
Highlights of National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 17.07.2012

Latest News/Highlights/Decision/Outcome/Gist of Discussion/Discussed Points/Feedback of National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 17.07.2012/17th July 2012 compiled in this post through website All India Railway Faderation & Confederation Of Central Government Employees & Workers.

Formal letter published by Confederation by the signature of Com. KKN Kutty
Conf/ 09 /2012 Dated: 17th July, 2012,
 Dear Comrades,
                The 4th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held on 5th January, 2012.  All the items could not be discussed on that day.  The meeting was postponed and the same was held today on 17th July, 2012.  The gist of discussions and decisions are given hereunder. 
Item No.1. Pay band of the merged pay scales: The demand to reconstruct the pay band in respect of merged pay scales (S8 to S10) by multiplying the minimum of the highest pay scales (6500-10,500) with 1.86 by virtue of which the pay band will commence with Rs. 12100 instead of 9300 is not agreed and as per the scheme disagreement has been recorded.
Item No.2. Extending the date for exercise of option:  Extending the date for exercise of option to come to the new pay scale as also to the next increment date on promotion was discussed at length.  While the official side will agree to reopen the promotional cases where such change of option becomes necessary on account of an unforeseen event, the question of extending the date in general will have to be examined.  In the case of necessity to change the option once exercised in view of the recent order on increment was raised by the Staff Side. The Official side agreed to issue a clarificatory order. 
Item No. 3. Special allowance and qualification pay: Order has been issued in respect of Auditors. In respect of SAS passed hands necessary orders will be issued shortly.
Item No.4. Fixation of pay in respect of Direct recruitees and promotees:  The official side agreed to consider grant of entry pay in all such cases, wherever the RR provides for direct recruitment. 
Item No.5. Date of next increment:  Orders have already been issued. Item is treated as settled.
Item No. 6. Grant of minimum pay of Rs. 5200 +1800 to temporary status employees:  Orders issued.
Item No. 7. Grant of revised allowance with effect from 1.1.2006:  The item has been withdrawn after discussion.
Item No. 8. Transport allowance:  The revision of transport allowance was not agreed upon.  However, taking a percentage of the TA for the purpose of OTA and grant of a portion of the TA in respect of persons on tour for more than one month at a stretch will be considered.
Item No. 9.  Doubling the Existing risk and patient care allowance:  The matter has been submitted to the Cabinet for its approval and orders are likely to be issued shortly. The Staff side raised the issue of doubling the daily allowance on tour. The Official side agreed to examine this matter also.
Item No. 10. Parity in Pension to pre 2006 retirees:  The matter is sub-judice. Therefore it could not be discussed.
Item No.11. Commutation of pension: The difference in the application of commutation table between the pre-2006 and post 2006 retirees was discussed.  It has been agreed that the difference would be quantified with reference to certain cases as an example.  If it has no implication on the post 2008 retirees, the Govt. may consider the acceptance of the demands of the Staff in the matter.
Restoration of commuted value of pension after 12 years instead of 15years would be considered in the light of the Supreme Court judgement of 1996, a copy of which would be made available to the Staff Side.
Item No.12. Grant of Rs.  5400/- to the Assistant Accounts and Audit Officers: To be discussed with the JS(per)/JS(E) separately. The date of the meeting will be fixed soon.
Item No.13. Revision base index for DA: The Staff Side will be provided with the computation made by the 6th CPC in the matter and on the basis of the same the issue will be discussed further.
Item No.14. Child Care leave: Orders issued. Item treated as settled.
Item No.15. Income criterion for dependency of parents:  The item is dropped after discussion.
Item No. 16. Revision of Grade Pay fixation: After discussion, the item has been dropped.
Item No. 17. Reconstruction of Pay bands: dropped.
Item No. 18. Fixation of pay on promotion to the post carrying same grade pay and PB:  Agreed to grant one increment.
Item No. 19. All MACP items: will be discussed further in the subcommittee on 27th July, 2012.
Item No.20. Anomaly in the grade pay of Library information Assistants: The official side will consider the  issue in consultation with the Ministry of Culture and take appropriate decision before the next meeting.
Item No.21. Anomaly in pension of those in receipt of stagnation increments in the pre revised scales of pay: The inclusion of stagnation increment for the purpose of fixation of pay in respect of the persons retired between 2006 and 2008, if not done, will be examined and suitable orders issued.
Item No.22. Anomaly in the pay scales of Stenographers of field offices with reference to Central Secretariat:  It was pointed out that Senior PS in the field offices were on identical pay scale of PPS  of the Central Secretariat and therefore, they must be granted grade pay of Rs. 5400 in PB3.   They have agreed to grant Grade pay of Rs. 5400 in PB.2 applicable to the field offices.  In respect of parity with Central Sectt, the proposal of Railway Board will be expeditiously examined by the Finance Ministry and suitable orders issued.
Item No.23.Date of Annual increment in EOL cases: Orders were issued earlier and the matter is treated as settled. The Staff Side raised the issue of denial of encashment of earned leave and half pay leave for industrial employees.  The official side agreed to issue clarificatory orders in the matter.
Item No. 24. Parity of PB and Grade pay for Official language personnel with the Central Sectt:  The official side said that orders have already been issued.  Wherever, the same is not implemented or different decision taken, the same may be brought to the notice of the Department of Expenditure for appropriate decision.  The proposal sent by the Railway Board will be considered separately.         
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
Source: http://confederationhq.blogspot.com/2012/07/national-anomaly-committee-meeting-held.html

