
Recruitment against Scouts & Guides quota in Railways- procedure for

Recruitment against Scouts & Guides quota in Railways- procedure for


RBE No. 110/2015


New Delhi, dated 21.09.2015
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/ Production Units etc.

Sub: Recruitment against Scouts & Guides quota – procedure for.

Must View:  Issue of Special Pass for Scouts-Guides activities: Railway Board

Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letter numbers E(NG)ll/79/RR-1/25 dated 19.9.1979 & 25.8.1980, E(NG)Il/82/RR-1/32 dated 13.3.84, E(NG)ll/84/RR-2/1 dated 14.9.1984, E(NG)Il/90/RR-2/1 dated 22.10.1990, letter number E'(NG)ll/99/RR-2/3 dated 4.5.2000 (RBE No. 82/2000), E(NG)ll/2003/RR-2/4 dated 19.11.2003 (RBE No. 201/2003), E(NG)ll/2005/RR-2/3 dated 3.5.2004 (RBE No. 71/2005), E(NG)Il/2011/RR-2/2 dated 22.09.2011 (RBE No. 71/2005), laying down guidelines for filling up posts against Scout Guides quota on the Railways.
2. With a view to consolidate various instructions and to streamline procedure for recruitment against this quota, the entire issue has been reviewed by the Board. Accordingly, in super cession of all the instructions quoted in the above para, it has been decided to lay down the following procedure:-
2.1. Recruitment should be done at the Zonal Administration level,. For this, each zone should conduct the recruitment by clubbing the requirement/quota fixed for all their respective divisions as well as Production Units (which are also districts under their respective zones), falling within their territorial jurisdiction. This should be done by way of Open advertisement following the procedure laid down vide this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)ll/96/RR-1/62 dated 17.9.98.
2.2. The recruitment will be done only in Group ‘C’ {Pay Band-1 of Rs.5200-20200- having Grade Pay of Rs.1900/-} and erstwhile Group ‘D’ {Pay Band-1 of Rs.5200-20200/- having Grade Pay of Rs.1800/-}. The educational qualification and age limit for consideration for appointment against the quota will be the same as applicable for direct recruitment to Group ‘C’ and erstwhile Group ‘D’ categories respectively. Examination Fee may be charged @ Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred) per candidate. However, no such fee shall be charged from SC/ST candidates and also from those candidates as stipulated in this Ministry‘s letter No. E(NG)Il/96/RR-1/62Nol.ll dated 08.12.2000 (RBE No. 175/2010).
5. The annual quota for recruitment will be as under:-
GP Rs.1900: 02 per Railway per year
01 per Production Unit per year
GP Rs. 1800: 02 per Division/Production Unit per year.
(Note: Northern Railway will recruit additional 1 per year in GP Rs.1900 and 2 per year in GP Rs.1800 who will be posted in RDSO, not to be utilized elsewhere).
6. Powers for recruitment of Scouts & Guides quota shall lie with the General Manager. Application shall be called for separately for Pay Band Rs.5200-20200/ Grade Pay Rs.1900/- and Pay Band Rs.5200-20200/ Grade Pay Rs.1800/-. The selection shall also be conducted separately. A candidate may apply both for Grade Pay Rs.1900/- and Grade Pay Rs.1800/-.
7. The following qualification would apply for recruitment of Scouts & Guides to posts in Grade Pay Rs.1900/- and Grade Pay Rs.1800/-
(3) A President Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger OR Himalayan Wood Badge (HWB) holder in any section;
(b) Should have been an active member of a Scouts organization for the last 5 years. The ‘Certificate of Activeness’ should be as per Annexure-I; and
(c) Should have attended two events at National level OR All Indian Railways’ level AND Two events at State level.
8. The candidates, who apply in response to the Notification and are found eligible for consideration for appointment against Scout & Guides quota, should be assessed on the basis of following criteria:
(A) Written Test 50 Marks
The written test will consist of 40 objective
question (40 marks) & 1 essay type question (10 marks) relating to
Scouts and Guides Organization and its activities and General knowledge
for Grade Pay Rs.1900/- and Grade Pay Rs.1800/-. The syllabus for this
will be as per Annexure-II
(B) Scouting- Skill Assessment 10 Marks
A Skill Assessment Committee will
assess the practical ability of the candidates.
(C) Marks on certificates 40 Marks
(i) Participation/ Service rendered
in National Events/ National Jamboree (including All Indian Railway
10 Marks

