Grameen Dak Sevaks (GDS) – Working Strength, Service benefits & Welfare Schemes

HomePost office

Grameen Dak Sevaks (GDS) – Working Strength, Service benefits & Welfare Schemes

Grameen Dak Sevaks (GDS) – Working Strength, Service benefits & Welfare Schemes


ANSWERED ON 06.03.2013


Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY be pleased to state:-

(a) the number of Grameen Dak Sewaks working in post offices in various States including Chhattisgarh tribal region, State-wise;
(b) the monthly stipend being paid to these Sewaks;
(c) whether the Government proposes to increase their stipend in view of steep rise in inflation and also introduce welfare measures for them; and
(d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?



(a) As on 01.01.2013, the total working strength of various categories of Grameen Dak Sewaks is 263326 including 2458 Grameen Dak Sewaks working in Chhattisgarh Tribal Region. State-wise and UT wise details is at Annexure I.
(b) Grameen Dak Sewaks are paid Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) & other admissible allowances as approved by Cabinet and not stipend, the details of which are at Annexure II.
(c) Grameen Dak Sewaks are in receipt of Dearness Allowance which is linked to price rise/ inflation on the admissible TRCA at the same rate as allowed to regular Central Government employees and which is revised twice in a year based on price index. The Government has also introduced various welfare measures for these Grameen Dak Sewaks.
(d) The details of welfare measures introduced for the Grameen Dak Sewaks are at Annexure III.





Name of Circle/State/UTs Working Strength of Gramin Dak Sevaks as on 01.01.2013












Others Total
1 Andhra Pradesh 0 13139 4694 4242 1941 175 2646 26837
2 Assam 0 3216 2906 1639 283 39 371 8454
3 Bihar 0 6307 5165 2598 360 86 553 15069
4 Chhattisgarh 0 2423 855 1545 147 13 26 5009
5 Delhi 0 77 26 14 24 30 6 177
6 Gujarat 0 6768 4619 1396 702 63 296 13844
6a Dadar & Nagar Haveli (UT) 0 5 45 0 0 0 0 50
6b Daman & Diu (UT) 0 7 17 0 0 0 2 26
7 Haryana 0 1972 1050 708 233 18 4 3985
8 Himachal Pradesh 0 2247 2614 1068 312 13 61 6315
9 Jammu & Kashmir 0 1368 506 754 95 8 0 2731
10 Jharkhand 0 2461 1539 1286 154 35 407 5882
11 Karnataka 0 7777 4681 1235 1789 66 249 15797
12 Kerala 0 3443 5765 852 1259 138 165 11622
12a Lakshadweep (UT) 2 1 1 0 5 0 0 9
12b Puducherry (UT) 0 3 5 1 1 0 0 10
13 Madhya Pradesh 0 5632 2498 4056 290 22 229 12727
14 Maharashtra 0 10122 6939 1644 1115 46 27 19893
14a Goa (State) 0 147 128 21 54 1 2 353
North East 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Arunachal Pradesh (State) 0 198 166 27 30 2 11 434
16 Manipur (State) 0 591 495 627 40 1 1 1755
17 Meghalaya (State) 0 332 389 262 41 0 0 1024
18 Mizoram (State) 0 285 234 281 12 0 98 910
19 Nagaland (State) 0 279 254 237 35 3 0 808
20 Tripura (State) 0 514 416 290 53 1 65 1339
21 Orissa 1 5798 4863 3209 929 41 110 14951
22 Punjab 0 2831 1642 960 227 15 0 5675
22a Chandigarh (UT) 0 8 13 0 16 2 0 39
23 Rajasthan 0 7460 2371 3014 439 37 49 13370
24 Tamil Nadu 0 8656 8475 1325 2168 269 682 21575
24a Puducherry (UT) 0 41 49 0 15 4 0 109
25 Uttar Pradesh 0 12659 10991 4127 1311 315 1262 30665
26 Uttarakhand 0 2122 2218 1322 236 9 217 6124
27 West Bengal 0 5370 4985 3337 777 315 339 15123
28 Sikkim (State) 0 53 74 19 5 0 0 151
28a Andaman & Nicobar (UT) 0 171 203 102 0 8 0 484
Total 3 114483 81891 42198 15098 1775 7878 263326


