
Representation to CGEWHO for Greater Noida Housing Scheme

Format of application for representation to CGEWHO regarding Greater Noida Housing Scheme, which is indicated in comments of article related to Greater Noida Housing Scheme published on Central Government Employee News & Tools.  This format is posted in comment by Suresh Maurya at CGEWHO official Facebook page <click here> (it is not confirm whether it is official or not, because the link of Facebook page is not available on CGEWHO’s official page <http://www.cgewho.nic.in>)  
Format of representation as commented in Facebook page stated above:-

Note: Readers are advised to use this format at own responsibility.  Its not recommended by any official authority or not by author of this blog.

Date: _________


6th Floor, Janpath
New Delhi – 110001

Subject: Representation against CGEWHO, Greater Noida Housing Scheme

Reference: 1. Advertisement & Brochure for CGEWHO’s Greater Noida Housing Scheme
2. Minutes of 48th & 49th meeting of governing council, CGEWHO.

Respected Sir,

With due regard I want to state that I am an applicant of Greater Noida Housing Scheme launched by CGEWHO on 1st January 2011. In this connection, it is mentioned that financial damage has already been done to applicants of Greater Noida housing scheme by announcing & advertising this scheme without finalizing the parameters like pre-finalising of FAR, Final area, Construction agency, Structural consultants, plans approved by GNIDA. CGEWHO should have launched the scheme properly after firming up all the essential parameters. This would have enabled CGEWHO to declare the cost of dwelling unit at the launching stage itself enabling the applicants to take a decision in January 2011 after comparing the prevailing market rates. This could have also avoided collection of EMD from all the applicants and holding the same for such a long time. It is very disappointing to note that EMD collected by CGEWHO has been with the organization for more than one and half year and no interest have been paid to applicants. Had the scheme been launched after careful planning , applicants would have been in better position to explore other options in the property market and book the houses with private developers in the year 2011, then to wait for the CGEWHO scheme to come. Details of dwelling units, draw & initial registration process of 1240 applicants, and likely commencement of construction in first quarter of 2012 were well explained to lured & attracted the Central Government employees to apply for this scheme.

The scheme was launched on 03/01/2011. At that point of time, so many private property developers had also launched the scheme in that area at rates which were within the budget of government servant. Those who had booked the flats with private developers in year 2011 has paid the price pertaining to that year which was far less than the rates which is prevailing in today. Since the CGEWHO did not declare the rates, many Central Govt servants did not opt for scheme launched by the private property developers in the hope that CGEWHO scheme, being a government welfare scheme, would be a much affordable, reliable and secured option. 
1. In this connection, CGEWHO management may kindly clarify whether they will maintain the property rates (Rs/Sq.f) prevailing at the time of closing of the scheme i.e 03.03.2011. If the rate (Rs/Sq.f) likely to be declared is not at the level of property rates prevailing at the time of closing of the scheme, the same may kindly be justified/ explained. True justice & welfare will be done to the applicants of the scheme only when the rates are kept at the level of March 2011.
2. Please provide what parameters are required to qualify CGEWHO for launching any housing scheme and who is the competent authority to give approval for launching any housing scheme.
3. Declaration of Interest earned from EMD of all applicants till date and its investment planning.
4. CGEWHO being a welfare and a non-profit making organisation, no profits from this scheme should be made or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the employees, present or past beneficiaries of the Society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past beneficiaries .CGEWHO’s financial loss if any from the other scheme or any business should not be compensated from the profit made in Greater Noida Housing Scheme. All the profit from the scheme should be adjusted in lowering the price of flats in this scheme. A brief clarification is required for this point.
5. Applicants are Central Government Employees having financial limitation due to fixed one source income. Therefore what welfare measures will be taken by CGEWHO to provide affordable houses to government employees under this scheme?
6. Very poor feedback against CGEWHO for delaying and escalating the cost of the project has been commented by past beneficiaries in various website blog for the project like Meerut Phase 1, Hyderabad, Mohali Phase 1 etc. Feedback list from beneficiaries from other housing scheme of CGEWHO during the construction stage and after the completion period should be published in website which will help Govt. Servants to make their decision to enrol in the housing schemes of CGEWHO.
7. CGEWHO should publish tentative date of completion period of the project within ± months and take responsibility to ensure that possession of flat in met within stipulated schedule. The delay in project due to any reasons like tendering process, procurement process, appointment of consultants, lack of professional ability of construction agency or any other agency involved in the project etc should not escalate the cost and affect the overall cost of flats. 

Enquiry at CGEWHO, Office, disclose the price in the range of 3300-3600 Rs/Sq.f and officials also added that the increase in price is due to inclusion of modern & sophisticated specification in the preparation of estimate and that CPWD basic standard specification is excluded for this scheme and further added that rate of compulsory car parking has also been included in the above price.
8. The question here is why & how such high cost is being anticipated by CGEWHO when the land was allotted for Greater Noida Project in the year 1996 at a very cheap price of @ Rs 600/m2 (Rs 56/f2).There is no reasonable ground to pay such a huge amount to CGEWHO for a flat in Greater Noida.
9. As the land is obtained from Government agency at administered price, details of cost per Sq.ft for the allotted land and construction cost should be made available to all successful applicants for a better transparent system.
CGEWHO is building the house for Central government employees, how can an employee afford the house even at the rate of 2500 Rs/Sq.f. How can CGEWHO expect an employee applying 4BHK should pay the price of 70-80 lakh. Central Government employees do not demand for any high amenities and exceptional specification, it should be only a decent construction. Beneficiaries should be paying actual building cost and nothing else. Scheme being a welfare scheme for the central govt. employees, CGEWHO has the social and moral responsibility to make the scheme an affordable, reliable, secured and cost effective for its beneficiaries. 
10. It is very disappointing to say that scheme has been badly delayed by the CGEWHO and the fact that CGEWHO has still not been able to declare the rates even after more than two month have passed since the draw and chalk out the future action and completion date of the project. CGEWHO may kindly explain as to why advance planning like preparation of estimate, selection of construction agency has not been anticipated prior to draw to avoid delay in projects. 
CGEWHO should understand that with more delay in the project, financial loss is increasing by additions therefore matter should be given importance and affordable rates should be declared to all the successful applicants on urgent basis.
May I kindly request you to give due importance in providing clarification & address all the above issue raised by the undersigned for the welfare of Government scheme. If my genuine concern is not suitably and timely addressed, then I will be compelled to approach the honourable Court of law for justice.
Thanking You
Yours Faithfully
(Name of Applicant)
Regn. No. 
Correspondence Address