Agenda No. 21 to 40 [Click here to see]

Agenda No. 41 to 59 [Click here to see]

Detailed Feedback issued by AIRF India and published on airfindia.com reproduced here:

No.AIRF/NAC Dated: July 17, 2012

The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,

Dear Coms.,

Sub: Feedback of the 5th meeting of the National
Anomaly Committee

         5th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held today under
the chairmanship of Secretary,
         At the outset Com. Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, Staff Side, National
Council(JCM), raised the following points:-

         He explained the background of setting-up of JCM Scheme and emphasized that
the scheme has been 
effective to resolve the disputes between the Central
Government employees and Government of India. But of late,
the scheme is not
been administered properly causing frustration among the Central Government

         He reminded the Secretary, DoP&T that since he is the custodian of the
scheme, it would be appropriate for him to see that the scheme functions both at
the National and Departmental levels in its letter and spirit.
         He said that the meeting of the Ordinary Meeting of the National Council,
JCM(full-fledged meeting) was held on 15.05.2010 and after that no meeting
has been held. He mentioned that, as per JCM Constitution, minimum 3 meetings should be organized after every 4 months.
        He further said that, earlier 4/5 Sub-Committees have been formed to deal
with the items in the agenda, but nowadays Sub-Committees are also not being
          He also said that in many departments, Departmental Council has not yet been
formed on some plea or the other, and where Departmental Councils are yet to
form, the Anomaly Committee is totally absent.
         He also stated that, wherever Departmental Council and Anomaly Committee have
been formed, they have 
not been allowed to take independent decision and
they are to depend on everything on Ministry of Finance or

       He said that we are crossing six years of the VI CPC report and shortly there
is likely demand of setting-up of Seventh Central Pay Commission. Unfortunately,
anomalies of the VI CPC are yet to be settled.
          He said that separate discussion should be held in respect of MACP Scheme
matters, and the date for the same should be fixed very shortly.
        Reciprocating, the Secretary DoP&T advised all the departments to send
their status position in respect of formation of Departmental Council, expansion
and formation of Departmental Anomaly Committee.
     He also demanded that the pending issues should be settled early and meeting
of the National Council(JCM) should be convened after Monsoon Session of the
        He also said that separate meeting for deciding MACP Scheme should be fixed
within this month.

