Implementation of reservation policy for Ex servicemen: There is no vigilance committee to monitor the reservation policy of ex-servicemen.



ANSWERED ON-08.05.2013

Implementation of reservation policy for Ex servicemen


(a) whether the reservation policy of ex-servicemen being monitored and effectively executed as per the Ex-Servicemen (Re-Employment in the Central Civil Services and Posts) Rules 1979, that give 10 per cent reservation for all the posts under Central Government group C and D jobs;
(b) whether there is any vigilance committee comprising an army officer, Government officer and judiciary officer for the same;
(c) if not, the steps being taken for the effective implementation and optimum use of the reservation policy;
(d) whether the ex-servicemen, besides being employed as security personnel, can also be hired in other private sectors as well; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?



(a) In Central government, 10% and 20% of the available vacancies in Group C & D posts respectively have been reserved for the willing and eligible Ex-servicemen. 10% vacancies are reserved in all the posts upto the level of Assistant Commandant in all para-military forces. Further, suitable age relaxation is available for the Ex-servicemen in services or posts filled by direct recruitment. However, Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare has no mandate to monitor the job reservations for Ex-servicemen. Implementation of reservations for the Ex-servicemen is the responsibility of the organizations and departments of the Government of India.
(b) & (c): There is no vigilance committee to monitor the reservation policy of ex-servicemen. The reservation policy for Ex-servicemen is implemented by the concerned Government / Departments. It is the responsibility of concerned organization to fill the vacant posts. However the government endeavours to explore every possible avenue for increasing employment opportunities for the Ex-servicemen through various initiatives including training and awareness programmes.
(d) & (e): Yes Sir, there is no restriction on hiring ESM by the private sector in any area or trade based on their requirement.


Source: Rajyasabha.nic.in qref=192731

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  • During the age of transparency after invoking RTI Act 2005 called up the Commandant/Dy.Commandant of AFMS College for clarification:-Unfortunately have no reply, saying it is administrative query to ask the Office of DGAFMS or MOD/COAS Office.
    The asked: What teaching is imparted for the budding medical officers as guidelines.
    Query: What are the various medical categories in the Armed Forces of India? i.e. Low Categories, Middle Level Categories and the state of medical categories totally unfit to continue in service. Could the last stage of medical for discharge from military be termed less than 20% Is that reasonable/meaningful/logical?
    Ex.6286018 Rect. Ex.BoyOC (1962~65) deprived of benefits for no fault of the discharged soldier but for the procedural lapses by the Branch Department Records, in this case The Corps of Signals, Indian Army.

  • There is no Watch Dog / Vigilance committee to monitor the injustices caused to the ex-servicemen, unless he is influenced. A CASE STUDY.
    Dear Reader,

    Your comment on the article ''Dark side of Army: Soft on officers, harsh on jawans'' is now displayed on timesofindia.com.

    ''It is very true from the news that was published. Please view that follows:-To Personal & Confidential URGENT Regd. A.D.Post Dated: 07th March 2013Lt. Col. Sukhchain Singh, P.I.O., The Records Signals, c/o. 56 A.P.O. , Jabalpur, M.P. P.I.N. 908770, Ref: Your Letters P6295111/DP-4/NER dated 7th Aug. 2011(12) P/6286018/RTI/1230&1266/NER dated the 9th Nov.2012 and 8th December 2012, respectively. Inordinate delay in responding to letter communication, ever since my discharge from army service, on medical grounds for no fault of mine, discriminately held for pensioner benefits. Respected Sir, I have for thankful acknowledgement your letter Ref:P/6286018/RTI/1230 & 1266 / NER dated the 8th Dec. 2012, delivered on the 17th Dec.2012, which refers to my letter of the 30th March 2012, 16th May 2012, 25th Aug.2012 and 22nd Nov. 2012 after coming to know that Armed Forces Tribunal in the country is giving justice. THIS IS TO INVITE YOUR KIND ATTENTION, as a final reminder call on the FOLLOWING:- You would agree that “no one could just join or leave the army’ to his whims and fancies, It is the Army that recruited me, enrolled me in Teynampet, Madras (now known as Chennai) after a thorough medical examination/check-up (Physical & mental), also thereafter, have conducted medical examinations periodically at regular intervals, during my entire service period of three years and two hundred and sixty six days in the army-service until; I was medically invalided out from service. Hence, it is a clear case of medical-disability “having attributed during military service”, which was, for no fault of mine. Or else, Army could have discharged me, just on my joining, or after few months, or after a year, why after 3 years and 266 days? On my discharge from army-service, I was like a fish out of water, you can imagine, self terribly shaken to re-establish in civil life, as all my positive contributions in career building in the army went waste, though I had an exemplary/ outstanding record, passing ACE and AEC First Class within my Boys Training Period, stood first each and every year in Literary competition consequently for three long years of training in Boys Regiment, finding eligibility to join Army Cadet College, as Gentleman Cadet. On my discharge from the army, complained to the DSSA Board Chennai (Madras), who was helpless. I was then told that the medical board has considered only the most minimum of 20% medical disability, which do not entitle for disability pension. Hence, please note that I have not come out of the Army on my own accord. Besides, when the Army views ‘Absent without leave’ and ‘overstayed leave’ as very serious, granting rigorous punishment. Hence, why all this illogical ambiguity and this injustice to me? * While others medically invalided and dismissed, for even shorter period of service, less than 20% disability are paid ‘medical disability pension’? during the same emergency ..''

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  • Pramod Kumar Mishra 11 years ago

    Odisha Govt not yet implementing the 10% reservation system for ex-servicemen.