Term Treasury and other Essential Services defined in addendum to MHA Guidelines on Covid 19 Outbreak


Term Treasury and other Essential Services defined in addendum to MHA Guidelines on Covid 19 Outbreak

Term Treasury and other Essential Services defined in addendum to MHA Guidelines on Covid 19 Outbreak

No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs

North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated 25th March, 2020


In continuation of Ministry of Home Affairsโ€™s Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A) Dated 24th March, 2020 and in exercise of the powers, conferred under Section 10(2) (I) of the Disaster Management Act, the undersigned, in his capacity as Chairperson, National Executive Committee, hereby issues an Addendum to guidelines, as Annexed to the said Order issued to Ministries/ Departments of Government of India, State/Union Territory Governments and State/ Union Territory Authorities with the directions for their strict implementation .

Home Secretary

1. The Secretaries of Ministries/ Departments of Government of India
2. The Chief Secretaries /Administrators of States /Union Territories
(As per list attached)

Copy to:
i. All members of the National Executive Committee .
ii. Member Secretary, National Disaster Management Authority .

No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A)
Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs

Subject: Addendum to Guidelines annexed to the Ministry of Home Affairs Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A) dated 24.03.2020

A. Addition in exemption to Clause 1:

  • Term treasury includes, Pay & Accounts Offices, Financial Advisers and field offices of
    the Controller General of Accounts, with bare minimum staff.
  • Customs clearance at ports/airports/land border; GSTN; and MCA 21 Registry, with
    bare minimum staff.
  • Reserve Bank of India and RBI regulated financial markets and entities like NPCI, CCIL, payment system operators and standalone primary dealers, with bare minimum Staff.

B. Under sub clause (b) to clause 2, term treasury include, field offices of the Accountant General, with bare minimum staff.

C. Addition of sub clause (e), (f) & (g) in exceptions to clause 2:

e. Resident Commissioner of States, in New Delhi with bare minimum staff, for coordinating Covid-19 related activities and internal kitchens operations.

f. Forest offices: Staff/ workers required to operate and maintain zoo, nurseries, wildlife, fire fighting in forests, watering plantations, patrolling and their necessary transport movement.

g. Social Welfare Department, with bare minimum staff, for operations of Homes for children/ disables/ senior citizens/ destitute/ women/ widows; Observation homes; pensions.

D. Clause 3 includes veterinary hospitals; pharmacies (including Jan Aushadhi Kendra) and Pharmaceutical research labs.

E. Sub-clause (b) to Clause 4 includes IT Vendor for banking operations; Banking Correspondent and ATM operation and cash management agencies.

F. Sub-clause (a) to Clause 4 includes shops for seeds and pesticides.

G. Addition of sub clause (h) to Clause 4:

h. Data and call Centre for Government activities only.

H. Sub-clause (a) to clause 5 to read as:

a. Manufacturing units of essential goods, including drugs, pharmaceutical, medical devices, their raw material & intermediates.

I. Addition of sub clause (c) & (d) to Clause 5:

c. coal and mineral production, transportation, supply of explosives and activities incidental to mining operations.
d. Manufacturing units of packaging material for food items, drugs, pharmaceutical and medical devices.

J. Addition of sub clause (c) & (d) to Clause Sub clause 6:

a. Operations of Railways, Airports and Seaports for cargo movement, relief and evacuation and their related operational organisations.

b. Inter-state movement of goods/cargo for inland and exports.

K. Addition of sub clause (c) in exceptions to clause 6:

c. Cross land border movement of essential goods including petroleum products and LPG, food products, medical supplies.

Home Secretary


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