Extension of last date of submission of Memoranda
The Seventh Central Pay Commission has invited all associations, unions, institutions, other organizations and interested individuals to send memoranda containing their views on the Terms of Reference of the Commission. These memoranda were to be submitted by end of May, 2014, as indicated in the letter dated 29.4.2014/Public Notice that appeared on 4.5.2014.
The Commission has received requests from several quarters that the last date for submission of the memoranda be extended. The matter has been duly considered and it has now been decided by the Commission to extend the last date of submission of memoranda from 31st May, 2014 to 31st July, 2014.
Source: News > Seventh CPC
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In a nutshell, it is submitted that the Officer Surveyors in Survey of India are deprived of justified pay scale as well as promotional opportunities compared to the Group โBโ Services in other Central Government Departments who were hitherto placed in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.350-900 in terms of Second CPC, Rs.650-1200 in terms of Third CPC, Rs.2000-3500 in terms of Fourth CPC and Rs.6500-10500 in terms of Fifth CPC like Officer Surveyors of Survey of India. But these Group โBโ Officers have now been placed in PB-2+Grade Pay Rs.4800 and Rs.5400 after 4 years as Group โBโ whereas the Officer Surveyors in Survey of India are placed in the lower pay structure of PB-2+Grade Pay Rs.4600. This is due to the fact that the Departmental Authorities have not yet implemented the specific recommendations contained para 50.142 read with the general recommendations contained in para 43.31 of the Fifth CPC despite the agreements in the Adhoc Departmental Anomaly Committee and a number of Court decisions in the matter for grant of pay scale of Rs. 7500-12000 to Officer Surveyors. Thereafter, the decision contained in para 1 (x) (a) to (e) of the Govt. of India Resolution dated 29-8-2008 for grant of PB-2+ Grade Pay of Rs.4800 and Rs.5400 after 4 years to Group โBโ Service in terms of the Sixth CPC has not been implemented by the Departmental Authorities in respect of Officer Surveyors despite specific recommendation given by Maj Gen P.N. Koul Anomaly Committee. As such, the existing relativity set out between the Officer Surveyors and Section Officers of CSS and other Group โBโ Services has been disturbed. I have, therefore, referred to in the Memorandum, the problems and grievances which are excruciating to the Officer Surveyors in Survey of India for favour of your consideration please.
ACP Implemented in the 5th CPC has been replaced by the MACP in the 6th CPC is set back for the Officer Surveyor as implemented next higher Grade Pay instead of promotional Hierarchy Grade Pay. The Officer Surveyor of Survey of India prior to 6th CPC got 2nd ACP in promotional hierarchy i.e. Scale 10,000-15200, where as after implementation of 6th CPC Officer Surveyor for 2nd ACP were placed in the next higher grade pay 4800 instead of Promotional higher grade pay 6600. As your good office knows the fact that the Officer Surveyor after implementation of 2nd ACP/MACP are placed in grade pay 6600 and 4800. Recommendation for the 7th CPC to remove the grade pay parity should incorporated in the Memorandum.
REQUEST.-In view of above, it is humbly requested before your good self to compose the Departmental recommendations before the Seventh CPC in placing the Officer Surveyors in the replacement pay structure of Pay Band-2 (Rs.9300-34800)+ Grade Pay Rs.4800 and Grade Pay Rs.5400 after 4 years or Pay Band-2+Grade Pay Rs.5400 or at par with the Section Officers of Central Secretariat and other similarly situated Group โBโ Services with a view to ride over the loss occurred to the Officer Surveyors due to non implementation of the recommendation of the Fifth CPC vis-ร -vis consequential benefits available under the implementation of the recommendation of the Sixth CPC so as to not only to remove the inherent anomaly in the pay scale of Officer Surveyors, but also to provide justice and also to upkeep the morale of Officer Surveyors and also maintain the relativity between Group โBโ and JTS.
( KAMAL SHARMA ) e-mail : [email protected]