Detailed procedure for Transfer and Zonal Allocation Policy of ADMO Probationers (IRHS)- Railway Board order
No.2020/ E(GR)II / 7/ 3
New Delhi, dated 15.10.2020
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways including PUs, RDSO and NAIR
Subject: Policy for Zonal Allocation and Transfer of ADMO Probationers recruited in Indian Railways Health Service (IRHS) through Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE).
Hon’ble MR has approved policy for Zonal Allocation and Transfer of Assistant Divisional Medical Officer (ADMO) (Probationers) in Indian Railways Health Service. Salient features of the Policy are summarised at Annexure-1 and detailed procedure for Zonal Allocation is at Annexure-2.
2. The following has also been approved by Hon’ble MR and may please be noted for strict compliance:
- No probationer/ officer shall communicate directly with Board for transfer/ zonal allocation.
- Probationers to whom offer of appointments are to be issued/ probationers who join after availing extension in joining time in absence of scheduled Foundation Course (FC) shall be directed for Field Training at a Railway Hospital near their location after undergoing online joining formalities with NAIR subject to physical verification of requisite documents at the time of FC by NAIR. (This is to ensure joining of IRHS probationers even if there is no Foundation Course (FC) scheduled before automatic lapse of offer of appointment). Also these probationers shall be allotted zones towards the end of their Field Training. FC for these probationers would be conducted on priority by NAIR subsequently in consultation with Railways concerned wherein these probationers are posted.
- Transfer request of ADMO (P) directly addressed to Hon’ble MR, MoS(R), other dignitaries and senior officials of Railway Board i.e. without it being forwarded through proper channel and without joining allotted zone, shall be viewed seriously and action shall be initiated against them under relevant Service/ Conduct Rules. As such, NAIR should counsel the ADMO (P) on this aspect during the Foundation Course/ Induction Programme.
- Health Directorate’s letter No.2020/ H/ 16/2 / Doctor Posting dated 05.05.2020 regarding filling-up of posts of Doctors who are on unauthorised absence from duty stand s withdrawn. (In such cases, action as envisaged in Board ‘s letters No. 99/ E(GR)II/ 7/ 47 dated 26.07.2000, No.2018/ E(GR)II / 16/3 dated 20.05.2019 and No. E(G) 2007 / LE 2 / 4 dated 03.06.2011 (Para 6 of DoP&T’s OM No.13026/ 3/ 2010-Estt(Leave) dated 22.06.2010) (copies enclosed) may please be initiated forthwith under intimation to Board).
3. It may be noted that unless the issue of Unauthorised Absence of IRHS Doctors is addressed expeditiously they continue to be on rolls. Board has, therefore, desired that PCMDs should review all cases of unauthorised absence of IRHS Doctors in close coordination with PCPOs and furnish action taken report to Board at the end of every month for kind perusal of CRB so that by the end of May, 2021 all such cases could be brought down to zero on Railways.
3.1 Attention is also drawn to Board’s letter No. E(P&A)-2013/ CPC/ LE 2 dated 05.02.2016 (copy enclosed) (Amendment to the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Correction Slip 129) wherein Rule 510 has already been substituted by (1) no Railway Servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding five years (2) unless the President, in view of the exceptional circumstances of the case otherwise determines, a Railway Servant who remains absent from duty for a continuous period exceeding five years other than on foreign service, with or without leave, shall be deemed to have resigned from the Railway Service; Provided that a reasonable opportunity to explain the reasons for such absence shall be given to that Railway Servant before provisions of sub-rule (2) are invoked.
4. Board has decided that the Zonal Allocation Policy approved by Hon’ble MR shall also be applicable to Assistant Divisional Dental Surgeon (ADDS) recruited through UPSC.
5. Further, Zonal Railways/ PUs are advised to expedite confirmation of IRHS Doctors immediately after successful completion of their Probation Period.
6. NAIR is advised to upload on their official website list and status of candidates of CMSE 2014 to CMSE-2017 who availed EOL (for higher study of PG) immediately after joining, as on date. Candidates who have failed to report to NAIR on completion of EOL may be issued notice forthwith as per Rule 301 of IREC Volume I (In all such cases, action as envisaged in Board’s letter No. 99/ E(GR)II / 7/ 47 dated 26.07.2000, No. 2018/ E(GR)II / 16/3 dated 20.05.2019 and No. E(G) 2007 / LE 2 / 4 dated 03.06.2011 (Para 6 of DoP&T’s OM No.13026/ 3/ 2010-Estt(Leave) dated 22.06.2010) may also please be initiated forthwith under intimation to Board).
7. The transfer policy for ADMO(P) m IRHS shall supplement item (ix) of Board’s Order No. E(O)III/ 2014/ PL/ 05 dated 31.08.2015 (Comprehensive Transfer Policy), pertaining to IRHS and Dental Doctors as far as ADMO / ADDS (Probationers) are concerned. Details of the same are illustrated in Annexure-I (Transfer Policy column).
