Tag: 7th CPC Bunching of Stages
Removal of Condition of 3% stipulated to grant Bunching benefits – 7th CPC Anomalies: Minutes of 48th NC JCM Meeting
Removal of Condition of 3% stipulated to grant Bunching benefits - 7th CPC Anomalies: Minutes of 48th NC JCM Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting held unde [...]
Bunching of steps in the 7th CPC pay structure, 18-19 increments were required to be granted: Minutes of 48th NC JCM Meeting
Bunching of steps in the 7th CPC pay structure, 18-19 increments were required to be granted: Minutes of 48th NC JCM Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting h [...]
7th Pay Commission: Refixation of pay due to withdrawal of bunching effect
7th Pay Commission: Refixation of pay due to withdrawal of bunching effect – MES order dated 10-11-2020
Tele: 25688587
Central Record [...]
7th Pay Commission Bunching of Pay consequent upon pay fixation in promotional grades of junior officers: DoPT OM Dtd. 5th Nov, 2020
7th Pay Commission Bunching of Pay consequent upon pay fixation in promotional grades of junior officers: DoPT OM Dtd. 5th Nov, 2020
No. 11030/1/2015 [...]
Bunching benefit to Inspector of Posts cadre w.e.f 01.01.2006: Department of Posts
Bunching benefit to Inspector of Posts cadre w.e.f 01.01.2006: Department of Posts
Ministry of Communications
Department of Pos [...]
Pay Revision on Bunching of Pay stages i.r.o. Defence Officers as per 7th CPC Orders: PCDA (O) Message No. 12/2020
Pay Revision on Bunching of Pay stages i.r.o. Defence Officers as per 7th CPC Orders: PCDA (O) Message No. 12/2020
Principal Controller of Defence Ac [...]
7th CPC Pay Fixation – Bunching of stages of pay in the pre- 7 CPC – MoD Order for Defence Civilian Employees
Bunching of stages of pay in the pre- 7 CPC pay scales consequent upon fixation of pay in the revised pay scales based on 7th CPC - MoD Order for Defe [...]

7वें केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग में वेतन निर्धारण – वेतन के स्तरों की बंचिंग के संबंध में: व्यय विभाग का दिनांक 07.02.2018 का कार्यालय ज्ञापन
7वें केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग में वेतन निर्धारण - वेतन के स्तरों की बंचिंग के संबंध में: व्यय विभाग का दिनांक 07.02.2018 का कार्यालय ज्ञापन
सं. [...]

7th CPC Bunching of Stages of Pay – Point of doubts and Clarification: Annexure to MoF. DoE OM dt. 07-02-2019
7th CPC Bunching of Stages of Pay - Point of doubts and Clarification: Annexure to MoF. DoE OM dt. 07-02-2019
Doubts & Clarification on Bunching [...]

7th CPC Bunching of Stages of Pay- Examples from the Fitment Table as per MoF. DoE OM dt. 30.8.2008
7th CPC Bunching of Stages of Pay- Examples from the Fitment Table as per MoF. DoE OM dt. 30.8.2008
(Annexure of GoI, MoF, DoE O.M. No. 1-6/2016- [...]