2.      General Secretary AIRF, Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, stated that the unanimous
recommendations made
by the Railways’ Departmental Anomalies Committee are
not being implemented because these have not
been cleared by the DoP&T
and MoF(Exp.). He demanded de-centralization and delegation of powers to
ministries for smooth and quick decisions. He also mentioned that where already
fundamental rule 
exists, like fixation under FR-22(C), why MoF(Exp.) insists
for reference to them. It should be done by the 
ministries themselves.

3.     General Secretary AIRF, Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, Working President AIRF,
Com. Rakhal Das Gupta and Asstt. General Secretary AIRF, Com. Ch. Sankara Rao
raised the issue of granting promotional benefits to Loco Pilots under Rule
FR-22(C) and they also expressed dissatisfaction over the functioning of NC/JCM.
The matter of resolving problems of MACP Scheme was also raised by the AIRF
The Official Side stated the matter of granting one increment on promotion is
under active consideration of the Government of India and decision in this
regard would be taken shortly.

Then the Agenda Item was taken-up.

Items No.1,2,3 & 4 – Fixation of pay in revised pay scale

Despite lots of deliberations, Official Side did not agree to revise the Pay
Band of GP Rs.9300-34800, and ultimately disagreement has been recorded.

Item No.5(ii), (iv)(with 32 & 33), (v)(vii) – Rule 8 of the revised
pay rules  
Fixation of pay on promotion

It was agreed that, wherever there is provision of direct recruitment in the
recruitment rules, pay on promotion would be fixed to minimum of the Entry Pay
as provided for in the revised rules, irrespective of the fact whether direct
recruitment has actually taken place or not.

Item No.12 & 13 – Transport Allowance

Earlier Overtime Allowance was admissible on City Compensatory Allowance(CCA)
also. The VI CPC has sum the CCA with Transport Allowance. Official Side agreed
to consider the provision of Transport Allowance to be paid for the purpose of
OTA. It was also agreed to consider something for the residents of NCR, i.e.
Ghaziabad, Faridabad and Gurgaon on the line of CCA.

Item No.14 – Revision of existing allowances which are to be withdrawn and
replaced by new schemes

The Official Side has informed that the matter doubling of rates of Risk
Allowance and Patient Care Allowance is being sent to the Cabinet for approval.

Item No.16 & 17 – Parity in Pension

The matter is sub-judiced.

Item No.25, 25 & 26 – Commutation of Pension

It was decided that the calculation of commutation factor for the employees
retired prior to and after

1.9.2008 would be tabulated to discuss the matter further.

Item No.29 & 30 – Revision of Base Index for D.A.

Calculation of DA would be sent to the Staff Side shortly.

Item No.36 – Income criteria in respect of parents and
widowed/divorced/unmarried daughters

The matter is under examination.

Item No.38 & 39 – Anomaly in fixing grade pay

The matter is under examination.

Item No.41 – Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying the same
grade pay

The matter of granting one increment on promotion is under active
consideration of the government.

Item No.44 – Anomaly in the pay scale/pay band and grade pay of Library
Information Assistants

The matter will be considered after collecting date from the Ministry of
Culture, being Nodal Ministry.

Item No.45 – Anomaly in pension of those in receipt of stagnation
increments in pre-revised pay scale

The matter is under examination.

Item No.46 – Disparity in pay scales and status: Officers in Stenographers

The matter is under examination.

Item No.48 – 15 year period fixed for restoration of commuted portion of
pension arbitrary and unjustified

Not agreed.

Item No.49 – Anomalies in the matter of pay scales of Stenographers

The matter is under examination.

Item No.50 – Anomalies in the pay scales of Official Language Staff

The matter is under examination.

Items relating to MACP Scheme would be discussed in a separate meeting on
27th July.
It was also agreed that the leftover items, not
included in the agenda, will be discussed.

