Providing training facilities for persons with disabilities -guidelines: Railway Board Order dated 01.01.2025
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD
No. 2024/E(Trg)/41/19
New Delhi, dt:01.01.2025.
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways.
Sub: Providing training facilities for persons with disabilities -guidelines reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2015/3/13 dtd. 14.05.2015.
Persons with disabilities, who are employed in Government need to be provided with certain additional facilities/amenities for efficient performance, while discharging their duties. Instructions were issued vide Board’s letter dtd 14.05.2015 under reference for providing facilities in the area of post recruitment & pre-promotion training as follows :
- Induction training programme for the persons with disabilities should be imparted together with the other employees.
- Job specific post-recruitment as well as pre-promotion training programmes should be organized for the persons with disabilities. Definite action to conduct job specific inclusive training programmes for persons with disabilities along with other employees should be enforced.
- Duration and contents of training programmes may be finalized in consultation with the National Institutes under the Department of Disability Affairs. Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and if felt necessary, assistance of prominent Associations/ Federations/ Confederations working in the sphere of imparting training in the field of disabilities could be taken.
- Training programmes may also be arranged for the persons with disabilities, Keeping in view of changes in job profile on account of, introduction of new technology or promotion of the employees etc. The venue of the training needs to be fixed depending on suitability for conducting such training programmes.
As training is an essential component of the service conditions, it is once again requested that the above instructions may be complied with. Action taken may be advised to the Board.
Signed by
Jitendra Kumar
Date: 01-01 -2025 17:34:19
(Jitendra Kumar)
Dy. Director, Estt(Training)
Railway Board.
Ph. No.011-23047251