Restructuring of SPARSH Service Centers (SSCs) functioning at DPDOs- Change in Administrative and Functional Control

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Restructuring of SPARSH Service Centers (SSCs) functioning at DPDOs- Change in Administrative and Functional Control

Restructuring of SPARSH Service Centers (SSCs) functioning at DPDOs- Change in Administrative and Functional Control: CGDA

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010


Dated 20/05/2024

(Through CGDA Website)

Sub:- Restructuring of SPARSH Service Centers (SSCs) functioning at DPDOs- Change in Administrative and Functional Control.


Superseding the HQrs_ previous letters No. PENS-570203/3/2023/PCDA/CDA dated 11.01.2024, PENS-570203/3/2023/RTC dated 11.01.2024 and PENS-570203/4/2023 dated 31.01.2024, it 1s intimated that with the migration of pensioners borne on the strength of Defence Pension Disbursement Offices (DPDOs) to SPARSH module, the role of DPDOs is now restricted to SPARSH Service Centers (SSCs) for providing various services to pensioners and to address their grievances.

2. After due review, the undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the Competent Authority regarding restructuring of the administrative and functional control of 64 SPARSH Service Centers functioning at various DPDOs under CDA(PD) Meerut (51 Nos.) and CDA Chennai (13 Nos.) along with the following directions-

  1. The Defence Pension Disbursement Offices (DPDOs) are henceforth re-designated as SPARSH Service Centers (SSCs).
  2. The administrative and functional control of each SSC are transferred under the jurisdiction of the nearest Pr. Controller/ Controller as appended in Annexure ‘A’ (available on CGDA WAN). PCsDA/CsDA will open a dedicated Pension Coordination Cell under its Administrative Wing to supervise the functional control of SSCs under them. Regular reporting mechanism, periodic inspection may be evolved to effectively monitor the activities of the SSCs.
  3. The physical and soft record held with the DPDOs will continue to be maintained under the respective SSCs and not to be transferred to any other office till further orders.
  4. The authorized strength of manpower at each SSCs is to be one SAO/AAO with a maximum of two Auditors /Sr. Auditors.
  5. Payment of pension in respect of 11,085 pensioners who are still being paid by DPDOs and not yet migrated to SPARSH, will be centrally entrusted to ‘Aashraya Team’ at CENTRAD, Delhi.
  6. The new arrangement is to be made operational by 1st June, 2024.
  7. In this regard, necessary Part-I Office Order will be published by respective PCsDA/CsDA and a copy of the same shall be endorsed/forwarded to AN-III and AT-V Pension wing ([at] of this HQrs office.

3. This restructuring is expected to streamline operations and enhance the service delivery. Compliance with the above directives is essential for the effective implementation of these changes,

Encl: As above (Annexure A)

(Sushil Riyar)

Copy To:-

  1. IT & S Wing (Local) – With a request to upload this circular along with Annexure ‘A’ on CGDA’s WAN and circular on CGDA Website.
  2. Pension Wing (Local) For information and necessary action, please.
  3. All wings of HQrs Office (Local) | For information and necessary action, please.
  4. ANII, IX & X (Local) For information and necessary action to carry out Staff & Officers rotation on priority with reference to these orders.

(Pankaj Kumar)
Sr. Accounts Officer (AN)

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  • Sushanto Sarkar 2 months ago

    The System Pension Administration RAKSHA (SPARSH),
    Principal Controller of Defiance account (Pension),
    Draupadi Ghar, Near Sadar bazar,
    Prayagraj (U P).
    Reference : DPDO Kolkata No –DPO/KOL/PS-16053A, Ava rani Sarkar W/O Lt. Nripendra Nath Sarkar
    Ex- OS, Gr- I, PPO No C003237/1986 (Old) & PPO No-4081986000111 (New).
    Subject : Regarding release of Balance Amount of Lt. Ava Rani Sarkar (Pension Account) SPARSH
    PPO No- 814198600045, State Bank of India, Account No – 10247600311, IFSC Code
    SBIN0004604, Branch – Birati Kolkata 51,
    Dear Sir,
    With respect to the aforesaid subject, I would like to inform that my mother Lt AVA RANI SARKAR
    expired on 19/04/2023, she is a Defence Pension holder under DPDO Kolkata, P S No- 16053, PPO No –
    MP/ 29913 and PPO No – 408198600111 (New) SPARSH PPO No- 814198600045, from May’2023 she
    received her pension till January’2024, We informed the pension disbursing Authority (DPDO Kolkata)
    and also I G S Hestings,Hestings Road ,Kolkata, where my father Lt Nripendra Nath Sarkar Ex- OS Gr-I,
    worked and used to draw pension, but no action was taken against it.
    On 06/02/2024 we informed SPARSH Token Id – 1010469396 (Death) after that her pension was
    stopped from the month of February’2024.
    Sir, I would like to request you that SPARSH to write to Bank Manager to return the Pension due amount
    lying with Lt. Ava Rani Sarkar, SBI A/C 10247600311 , IFSC Code _SBIN0004604, Birati Branch, Kolkata –
    700051, from May’2023 to January’2024, to SPARSH, so that we may draw the balance amount left in
    my mother’s account till date.
    I shall be very much thankful to you, if you do the needful at the earliest.
    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,
    Elder Son (Lt. Ava Rani Sarkar)
    Ph. : 9331830840
    Email-Id; [email protected]