Tag: Major Penalty
CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 – Disciplinary Authority, Appellate Authority and Reviewing Authority for regular employees of Haj Committee of India: Notification
CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 - Disciplinary Authority, Appellate Authority and Reviewing Authority for regular employees of Haj Committee of India: Notificat [...]
Clarification on the effect of pension cut on the amount of family pension, in case of death of retired government servants during the currency period
Clarification on the effect of pension cut on the amount of family pension, in case of death of retired government servants during the currency peri [...]
Clarification/ Interpretation of penalties under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965: DoP&T OM
Clarification/ Interpretation of penalties under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965: DoP&T OM dated 19.12.2022
Government of India
Min [...]
Special Procedure in Disciplinary Action: Dismissal, removal, reduction in rank or conviction on a criminal charge
Special Procedure in Disciplinary Action: Dismissal, removal, reduction in rank or conviction on a criminal charge
Government [...]
Implementation of second penalty imposed during the currency of first penalty – DoPT O.M dated 28.10.2022
Implementation of second penalty imposed during the currency of first penalty – DoPT O.M. No.11012/11/2018-Estt.A-III dated 28.10.2022
No. 11012/11/2 [...]
Imposition of penalty in the event of the death of the accused member of service – Information Document
Imposition of penalty in the event of the death of the accused member of service – Information Document by DoPT (Updated as on 07/10/2022)
Grant of ‘Vigilance Clearance’ to AIS Officers & Central Civil Services/Central Civil posts – Consolidated Guidelines by DoP&T dated 28.09.2022
Grant of 'Vigilance Clearance’ to AIS Officers & Central Civil Services/Central Civil posts - Consolidated Guidelines by DoP&T dated 28.09.202 [...]
Calculation of family pension and death gratuity where a Government servant dies during currency of a penalty – RBE No. 38/2022
Calculation of family pension and death gratuity where a Government servant dies during currency of a penalty – RBE No. 38/2022
R.B.E. No. 38/2022
G [...]
Implementation of final penalty orders issued by the Competent Authority and submission of compliance report: CVC Circular No. 11/03/22
Implementation of final penalty orders issued by the Competent Authority and submission of compliance report
Satarkta [...]
Determination of Pay/Emolument for calculation of family pension and death gratuity where a Government servant dies during currency of a penalty
Determination of Pay/Emolument for calculation of family pension and death gratuity where a Government servant dies during currency of a penalty
No. [...]