Source:  http://airfindia.com/NAC/Feedback%20of%20NAC%20Meeting_17.07.2012.pdf

Feedback earlier compiled by AIRF India
  • Promotee in same grade pay will get one extra increment.
  • Running staff issues for giving MACP & special increment will be resolved sympathetically & orders will  be issued within a month as per commitment of Secy./NAC & DOPT chairman.
  • The supervisors of earlier APEX Grade i.e. 7450-11500 are very likely to get one special increment. The AIRF is doing all out efforts to get that increment w.e.f. 01.01.2006.
  • It has also been agreed that where there is Direct Recruitee in a cadre, promotee will get the basic pay @ par with Direct Recruitee in other words Promotee will not get less pay as compared to Direct Recruitee.
  • The MACP issue including removal of infructous Grade Pay Rs. 2000 were also discussed and separate meeting on MACP issues will be held on 27.07.2012.
  • The staff side shown its anguish on non functional of JCM scheme due to which National Council is not being held since Feb. 2010. Meetings of anomalies committees are also not taking place frequently except Railways, Defence & P&T. The Departmental Anomaly Committees are either not constituted or non functional. Chairman National Anomaly Committee and Secy/DOPT assured that JCM scheme will be revived & NC meeting will take place after the Monsoon session of Parliament.

The detail of other items will be followed soon.

Courtesy: www.airfindia.com



  • RABINDRA NATH SINGH 12 years ago

    Respected Sir/Madam,
    Ref our points on Aug 17 2012 regarding increase Grade Pay in respect of LDC & UDC. Sir no fruitfull resuelt received from govt of indian. However, I think all clerikal staff is facing deficullty due to non emplement of of LDC & UDC GP. Sir, am I once again requested to point out to jcm meeting regarding increase GP at the earliest or as early as possible.

    Thanking you Sir,

  • tannay singh 12 years ago


  • R.S.Mishra 12 years ago

    In previous times the Transport Allowance was not admissible to those employees who were on tour for more than one month because transport allowance was a part of traveling allowance, hence preventing from double transport allowance it was not admissible. But now Transport allowance is a separate component of Traveling allowance and it is admissible for the official on the tour only when the vouchers of the same is produced, so maximum officials who are on tour are not able to claim this allowance. This is resulting into non-obtaining any transport allowance by the official when they on the tour for more than one month. In my view at least an option facility should be provided to such officials whether they want to take fixed transport allowance or daily Transport allowance as per TA rules.

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    Great people

  • RABINDRA NATH SINGH 12 years ago


    I am serving in BRO since 2002 as a (Lower Division Clerk . I am last ten yers experience is very hard work in official that is LDC & UDC. However, Rs.1900/- + Rs.2400/- Grade Pay giving by government is not understood due all rank increase GP. Hence you are kindly requested to increase GP in respect of LDC Rs.2400/- & UDC Rs.2800/-Pm due to non facing finencial hardship. If possible inrease GP Rs.2800/- in LDC & Rs.4200 in UDC. Request all department clerk staff to request to government regarding increase GP as early as possible.

    Thanking you Sir/Madam.
    Email ID :[email protected]

  • Naresh Kumar,Govt. of NCT of Delhi 12 years ago

    There is no direct recruitment in many departments from Grade Pay level of Rs. 6600 and above and below it there are direct recruitments at all level. In case, latest anomaly committee recommendations for giving minimum of pay as fixed for direct recruitee to promotoees also is implemented for the posts having direct recruitment in RR only, then officers promottee in the GP of 6600 will be deprived to get benefit of the orders.

  • Naresh Kumar 12 years ago

    Multiplication of pay by 1.86 in upgraded scales has been implemented in CAG in case of SO/AAO, Railway, Income tax etc. Then, it should be implemented in all departments.

  • chackos 12 years ago

    Grant promotional hierarchy under MACP to give the justice to group C

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    I am of the opinion that the Sr.PSs are to be granted the grade pay Rs.5400/- while the PSs are for Rs.4800/-. Private Secretaries, on completion of 04 years, be granted the grade pay of Rs.5400/-.

