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Revision of selection process for engagement to all approved categories of GDS – preference to Casual labourers

Revision of selection process for engagement to all approved categories of GDS – preference to Casual labourers: Many doubt has been clarified by Department of Posts:-

Government of India
Ministry  of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Establishment Division
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan,Sansad Marg, 
New Delhi-110001.
No.-17-15/2015-GDS Dated 07.05.2015

The Chief PMG,
Karnataka Circle,
Bengaluru – 560 001.

Subject : Revision of selection process for engagement to all approved categories of GDS – preference to Casual labourers – regarding.

I am directed to refer to your office letter No. R&E/2-94/GDS DR/Dlgs dated 20/02/2015 on the above subject and to convey that the issues raised are clarified as per Annexure โ€™Aโ€™.
2. The contents of this letter may be disseminated to all concerned for strict adherence.

(Surendra Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)

Annexure ‘A’

Sl. No. Subject Point of Doubt Clarification sought Proposed Clarification
1. Matter of preference to Casual Labourers in engagement of GDS as enjoined in Dte. Letters No.17-141/88-EDC&Trg. Dt.06.06.1988 and No.17-39/2012-GDS dt. 14.01.2015. How the preference has to be given to Casual Labourers for selection to GDS Posts? The term โ€˜Preferenceโ€™ may please be specifically defined. The Casual labourers have to be considered for engagement to GDS vacancies before the Vacancy is notified for filling through open market. The vacancies are to be filled up through open market only if no eligible and willing casual labourers are available for that vacancy.

For the purpose, before notifying the GDS vacancy (for filling through open market), applications are to be invited from casual labourers who are fulfilling the eligibility conditions for that vacancy by notifying the vacancy to all offices through Account Bag [within sub division or division by the respective recruiting authority, as the case may be]. An application form may be devised and circulated along with the notification. A time of 30 days may be given to eligible Casual Labourers to apply.

The eligibility conditions would be same as provided in this Office. OM no.17-39/6/2012-GDS dt 14.01.2015. It has to be noted that only those casual labourers who are engaged on or before 01.09.1993 are eligible to apply. As clearly mentioned in office OM no.17-39/6l2012-GDS dt 14.01.2015, the maximum age for Casual Labourers, would be relaxable to the extent of number of years of service rendered as casual labourer.

Selection will be done by the recruiting authority based on the seniority of the applicant. If no eligible applicant is available / willing, then the procedure of filling through open, market by conducting attitude test is to be followed.

2. Consequent no revising of Engagement procedures of GDS w.e.f. 01.04.2015 No.. 17-39/6/2012-GS dated 14.01.2015:-
a. Assigning preference to Casual Labourers after 01.04.2015 and Conducting of Aptitude Test. Whether Aptitude Test is mandatory for Casual Labourer w.e.f. 01.04.2015 or they have to be engaged as GDS by assigning preference within 31.03.2015 if they are willing and satisfy all other pre-conditions. In this context, it is pertinent to quote that as per Revised RR for MTS 2010, separate quota of 25% is provided for appointment of Casual Labourers as MTS on Seniority-cum-Selection method where the Casual Labourers are appointed purely on seniority and fitness without an Aptitude Test. Please clarify the procedure to be adopted before 31.03.2015 and after 01.04.2015. There is no aptitude test for Casual Labourers. The vacancy is attempted to be filled first by Casual labourers as per the procedure explained above. It is reiterated that only those casual labourers who are engaged on or before 01.09.1993 are eligible. If no eligible casual labourer is found/ applies, then the vacancy is to be filled by the new method of Aptitude Test through open market.
b. Eligibility of Casual Labourers serving in other Departments under Government of India. Eligibility or otherwise of any Casual Labourer of another department, i.e. other than Department of Posts, as the notification has to be uploaded in the Department Website. Please clarify as to whether Casual Labourers serving in Department of Posts are only eligible as the same has to be mentioned in the Notification. For GDS posts (other than GDS BPM) casual labourers mean casual labourers working within the sub division. For GDS BPM posts, casual labourers within the division are to be considered. Absorption of casual labourers is limited to casual labourers of Department of Posts.
c. Educational Qualification Minimum educational requirement for Casual labourers w.e.f. 01.04.2015, i.e. after the Minimum educational qualification required for all GDS posts has been changed to 10th Std. Pass. Please clarify as to whether any willing Casual Labourer with VIII Pass qualification can be engaged as GDS by assigning preference after 01.04.2015. No. Class VIII educational qualification is no longer permissible for any category of posts. The new eligibility conditions will apply to Casual Labourers also. In this context, Para 3(i) of this Directorate letter

No. 17-39/4/2012-GDS dated 14.01.2015 Para 1 B of this Directorate letter No.17-39/6/2012-GDS dated 14.01.2015 refer.
d. Eligibility of Part Time Casual Labourers As per the clarification given vide Directorate letter No. 45/95/87-SPB_I dt. 10.02.1988, the word โ€˜Casual Labourersโ€˜ would cover full time casual labourers, part time casual labourers and workers engaged on contingency basis. Whether part time casual labourers and all categories of workers engaged on contingency basis possessing required minimum educational qualification but working for lesser hours in post offices (less than an hour, 1-2 hrs. etc.) are also eligible for engagement, as GDS. Detailed information relating to part time casual labourers working in this circle as on 31.10.2014 is enclosed for reference. In the light of term ‘casual labourersโ€™ defined vide this Directorate letter No. 65-24/88-SPB-l dated 17.05.1989, full time casual labourers and also part time casual labourers [irrespective of hours for which they are engaged] are eligible to be considered. It may however be noted that only those casual labourers (whether part time or full time) who are- engaged on or before 01.09.1993 are eligible.
f. Method of engagement of Casual Labourer. If the willing Casual Labourers who satisfy all other conditions have to engaged as GDS within 31.03.2015, after circulating the list of vacancies amongst Casual labourers and whether the Notification has to be issued for Engagement through Open Market after exhausting the preference to be given to the Casual Labourers.

If so, whether said exercise has to be followed every half year before notifying the GDS posts for engagement through Open Market till all the eligible casual labourers are either appointed as MTS or GDS in the entire Circle.

Please clarify the methods to be followed. Before taking recourse to filling up of vacant posts of GDS from open market, casual, labourers ‘ being preferential category are to be notified/ informed about the vacancies Against this notification willing and eligible casual labourers may apply within the time allowed. The recruiting authority can select one of them on seniority basis if all eligibility conditions are fulfilled.
f. Method of selection of casual labourer as GDS w.e.f. 01.04.2015. (i) Whether Posts have to be reserved separately for Casual Labourers?

(ii) Any relaxation has to be given in minimum qualifying marks or minimum qualifying for the respective category is to be applied.

(iii) Whether separate Merit lists and Select panel to be drawn for Casual Labourers and Open Market Candidates.

(iii) Criteria for selecting the casual labourer and Candidates from Open Market while finalizing Merit List.

Please clarify the exact procedure to be followed. This has been clarified above.
g. Considering of Casual In case, Labourers turned GDS on preference for Seniority-cum- Selection for MTS as per Revised RR for MTS 2010.
the DPC for MTS amongst Casual Labourers is convened, whether the Casual Labourers who are engaged as GDS by assigning preference have also to be considered or whether the status of Casual labourer stands withdrawn once the casual labourer is engaged as GDS Please clarify as to how to treat the GDS engaged amongst – Casual Labourers on preferential basis while finalizing the DPC to MTS on Seniority-cum-Selection amongst Casual Labourers. The status of casual labourer will stand withdrawn once a casual labour is engaged as GDS.

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