Copy for information and kind intervention in the matter

1. Hon’ble Minister , M/o HUPA
2. Shri Arun Kumar Misra, President, Governing Council, CGEWHO & Secretary, M/o HUPA
3. Sh N.K Nampoothiry, Addl Secretary (Legislative), M/o Law & Justice.
4. Shri Susheel kumar, Jt Secretary (H), M/o HUPA.
5. Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, M/o HUPA.
6. Ms. S.K. Ram, Dy Financial Advisor, M/o HUPA
7. Shri V.P. Baligar, CMD, HUDCO
8. Shri Suresh Pal, Addl Secretary & CWO, M/o Personnel, PG & Pension.
9. Shri R.C. Agarwal, Dy Director (Finance), CGEWHO
10. Shri Arun Kr. Singh, Asst. Directors (Admn)

***End of format ***Instruction to use of this format***

All successful applicants in greater Noida scheme are requested to please get united, post your nos. & exchange, and interact with fellow members.

Ammend above format letter replacing ur names & Regn No and send in a mass, so that our grievances are given importance, pressure is buildup on CGEWHO for transparent dealing, providing affordable houses to central govt. employees.

Also distribute above format to others applicants, so that we all can represent in huge mass and say our common grievances.

All of you are also requested to please send me your detail providing phone Nos, Email Id so that next course of action can be communicated to you all i.e. appointment with Hon’ble Minister, HUPA, Shri Ajay Maken (he has been working for protecting and fighting for the cause of government employees. so we should not miss an opportunity to have an appointment.

For any query please contact
Suresh Maurya
[email protected]

Send hard copy with your signature to following address urgently. Also send by mail also

The Hon’ble Minister
M/o Housing &Urban Poverty Alleviation
Nirman Bhavan, Room No 101-C
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi – 110011

Shri Arun Kumar Mishra
M/o Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation
Nirman Bhavan, Room No 125-C
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi – 110011

Shri Susheel kumar
Joint Secretary (Housing)
M/o Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation
Nirman Bhavan, Room No 114-C
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi – 110011

Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor ,
M/o Housing &Urban Poverty Alleviation
Nirman Bhavan, Room No 141-C
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi – 110011

Ms. S.K. Ram
Dy Financial Advisor
M/o Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation
Nirman Bhavan, Room No 342-C
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi – 110011

Shri R.C. Agarwal,
Dy Director (Finance),
6th Floor, janpath
New Delhi – 110001

Shri Arun Kr. Singh,
Asst. Directors (Admn)
6th Floor, Janpath
New Delhi – 110001

Shri Suresh Pal
Addl Secretary & CWO
M/o Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Room No. 385
New delhi-3

Shri V.P. Baligar,
HUDCO Block,
India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

Sh N.K Nampoothiry, Addl Secretary (Legislative),
M/o Law & Justice
Shastri Bhawan
Gate No 3, Room No.421, ‘A’wing
New Delhi – 110001

Please send letter on below given mail also in a bulk

[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]


Note: Readers are advised to use this format at own responsibility.  Its not recommended by any official authority or not by author of this blog.

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  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Dear all, Dont withdraw your money from cgewho , we have taken legal advise from various Advocates , All advocates assured me that we will win. Some RAW/IAS/IB /CBI/IPS/MINISTER’PS ,etc. personals are also allottees of flates. CGEWHO cannot be escaped. Vinay singh 9911502015

    • anand sharma 9 years ago


  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Dear all, Dont withdraw your money from cgewho , we have taken legal advise from various Advocates , All advocates assured me that we will win. Some RAW/IAS/IB /CBI/IPS/MINISTER’PS ,etc. personals are also allottees of flates. CGEWHO cannot be escaped. Vinay singh – 9911502015

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    please also join us facebook page cgewho greater noida. for latest updates.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Dear all, Dont withdraw your money from cgewho , we have taken legal advise from various Advocates , All advocates assured me that we will win. Some RAW/IAS/IB /CBI/IPS/MINISTER’PS ,etc. personals are also allottees of flates. CGEWHO cannot be escaped. Vinay singh – 9911502015

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    we won justice mo.09911502015 vinay singh

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Yes , all members are silent , now its two years, there is change of government in the country but no change in the status of greater noida scheme.
    I think we all should make representation once again before the new Government
    What you all say?

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    No news or comments seen since past 04 months.Prolonged silence is being observed by CGEWHO and also by members.What is happening about Greater Noida housing scheme? Any idea friends?

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    I think all Govt. schemes are like the functioning the Govt itself, full of corruption, exploitation of the needy one and injustice at its helm. God! Save India, save its people