Pay fixation benefit equal to one increment to the MCM (GP 4200) on promotion to the post of CM (GP 4200) and upgradation under MACP Scheme.

Pay fixation benefit equal to one increment under FR 22(I)a(i) to the MCM (GP 4200) on promotion to the post of CM (GP 4200) and upgradation under MACP Scheme.

Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts ( Fys)
10-A, S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata-700001

No. Pay/ Tech-II/04/Vol.-LXXVI /Cir-01

Date: – /01/2018


All CFA: (Fys)

Sub: – Pay fixation benefit equal to one increment under FR 22(I)a(i) to the MCM on promotion to the post of CM and upgradation under MACP Scheme.

Please find enclosed a copy of MOD ID No.50 (71)/2ol7-D(Estt/NG) dated 14/11/2017 regarding granting of benefit equal to one increment to the MCMs on their promotion to the post of CM. The letter is self explanatory.
In case the ibid benefit was withheld, in any of your Branch Accounts Offices, due to want of clear directives from this HQrs office in this regard, the same may be expeditiously regulated now accordingly.

All Br. AOs under your jurisdiction may please be intimated accordingly.

PCA (Fys) has consulted.

Enclo: As above

Assistant Controller of Accounts (Fys.)

D(Estt/NG)/Sena Bhawan

Subject: Non implementation of the MOD ID No. 11(5)/2009-D(Civ-I)(PC-II) dated 06.07.2016 regarding pay fixation benefit in case of promotion from Master Craftsman to Chargeman(T).

Refer MoD ID No. 11(5)/2009-D(Civ-I)(PC-II) dated 24.08.2017 addressed to this section on the above mentioned subject, copy endorsed to OFB.
2. D(Civ-I)/MoD has forwarded OFB ID No. Per/I/Ol/CR/658/2017 dated 19.07.2017 and AIANGOS L/No.AlANGOs/CEHQ/FGK/17 dated 06.07.2017 and 09.08.2017 on the subject wherein it has been informed that PCA(FyS) Vide their UO. Note dated 09.06.2017, have not agreed to grant the benefit of pay fixation benefit in case of promotion from Master Craftsman to Chargeman(T) as communicated by D(Civ-I)/MoD dated 06.07.2016, till finalization of the revised SRO of MCM and Chargeman(Tech). CGDA, Delhi Cantt to whom the matter was referred by PCA(Fys) for a possible resolution has also confirmed that in the absence of revised Recruitment Rules, promotions to or from grades which were not present earlier, may not be considered as authorised under rules.
3. From the order dated 06.07.2016, it is learnt that the incumbents of the post of MCM (carrying Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-) on their promotion to the post of Chargeman (Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-) as per instructions on the MACP Scheme, are entitled to the pay fixation benefits at the time of grant of financial benefit under the MACP Scheme. This is more so in view of the fact that the provisions of the FR 22(l)(a)(1) are invoked in case of non-functional up-gradations wherein the individual remain in the same post but are granted the next higher grade pay in the promotional hierarchy. In this context, D(Civ-l) has informed that the order issued by MoD vide ID No. 11(5)/2009-D(Civ-I)(PC-II) dated 06.07.2016 related to the subject was issued after due consultation with DoP&T and Ministry of Finance.
5. Regarding advice related to amendment of the RRs of the posts of MCM and Chargeman, it is intimated that it is in the process in terms of restructuring order No. 11(5)/2009-D(Civ-I) dated 14.06.2010 wherein MCM Grade Pay was made equal to that of Chargeman.
6. The views of DoP&T and Ministry of Finance on the D(Civ-I)/MOD order dated 06.07.2016 have been arranged and the same are enclosed for better understanding of the case by the PCA(Fys).

(Amlan Das)
Under Secretary(NG)

Shri S.K Singh,
Ordnance Factory Board,
10-A, Shaheed Khudiram Bose Road,
Kolkata-700 001.

MOD ID No. 50(71)[2017-D(Estt[NG) dated 14.11.2017


  • Ravindra singh 3 years ago

    Department is not doing DPC on time, who is responsible for loss happening due to this. When DPC will happen, Will the employee will get benefit from back date or not.

    Is their any policy related to that.

  • M.kannabiran 3 years ago

    Sir, I directly appointed to highly skilled grd I post in the pay scale Rs 1320-2040[4thcpc]. It is replaced as 4000-6000[5th cpc]. The next higher post is having pay scale 4500-7000. I got I ACP w.e.f 9/8/99.there after I promoted to same post. This post pay scale termed as MCM as per classification artisan staff.This pay scale upward revised by govt for work shop staff w.e.f 1-1-2006 to PB-2 with Gd Pay Rs 4200. My pay was not fixed in the scale and fixed inPB-1&GP Rs2800.is it correct. This was represented and got replied that it is not applicable though I m an industrial employee under MOD.

    • M.K.KUMAR 3 years ago

      In ACP You got two increments on 9/8/99 it is in 6th CPC grade pay 2800 & from 1-1-2006 your pay was fixed with GP 4200.

  • G.Mariappan, AE(QA) 5 years ago

    Implementation of one increment from mcm to cm against dgqa organisation still not implemented.