The Ministry of Defence, meanwhile, is rethinking whether it should debar officers and men who go home before completing their tenure from the benefits of OROP.
About 80% officers and men leave the forces when they fail to make it to the next rank. The benefits of the current scheme are denied to them. For example, a Colonel who leaves the army before completing his tenure as he didn’t make it to the next rung — Brigadier — will not be entitled to OROP.
But sources said Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar has ordered a rethink on this and is inclined to strike this provision off.
If done, it would address one of the major concerns of the armed forces.
“If officers who leave their tenure incomplete and quit for not being making it to the next rung are denied OROP, the forces will be saddled with passed over officers. Worse, they will have to work under the command of junior officers,” a source in the ministry said.
Veterans will also get their OROP arrears — the scheme has been brought into effect from July 2014 — before the end of this financial year. It will cost the government Rs. 11,000 crore.
War widows and Gallantry award winners will their arrears in one go — the rest will get it in four equal installments.
The implementation of OROP – a pre-election promise by the BJP — was announced this September after prolonged negotiations.
The scheme could, however, not be implemented immediately because of the Bihar elections and the model Code of Conduct that came into play during elections.
Read at NDTV
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Please Provide tables !
Can any please clarify this term :- About 80% officers and men leave the forces when they fail to make it to the next rank. The benefits of the current scheme are denied to them. For example, a Colonel who leaves the army before completing his tenure as he didn't make it to the next rung — Brigadier — will not be entitled to OROP.
I left after completing my initial term of engagement and give unwillingness to serve further after 20 years of service.
sir, I sure 'U' that present Govt.(NDA) will do justfication and implement OROP as early as posable.
I FAIL TO understand how 11000/- crore is calculated , once it is said total cost 8300crore and it is not given from APR,2014, TOO, Above all delayed and installments to be paid and only officers took PMR, hence lots of saving for the government, other side general public telling that we got OROP but so far no tables issued & what amount to be paid, every one becoming fool and making each other, but still feel that this government specially MODI OUR PM is the best who has at least thought of giving some thing other wise so far congress was telling some thing but doIng opposite to that, thus making fool of public, no one is mine relative, i feel let us have patience only as we tell to our children, when they demand JAY HIND JAY BHARAT
Comment wale bhi gov chamche hain
Ruling gov dub maro, president of india PM, RM, FM, HM and all minister.
I like to end the logjam