  • First Two certificates (i.e. minimum
    eligibility qualification

  • One additional event
07 marks

  • Two or more additional events
10 marks
(ii) Participation/ Service rendered
in State Events/Rallies:
10 marks

  • First Two certificates (i.e. minimum
    eligibility qualification)

  • One additional event
07 marks

  • Two or more additional events
10 marks
iii) Specialized Scouthuides course
organized at National/ State/ All Indian Railways level:
10 marks

  • One Course
07 marks

  • Two or more Courses
10 marks
(iv) Participation in District
10 marks

  • One certificate

  • Two certificates 07 marks
07 marks

  • Three certificates
10 marks
100 marks
9. For selection in Grade Pay Rs.1900/-, the Recruitment Committee shall consist of three Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers to be nominated by the General Manager,
whereas for selection in Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- the committee shall consist of three Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) Officers. One of them should be an officer holding honorary post of Commissioner in Scouting / Guiding organization in the committee of a Zone/Division/Unit other than the one conducting the recruitment. One of the three members should necessarily be from Personnel department.
10. For Scouting Skill Assessment Committee, one Advance Leader Trainer (ALT)/Leader Trainer (LT) and one HWB should be nominated by the General Manager. If ALT/LT is not available in the Division/Production Unit, necessary assistance may be taken from zonal railway state headquarter! other Divisions! District for the nomination of ALT/LT/HWB.
11. A written declaration will be obtained from all the candidates who finally qualify for appointment as per Annexure-lll. If the candidate violates any of the said declarations furnished by him/her, he/she should be taken up under DA&R by the concerned CPO/Senior DPO on the recommendation of State Chief Commissioner/District Chief Commissioner, as the case may be.
12. Higher fixation of pay will not be admissible to a person appointed against Scouts Guides quota.
13. The persons appointed against Scouts & Guides quota to the category of Clerks will be required to possess proficiency in typing within a period of two years from the date of appointment, and their appointment will be provisional subject to the prescribed typing qualification within the stipulated period. in case of non acquisition of typing skill within the prescribed period, no additional time will be given and services of such candidate(s) will be summarily terminated.
14. The candidates selected for appointment under the Scout & Guide quota should be posted by the competent authority in consultation with the concerned State Chief Commissioner/District Chief Commissioner.
15. it may be noted that instead of notifying the posts against this quota as unreserved (UR), this should be mentioned as open to all candidates and candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories who apply against notification published for this quota be extended relaxation in age limit as admissible in a general open market recruitment. However, in case of being selected with any relaxation on account of being a candidate from the above categories, he/she will be taken against reserved roster point.
16. The field units are directed that they should finalize and fill up the posts against this quota during the respective financial year without fail.
Please acknowledge receipt.

(Niraj Kumar)
Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board

Certificate No…………………


         This is to certify that ………………………………………(name) ………………………. of ……………………….. State/District/Division is an active member of Group since years duly registered with the State/District Association.


(Name & Sign)
Group Leader (S/G)
(Name & Sign)
(Name & Sign)
DC (S/G)


History of Scouting/Guiding; Law & Promise; Organisation – ‘Distt. & State level’; Training Centre-Distt. & State Level; Knowledge of Books; Scouting for Boys/Guiding for Girls in India; Motto left hand shake;  Salute; Prayer; Flag song; National Anthem; Know the National & Scouting flags; Social Services at various occasions; Hiking; Proficiency Badges, How these are earned?; Stages in Scouting/Guiding. Thinking Day; Progressive Training of Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers; Pioneering; Handicrafts; Indian Railway Jamborette; National Jamboree; Jamboree on the Air.
Organisation at National level; National Training Centres, WAGGGS/WOSM-Uprashtrapati Award Competition; Prime Minister Shield Competition; Community Development Programmes; Aims and Methods of Scouting; How Scouting is useful in producing better citizens?  


I……………………………………………………………………………. (NAME), S/o hereby declare that:

1. I shall undergo Unit Leader Training within 1 year of my posting in the railways;
2. I shall open and/or run a Unit effectively.
3. I shall undergo progressive training from time to time.
4. I shall assist Railway scout administration. as and when required.

In the event of violation of any of the above, 1 may be taken up under the D&A Rules.



Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/establishment/ENG-II/2015/scouts_guides_210915_R.pdf

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