Rationalization of nomenclature of Persons with Visual Impairment – Revision of Railways PwD Concession Format: Commercial Circular No. 01 of 2025


Rationalization of nomenclature of Persons with Visual Impairment – Revision of Railways PwD Concession Format: Commercial Circular No. 01 of 2025

Rationalization of nomenclature of Persons with Visual Impairment with total absence of sight – Revision of Railways PwD Concession Format: Railway Board Commercial Circular No. 01 of 2025 dated 22.01.2025

(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)


No. TC-II/2196/2024/PWD Policy

New Delhi, dated 22,.01.2025

The Principal Chief Commercial Managers
All Zonal Railways

Sub: Rationalization of nomenclature of Persons with Visual Impairment with total absence of sight.

REF: 1. Relevant provisions of IRCA coaching Tariff No. 26 Part 1 (Vol.II)
2. Commercial Circular no. 04 of 2018 dated 12.01.2018

As per IRCA coaching Tariff No. 26 Part-1 (Vol II) and Commercial Circular no. 04 of 2018 dated 12.01.2018 concession is admissible to 4 categories of Persons with Disabilities including Persons with Visual impairment with total absence of sight.

2. Ministry of Railways has now decided to replace the words “Persons with Visual impairment with total absence of sight” with the following:

“Blindness” which means a condition where a person has any of the following conditions, after best correction-

(i). Total absence of sight; or

(ii). Visual acuity less than 3/60 or less than 10/200 by Snellen’s chart in better eye with best possible corrections; or

(iii). Limitation of field of vision subtending an angle of less than 10 degree in better eye.

3. Issuance of New Divyangjan ID cards / renewal of the existing Divyangjan ID cards for blindness should be done based on the revised definition of blindness, as above. A new concession certificate Proforma has been prepared for “Blindness” certification (Annexure — I). The issuance of new Divyangjan ID cards / renewal of the existing Divyangjan ID cards would continue to be done as per the existing procedure.

4. The “blindness” Railway Proforma certificate will be valid for (i) five years, in case of persons upto the age of 25 years, (ii) ten years, in case of persons in the age group of 26 to 35 years and (iii) in case of persons above the age of 35 years, the certificate will remain valid for whole life of the concerned persons. After expiry of the period of validity of the certificate, the person is required to obtain a fresh certificate. The validity of the Railway Divyangjan ID would be same as the “blindness” Railway Proforma certificate.

5. However, where applicant provides Unique Disability ID card (UDID)/ certificate issued in accordance with the instructions of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJE), for the issuance of Railway Divyangjan ID, instead of “blindness” Railway Proforma certificate, the validity of the Railway Divyangjan ID would be co-terminus with the validity of Unique Disability ID card (UDID)/ certificate. Only those Unique Disability ID card (UDID)/ certificate would be considered where the “Blindness” definition is same as defined by Railways in para 2 above or Visual impairment of 90% and above.

6. Concession certificates in Railway Proforma/Railway Divyangjan ID card already issued before 01.02.2025 for all the eligible 4 categories of PWD in pre revised format shall remain valid till its expiry period.

7. Revised concession certificate Proforma for Blindness & other eligible categories of Persons with Disabilities is enclosed herewith at annexure- I & II.

Above shall be implemented with effect from 01.02.2025.

There shall be no change in other Terms and conditions.

Necessary instruction may be issued to all concerned.

This is issued in concurrence with Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

(Vipul Singhal)
Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board

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