7th CPC Revision of pay and allowances and pension/ gratuity/ commutation of pension in r/o defence civilians (non DAD) retired/died between 01/01/2016 to 31/07/2016.

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7th CPC Revision of pay and allowances and pension/ gratuity/ commutation of pension in r/o defence civilians (non DAD) retired/died between 01/01/2016 to 31/07/2016.

7th CPC Revision of pay and allowances and pension/gratuity/commutation of pension in r/o defence civilians (non DAD) retired between 01/01/2016 to 31/07/2016.

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)
Cariappa Road, Cantt., Lucknow, Pin Code – 226002

संख्‍या: PT/3088/CGDA/Vol-IX

दिनांक: 03/09/2020


1. The Area Accounts Office(CC),
2. The Area Accounts Office(CC),
3. All AO GEs
4. THe OI/C
Pay I&II (Local)

Subject: Implementation of Government decision on the commendation of 7th CPC Revision of pay and allowances and pension/gratuity/commutation of pension in r/o defence civilians (non DAD) who have relinquished service on a/c of retirement. Death etc. Between 01/01/2016 to 31/07/2016.

A copy of Hqrs letter bearing no. AT/II/2701/NE Def Civ/Report-III dated 18/08/2020 alongwith prescribed proforma is forwarded herewith for furnishing the desired information immediately to this office for onward submission to Hqrs office. The desired information is about the progress of revision of pay aad and subsequent payments of pay arrears and difference of leave encashment in respect of defence civilians(non DAD) who have relinquished service on a/c of retirement, death etc between 01/01/2016 to 31/07/2016.

As the report has already been delayed, it is therefore, requested to furnish the requisite information in the prescribed proforma immediately to this office through E-mail: pcdaccndad[@]gmail.com

Shatruhan Singh
Sr. Accounts Officer



Source: http://pcdacc.gov.in/download/circularsnew/pt_3088_cgda_vol_ix_030920.pdf