Rotational Transfers of Officers/Staff in view of Covid-19 Pandemic: EPFO


Rotational Transfers of Officers/Staff in view of Covid-19 Pandemic: EPFO

Rotational Transfers of Officers/Staff in view of Covid-19 Pandemic: EPFO

No. HRM-II/35(10)10/Transfer policy/EO-AO/Vol.I
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. Of India)
Head Office, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14-Bhikaiji Cama Place,
New Delhi-110 066 Website:,

Dated: – : 21 JUL 2020

Office Memorandum

Subject: Rotational transfers of officers/staff in view of Covid-19 Pandemic-reg.

The undersigned is directed to say that as per the directions received from Ministry of Labour & Employment, it has been advised that in view of the extraordinary situation prevailing in the country due to outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic causing serious disruptions in the life, it would not be appropriate to dislocate officers/officials in different grades (Group “A”, “B” and “C”) of the Ministry as well as its attached offices/subordinate offices/autonomous organizations for one year. Therefore, no rotational transfer of officers/officials is to be effected till 30.04.2021 except in the following circumstances:

(i) Administrative reasons to fill any vacancy due to promotion/retirement with general principles that minimum dislocation is caused to the officers/ staff while deciding postings on promotion.

(ii) Consideration of requests by officers/staff on compassionate grounds i.e. medical emergency with self or family members etc. without any cost to the Organisation.

2. The transfer to be made in the above two categories would be recommended by the Transfer Committees constituted for the purpose and the transfer orders would be issued after the approval of the competent authority.

3. The guidelines mentioned above will come into force with immediate effect and need be complied with strictly by all the concerned except in the case of reallocation of work among the officials at same station or where the transfer orders have already been effected and implemented.

(S.C. Sharma)
Regional P.F. Commissioner-I (HRM)

View: Settlement of death claims on priority basis in events of industrial  accidents, etc.: EPFO


All Addl. Central P.F. Commissioners (Zones)
All Regional P.F. Commissioner, In-Charge of the Region


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