Chhattisgarh Tribal Region 0 1068 422 911 48 2 7 2458

Annexure II

Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) of Gramin Dak Sevaks
[Implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2006]




Category of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) TRCA effective from 01.01.2006 For Work  load ( in hours )
1 GDS Branch Postmaster



Rs 2745-50-4245


Up to 3 hours
Rs 3200-60-5000


More than 3 hours and up to 3 hours 30 min
Rs 3660-70-5760 More than 3 hours 30 min and up to 4 hours
Rs 4115-75-6365 More than 4 hours and up to

4 hours 30 min

Rs. 4575-85-7125


More than 4 hours 30 min and up to 5 hours
2 GDS Mail deliverer/



Rs 2665-50-4165

[for new entrants]

Up to 3 hours
Rs 3330-60-5130


More than 3 hours and up to 3 hours 45 min
Rs 4220-75-6470 More than 3 hours 45 min and up to 5 hours
  3 GDS Mail Carrier/

Packer/ Mailman

Rs 2295-45-3695

[for new entrants]

Up to 3 hours
Rs2870-50-4370 More than 3 hours and up to 3 hours 45 min
Rs 3635-65-5585 More than 3 hours 45 min and up to 5 hours



Besides the TRCA, the GDSs also get Dearness Allowance at the same rate as admissible to Central Government employees. Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Postmasters get Office Maintenance Allowance @Rs.100/- per month & Fixed Stationery Charges @Rs.25/- per month.  Other categories like Gramin Dak Sevak Mail Deliverers and Mail Carriers get Cycle Maintenance Allowance @ Rs.60/- per month.


Annexure III


1 Maternity Grant


Women GDS are provided Maternity Grant for each child up to the birth of maximum of two children limited to maximum of two confinements resulting into birth of first two children only during the entire engagement period of a Woman GDS equivalent to three months TRCA with DA.  Women GDS’s like Mail Deliverer and Mail Carrier have also been prescribed to be considered for lighter duties wherever possible during the pre and post confinement period.
2 Maternity Leave Women GDS have also been provided to be granted maternity leave not exceeding six months covering the pre and post confinement period.
3 Extra Departmental Group Insurance Scheme Gramin Dak Sevaks are provided with insurance coverage of Rs. 50000/- under the Group Insurance Scheme available to them on death.
4 Service Discharge Benefit Scheme


A Service Discharge Benefit Scheme has been introduced by the Government for the benefit of Gramin Dak Sevaks working in the Department of Posts on monthly contribution basis (from Department’s side only @ Rs. 200/-pm) devised on the basis of New Pension Scheme (NPS)-Lite scheme launched by the Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority (PFRDA). This Scheme has been offered in lieu of the existing Severance Amount Scheme on an optional basis for the existing Gramin Dak Sevaks while it is mandatory for the new Gramin Dak Sevaks entering into service with effect from 01.01.2011.  The Scheme provides a certain percentage as lump sum at the time of discharge plus mandatory investment of certain percentage in annuity that would provide them monthly benefits in the shape of pension.
5 Leave


Gramin Dak Sevaks are allowed to be granted 20 days paid leave in a year without accumulation.
6 Limited Transfer Facility


Gramin Dak Sevaks are provided with the facility of limited transfer in cases of posting at a distant place on redeployment in the event of abolition of the post, on being appointed on compassionate grounds and posted at distant place, on marriage/remarriage of woman GDS, on suffering extreme hardship due to a disease and for medical attention/treatment of self on production of valid medical certificate from the medical officer of a Government Hospital and on requirement of looking after the welfare of a physically handicapped/mentally handicapped person/dependant requiring to move to different places to give support to such dependant. Such facility is provided for only one transfer during the entire career and on rendering a minimum service of 3 years subject to fulfillment of other conditions. Based on recommendation made by one man Committee, an exception has been made for women Gramin Dak Sevaks, who availed the transfer facility on the ground of extreme hardship due to a disease and for medical attention/treatment before their marriage and now they can avail the facility for a second time in the event of their marriage/re-marriage.
7 Assistance from Welfare Fund


Following assistance from welfare fund are allowed to the Gramin Dak Sevaks:-



Name of Welfare Scheme Admissible amount of Financial Assistance
1 Financial Assistance in case of death Rs. 7000/-
2 Death occurring due to enemy action in war or border skirmishes or action against militants, terrorists, extremists, etc. Rs. 1,50,000/-
3 Funeral Expenses* Rs.500/-
4 Nutritional diet to the GDS suffering from Tuberculosis :

(a)     Indoor treatment.