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    MACP must be based on hierarchy of promotions in all caders

  • Any policy on pay matters should be progressive but very dissapointed with MACP which is really demoralising large sector of employees. ACP was introduced to comprise the loss due to lack of promotions but the very purpose of ACP was defeated with the introduction of MACP.In case of JE`s in MES they should get AE`s scale entry during I ACP which is with GP of Rs.5400 but due to this nonsense MACP a JE after completion of 10 years is getting only GP of Rs.4800 which clearly proves the injustice towards JE`s.


    V Sivakumar

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    Employees who already got Financial Upgradation under MACP Scheme have not been granted increment on getting their next promtion. Has this issue has been taken up with NAC ?

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    no body think about LDC,

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    GP5400 to the Asstt. Accounts/Audit officers in IAAD department after 4 years must be considered because the other department are allowed to 5400 grade pay after completion of 4 years on the recommendation of committee.

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    Lot of Injustice has been done due to the merger of the Pay scales 5000 & 5500 and awarding Rs.4,200/- Grade pay to those merged Grades. Many of the Central Govt employes waited eagerly to the good news of Revised Pay Scale with Higher Grade pay on 17 Jul 12.But we are disappointed.
    Please reconsider to grant atleast Rs.4,600/- Grade Pay to the Merged Scale instead of Rs.4,200/- grade Pay.

    In Such case, we will get Rs.4800/-GP after Ist MACP and Rs.5400/-GP after 2nd MACP.which will be a blessing in disguise.

    I request all the JCM Leaders to put their sincere efforts on this issue.

    With Regards.
    J.V.Ramana Murthy from Hyderabad

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    MACP IS ONLY benificial for officer grade over 4800/- grade pay and below that grade pay MACP is totally have no benefit but a disaste forcing the system of up gradation under hierarchy of GP replacing the old hierarchy of promotional post. Thus , it is our request again again to staff side to kindly convince the DOPT to agree on the issue on likely meeting on 27/07/12

  • A Ministerial Staff 13 years ago

    No any hope for Clerical/Ministerial Cadre i.e.

    Gde Pay of LDC should be 2400/-
    Gde Pay of UDC should be 2800/- further 4200 after 5 years

    After all Sixth CPC is unfortunate for us

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    Sir, is there no hope of fixation of new pay band wrt item no 1,2,3,4 i,e fixing initial pay band of 6500×1.86 instead of 5000×1.86 which is contrary to the pay commission

  • G.K.NATH 13 years ago

    Sir, millions of employee below GP 4800 (i.e. up to GP 4600) are direct victims of new MACP ,forcing the system of up gradation under hierarchy of GP replacing the old hierarchy of promotional post. Thus , it is our request again again to staff side to kindly convince the DOPT to agree on the issue on likely meeting on 27/07/12 , as the matter has already been delayed. Now such looser Govt employees are already frustrated and the works in offices are practically effected as millions of employees have lost their faith on the effectiveness of NAC etc. Please do something concrete……….

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    what happen if there is no direct entry post in a cader all the post fill up by promotee than they still get only one increment and difference of grade pay or minimum to that grade pay fresh recruitment

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    Appointed as Jr Clerk in Railway through RSC (now RRB) and promoted as Sr Clerk in April 1988. After wards till now (2012) no promotion.
    By virtue of own service, on completion of 24 years of service got 5000-8000 scale (ACP) in April 2006 by opting upgradation from increment date.
    Now Feb to June 06 increment holders are getting one extra increment as per para 10 of RSRP rules.
    But for promotees or ACP promoted employees no extra increment or promotinal fixation is announced.
    I request the Govt./administration to ammend / revise the orders, so that employee like me can get financial benefit on promotion (ACP).
    Moreover 1988 promotee should get two financial upgradation upto 2008.
    But for Dopt orders, employees like me, who are very few in number, are deprived of financial benefits either way.
    I humbly, sincerely request the authority to kindly, once again, think over the anamoly of this type and issue modified orders. Thanking you Sir.