims were being constantly taken up with PAD, BSF.

Thereafter, the case was successfully closed on 08th February, 2024 informing that DCRG and Commutation bills were passed, he received Commuted value of Pension ( Rs. 9,23,277/-) and Gratuity (Rs. 11,15,730/-) after 10 months of retirement.


Source: DoPPW


  • J. K. Kulkarni. 8 months ago

    Dear Sir, Iam JWO.J.K.Kulkarni retired from Indian AirFoce on 30 June 1982.Where as my Feb, pension slip shows wrongly as 1st December 1982.
    Thus it is to be corrected. Hence I am entitled Notional Increament as per supreme Court Vetidict. My Service Particulars are as follows: ser No. 234516A Junior Warrant Officer J.K.Kulkarni.Date of entry in to IAF. 21 June 1961.Date of Birth. 1st May 1942.Date of Retirement 30 June 1982
    Ater 21Years Since Sparsh team are not replying for this. Please help me by taking up this. Thanks & Regards.

    • Pawar K K 8 months ago

      Write to dav airmen new delhi, along with the proper documentary proffes

  • R NATARAJAN 9 months ago

    I retired in Jan 2016. Prior to that there was an issue of payment anomaly among junior/senior. Most of the batchmates got their payment fixation and arrears. I applied for payment fixation and arrears in 2014. No action was initiated by the Accounts. Further in Jan 2015 I submitted my representation to settle the matter at earliest as I am due to retire in Jan 2016. The Accounts office took it casually and i retired in same old pay scale and pension as applicable to old pay scale.
    Subsequently after retirement I submitted several representation but there was no response.

    I made a complaint in CPGRAMS. The CPGRAMS was kind enough to give a parrot type of reply received from the sanctioning end.

    By then it was a year and two months.

    So I made a strong and harsh compliant in CPGRAMS regarding the lethargic attitude. This time the CPGRAMS responded promptly. I received a call from the Head of office and was given a hearing regarding the problem.

    On hearing the problem the Head of office immediately called the concerned officer and gave his peace of mind and a commitment was obtained. There after everything went on swiftly and I received an arrears of Rs 1650000/- within a span of one month.

    However all this happened after a year and half after I retired