Tag: Jeevan Pramaan

1 2 3 13 10 / 124 POSTS
SMS to pensioners regarding submission of Digital Life Certificate: Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare O.M.

SMS to pensioners regarding submission of Digital Life Certificate: Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare O.M.

SMS to pensioners regarding submission of Digital Life Certificate: Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DoP&PW) O.M. dated 13.01.2025 [...]
Inclusion of name of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in Jeevan Pramaan Portal/App under category “Central Autonomous Body”: KVS

Inclusion of name of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in Jeevan Pramaan Portal/App under category “Central Autonomous Body”: KVS

Inclusion of name of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in Jeevan Pramaan Portal/App under category “Central Autonomous Body”: KVS Order dated 16.12.2024 K [...]
विदेश में रहने वाले पेंशनभोगियों/कुटुंब पेंशनभोगियों की बाबत वार्षिक जीवन प्रमाणपत्र प्रस्तुत करना: DoP&PW का कार्यालय ज्ञापन

विदेश में रहने वाले पेंशनभोगियों/कुटुंब पेंशनभोगियों की बाबत वार्षिक जीवन प्रमाणपत्र प्रस्तुत करना: DoP&PW का कार्यालय ज्ञापन

विदेश में रहने वाले पेंशनभोगियों/कुटुंब पेंशनभोगियों की बाबत वार्षिक जीवन प्रमाणपत्र प्रस्तुत करना: पेंशन एवं पेंशनभोगी कल्याण विभाग का दिनांक 15.10.2 [...]
Submission of Annual Life Certificate in respect of pensioners/family pensioners living abroad: DoP&PW O.M.

Submission of Annual Life Certificate in respect of pensioners/family pensioners living abroad: DoP&PW O.M.

Submission of Annual Life Certificate in respect of pensioners/family pensioners living abroad: DoP&PW O.M. dated 15.10.2024 F. No. 11(15)/2022-P [...]
Submission of Annual Life Certificate for KVS Pensioners who got retired from 01.04.2023 Onwards

Submission of Annual Life Certificate for KVS Pensioners who got retired from 01.04.2023 Onwards

Submission of Annual Life Certificate for KVS Pensioners who got retired from 01.04.2023 Onwards: KVS Order dated 22.10.2024 Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanga [...]
Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0 for Central Government Pensioners from November 1st to 30th, 2024: Comprehensive Guidelines by DoP&PW

Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0 for Central Government Pensioners from November 1st to 30th, 2024: Comprehensive Guidelines by DoP&PW

Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0 for Central Government Pensioners from November 1st to 30th, 2024: Comprehensive Guidelines by DoP&a [...]
Nationwide DLC Campaign 2.0 – Adoption of Saturation Approach to motivate every pensioner for submission of DLC before 30.11.2023: CPAO OM

Nationwide DLC Campaign 2.0 – Adoption of Saturation Approach to motivate every pensioner for submission of DLC before 30.11.2023: CPAO OM

Nationwide DLC Campaign 2.0 - Adoption of Saturation Approach to motivate every pensioner for submission of DLC before 30.11.2023: CPAO OM dated 22. [...]
Nationwide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 2.0 from 1st to 30th November, 2023 – DoPPW O.M. dated 14.11.2023

Nationwide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 2.0 from 1st to 30th November, 2023 – DoPPW O.M. dated 14.11.2023

Nationwide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 2.0 from 1st to 30th November, 2023 – DoPPW O.M. dated 14.11.2023 File No. 1(2)/2023-P&PW(H) Minist [...]
Life Certification for KVS Pensioners getting pension through Indian Bank- Procedure for uploading through e-Pension Portal of Indian Bank

Life Certification for KVS Pensioners getting pension through Indian Bank- Procedure for uploading through e-Pension Portal of Indian Bank

Life Certification for KVS Pensioners getting pension through Indian Bank- Procedure for uploading through e-Pension Portal of Indian Bank: KVS Order [...]
1 2 3 13 10 / 124 POSTS