
Issue of Medical equipment prescribed for ECHS Members: Implementation Instructions

Implementation Instructions: Issue of Medical equipment prescribed for ECHS Members

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General Branch
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt-110010

Bl49761/AG/ECHS/ Policy

19 Jan 2015


1. Ref
(a) GOl/MoD letter No 24(8)/ 03/ US(WE)/ D(Res) dated 19 Dec 03.
(b) Cent Org ECHS Letter No B/49773/AG/ECHS dated 05 Apr 04.
(c) CGHS OM No 81 101 1/ 4/ 2014-CGHS(P) dated 05 Mar 14.

2. The issue of medical equipment prescribed for ECHS members is governed by GOI/MoD letter under reference 1(a). The procedure for issue has been implemented vide Central Org ECHS letter under reference 1(b). MH& FW OM No 24-2/ 96/R&H/CGHS/ Part-ll CGHS(P) dt 26 Jun 01 governs the type of equipment to be issued and its ceiling rates. This OM has been updated by CGHS OM under reference 1(c). However, this OM has authorized additional types of equipment without formulating the prescription criteria for the same. The matter has been considered by this Central Org in consultation with O/o DGAFMS and Consultant, Respiratory Medicine. AH R&R and this implementation letter is being issued suitably modified to cater for the needs and procedures of ECHS and its members.
3. The following guidelines have been framed for issue of Oxygen Concentrator/BlPAP/CPAP etc. to ECHS beneficiaries: 
(a) The items will be procured by Polyclinic and issued to beneficiary as per procedure and conditions outlined in Central Org letter under reference 1(b)
(b) Statement of case should be accompanied with the relevant Proforma for the machine, duly filled up by the treating physician (specimen copy of Proforma attached). The treating physician should carefully read the laid down guidelines before filling up the respective columns of the Proforma. Actual value of the parameters mentioned in Proforma should invariably be entered and complete basic investigation reports must be attached. 
(c) The maximum ceiling limit for procurement will be as following:
(i) Oxygen Concentrator Rs. 60,000/-
(ii) CPAP Rs. 50,000/-
(iii) Bi-level CPAP Rs. 80.000/-
(iv) Bi-level Ventilatory system Rs.1,20.000/-
(d) The above ceiling limits include cost of maintenance with spare parts for a period of five years. Humidifiers, if prescribed should be an integral part of the PAP system rather than being supplied separately.
4. Reimbursement is NOT permitted as of date. Instr for reimbursement are being issued separately. This office letter No B/ 49761/AG/ ECHS/ Policy dated 27 Jan14 maybe treated as cancelled.
5. These instructions and rates shall take effect from the date of issue of this letter. This letter is issued with approval of competent authority empowered vide GOI/Mod letter No.22(1)/ 01/ US(WE)/ D(Res) dated 30 Dec 02 amended vide GOI/Mod letter No.22(1)/ 01/ US(WE)/ D(Res) dated 29May 03.

Encl: 1. Proforma for prescription
2. Notes to Prescribers

(Vijay Anand)
Dir (Med)

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  • From Ex-JWO, Arya Prem, Hyderabad
    Dear Sir, my wife is an accute Psychitric patient, i am spending around Rs.2000/ pm for medicines, MH Psychitrist is not able to treat the patient, he said PSY patients are not authorised for referral to empanneled Hospitals (why?), he avised to show her to some competant Psychitrist in Civil, we went YASHODA multispeciality Hospital there they charged Rs.500 for appointment/cunsultation, the medicines prescribed are very expensive hence i purchased 10 days medicine only, i reported back to MH through ECHS and requested the MH Dr. to kindly write the same prescription which YASHODA Dr. has Priscribed, MH Dr. we don't have these medicines i cant prescribe the same. why cant ECHS procure the required medicines and help us? neither they reffer to a Empanneled Hospital nor they can local purchase and give us the medicines, then what is the use of we holding ECHS falility card? please look into the case and help us.
    i am a native of Hyderabad, availing ECHS facility from Secunderabad MH. kindly write or send a mail to the concerened ECHS to extend referrl facility tor critical Psychitratic patients in Empannaled Hospitals or provide medicines through ECHS,

    Thanks and Regards
    EX-JWO. Arya Prem
    Cell No. 09989352722
    [email protected]