Author: Kiran Kumari

1 1,580 1,581 1,582 1,583 1,584 1,705 15820 / 17049 POSTS

CGHS: Revision of Ceiling Rates for Stainless Steel Bare Metal Coronary Stents for CGHS/CS(MA) beneficiaries.

F. No. Misc. 002/2006/CGHS(R&H)/ CGHS (P)Government of IndiaMinistry of Health & Family WelfareDepartment of Health & Family Welfare&nbsp [...]

Agenda of PNM meeting with Railway Board to be held on 06-07/02/2013: AIRF

AIRF-Railway Board  PNM Meeting has been fixed for 6-7 February, 2013: Agenda Item from Item No. 1 to 27 on various issues published by AIRF are [...]

Now Aadhar not mandatory to EPF members: EPFO withdrawn previous decision

"In view of the discussions held with UIDAI officials and the time required in the process of obtaining Aadhaar numbers, it may not be possible to o [...]

Pensioner News: Action Taken Report on the Decisions of the 21st meeting of SCOVA held on 27th September, 2012

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions  (Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare) ACTION TAKEN REPORT ON THE DECISION [...]

CAT Order: 80 Income Tax Officials demanding Grade Pay 4800 & 5400

O R D E R First two Para of order (introduction of case): The 80 applicants of this OA are working as Administrative Officers (Grade-III & [...]

Fixed Medical Allowance to railway beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme – Railway Board Order

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. PC-VI/ 311 New Delhi, dated 22-01-2013. RBE No. 05/2013 No. PC-V/2010/A/Med./1 The [...]

Defence canteen employees enter 65th day of indefinite strike

Defence canteen employees enter 65th day of indefinite strike NEW DELHI: The employees of the Unit Run Canteens (URCs) under the Defence services' Can [...]

EPFO employees’ unions seek hike in medical allowance & 6CPC arrear from 2006

Chandigarh, Wed Feb 06 2013 On a call given by the All India Employees' Provident Fund Staff Federation for settlement of their demands, all affiliate [...]

Government plans annual training exercise for babus

Fearing a dip in its governance ratings, the UPA government is planning to start an annual common cadre training programme to teach bureaucrats best [...]

Amendments to Rule 212 of General Financial Rule, 2005 — Utilization Certificate in the case of Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT) Scheme

No. 8(1)/2013-E-II(A) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi Dated 5th February 2013  OFFICE MEMORA [...]
1 1,580 1,581 1,582 1,583 1,584 1,705 15820 / 17049 POSTS