(b)   Outdoor treatment.



Rs.400/- p.m.

Rs.200/- p.m.

5 Financial Assistance in case of prolonged and serious illness / major surgeries Rs. 5000/-
6 Scholarship and book award scheme To ensure better coverage for GDSs, their wards be granted relaxation by 10% marks as in case of SCs/STs and OBCs, in so far as grant of book award is concerned.

*Payable from the Circle Welfare Fund, only in cases in which last rites of deceased Postal Employee are performed by brothers or sisters or near relatives in the absence of any other next of kin.

8 Compassionate Engagement


A new transparent Scheme for engagement of dependents GDS on compassionate grounds with merit points and procedure for selection has been introduced allocating points for each attribute of indigence on a 100 Point Scale. Spouse [widows] has been allowed 15 grace points over and over. Hard and deserving cases have been prescribed as cases over and above 50 Points.
9 Medical Facilities GDS being a separate and distinct category, they are not covered by CS (MA) Rules and they are also not extended the CGHS facility. Under the existing provisions, they are allowed financial assistance to the extent of Rs. 5000/-from Circle Welfare Fund provided such GDS must have put in at least six years of service in the Department, treatment should have been taken from Government hospital and produced medical certificates and the illness is at least 2 months old. Regional/Circle Heads have been conferred discretionary powers to sanction financial assistance to the extent of Rs. 10000/- in each case. In rare and exceptional circumstances, further financial assistance can also be considered from Central Welfare Fund.
10 Avenues for absorption on regular departmental posts GDS being Extra Departmental, their absorption as departmental employee to the cadre of MTS/Postman/PA is through direct recruitment under the statutory recruitment rules. Under the statutory Recruitment Rules of the cadre of MTS, GDS are considered for 25% vacancies against seniority quota and further 25% vacancies through Limited Departmental Examination (LDE). As per Recruitment Rules of Postman cadre, GDS are considered against 50% vacancies through LDE. In addition, GDS can also be considered for direct recruitment to the post of Postal Assistant (PA) / Sorting Assistant (SA) against unfilled promotion quota vacancies of PA/SA on the basis of examination subject to fulfillment of the following conditions as on 01st January of the vacancy year:-

(i)                 GDS should have obtained at least 50% marks in 10+2 standard or 12th class with English as a compulsory subject (excluding vocational streams) and have put in a minimum service of 5 years

(ii)               They should be within 30 years of age (35 years for SC/ST & 33 years for OBC)





  • Will the employees who delivers post in gds get any vehicles like bicycle, 2 wheeler like that or they should have their own vehicle?
    Please anwer anyone…

  • Unknown 6 years ago

    Just tell me is there any problem if a GDS is not work more than 5 hours????

  • Unknown 7 years ago

    Sir gds bpm is permanent job or temprory i get a 92percentage in sslc but govt does not gives much salary any health fecilities it is very ashamed thing of central govt alva

  • Anonymous 7 years ago

    any promotions after joining GDS MD

  • Anonymous 7 years ago

    what is the gross and net salary for GDS (MD) post

  • GDS Job profile 7 years ago

    what is the job profile of Branch Post Master (BPM) – GDS Post in gds ??

  • anand priyatham 7 years ago

    1.wages 12000×12=144000
    2.DA 23% = 33120
    3.INCREMENT:3%= 360
    4.allowance: CEA,OMA,OA=18000
    TOTAL = 233296

  • Ganesh Bommana 8 years ago

    Is gds job permanent or temporary?

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    is this job is good for girls or not. and what is the work. should we travel like a postman from 1 place to another after selection pleas reply

  • KRISHAN 8 years ago

    Is there any chance of promotion after selection as a GDS.

  • Sanjeev Jitta 8 years ago


  • Unknown 9 years ago

    It is known that GDS are eligible for grant of bicycle advance. Can you provide with the Government order thereof?

  • Unknown 9 years ago

    No idea

  • Unknown 9 years ago

    No idea

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    when will be the promotion based recruitment for unfilling promtion quota postal assistant and sorting assistant vacnacies to the gds employees in hyderabad region in 2015 and 2016?