8. As in other organised Gr. ‘A’ Services, ADMO (P) recruited against Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) vacancies, who could not be allotted zone of their preference, may be considered for transfer (subject to feasibility) by Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) on priority, immediately after their joining allotted Railway Zone, provided the request is forwarded to Board through proper channel.
9. The Zonal Allocation and Transfer Policy and related Guidelines effect immediately i.e. from the date of this letter.
(Kamal Kishor)
Deputy Director/ Estt.(Gaz. Rectt.)-11
Railway Board Tel: 011-23047261
Email: [email protected]
No. 2020/ E(GR)II / 7/ 3
New Delhi, dated: 15.10.2020
Copy to:-
1. PS to MR, EDPG to MR, PS to MoSR, EDPG to MoSR,
2. . PPSs to CRB, M/ O&BD, M/ Infra, M/TRS, MF, DG/ HR, DG/ RHS, DG/ RPF, Secy./ RB
3. DG/ NAIR, Vadodara. ADMO Probationers during their Foundation Training at NAIR may be apprised of the above policy.
4. PCMD/ CMDs of All Indian Railways including PUs & ROSO
5. E(O)III Branch is advised to maintain Transfer Priority Register (TPR) in respect of Transfer requests of confirmed ADMO / ADDS/ IRHS Doctors forwarded by Railways concerned immediately.
6. E(Trg.), E(O)I, Confidential Cell, Health Directorate of Railway Board
Annexure – 1 Salient features of Transfer and Zonal Allocation Policy aonroved by Hon’ble MR |
Transfer Policy (approved by Hon’ble MR) | Zonal Allocation Policy (approved by Hon’ble MR) | ||||||||||||||||
No request for Transfer of a Probationer shall be considered unless the Probationer has been confirmed (except on PwBD or Spouse Grounds).
Request on PwBD or spouse grounds shall be considered as perย directions of Government of India issued from time to time. ii. Such requests shall be consideredย only after joining allotted Zone and should be forwarded through properย channel. No lien is effected without joining allotted Zone. iii. Priority shall be assigned to the transfer requests received from ADMOs belonging to PwBD Category. iv. Candidates whose spouse is working in Central Govt. or any State Govt. shall be given higher priority. Case of candidates whose spouse is working in private sector or on contract basis would be decided by the CCA (i.e.DG/ RHS) on case to case basis and on merits. Transfer Priority Register (TPR) of Probationers and Confirmed Officers would be maintained separately and that too only in cases where requests are duly forwarded by Railway concerned. TPR in respect of ADMO (P) not confirmed will be maintained in E(GR)II Branch and Detailed procedure is at Annexure – 2 that of confirmed in E(O)III Branch, Railway Board. Zonal Railway/ PUs may forward transfer requests of IRHS Doctors in terms of Board’s instructions contained in E(O)III- 2007/ PL/ 06 dated 01.05.2007 (copy enclosed). While doing so, attention of concerned official by name may please be drawn to ensure timely receipt of the same in Board’s office.
Zonal Allocation in respect of ADMO (Probationers) regardless of possessing higher degree of PG, who join IRHS before lapse of their offer of appointment and on the verge of completion of their FF or FC (i.e. other than EOL cases upto CMSE-2017 and Revival Cases), shall be done in accordance with UPSC merit position,ย candidates position in the priority list (to be drawn byย Railway Board as per principle enunciated below), and preferences exercised. Railway-wise slots for zonal allocation shall be finalised by the CCA, DG(HR) and Board Member concerned.
Detailed procedure is at Annexure – 2 II. Candidates who join after revival of offer of appointment (i.e. on successful completion of their PG Degree) and candidates who have availed EOL for pursuing PG degree (i.e. candidates upto CMSE-2017) shall be allotted Zonal Railway based on the recommendation of CCA (i.e. DG/ RHS) to be approved by Board Member concerned, keeping in view preference of Zonal Railway exercised (except revival candidates), specialization obtained and administrative requirement as per higher degree of the candidate. No priority list as above shall be drawn in their case. |
ย ย CA-III references requesting to- allot a particular Rly. Zone to a candidate or for change of zone or transfer of IRHS Probationers shall not be considered and dealt as per Rule 20 of Railway Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1966, which provides that “no Railway servant shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his interests in respect of matters pertaining to his service under the Government”. (Instructions have also been reiterated vide Board’s D.O. letter No. E(O)IIl-2013/ PL/ 01 dated 14.06.2013.) | |||||||||||||||||
Note: No transfer of lien is Permissible. After allocation of Zone to ADMO (P) no request for change of zone is permissible. This supersedes para (iii) of Board’s letter No. 2018/E{GR)II/ 8/ 3 dated 08.10.2018 (i.e. cases where the ADMO Probationers are yet to report to Zonal Railways/PUs, requests for change of zone allocation should be forwarded by NAIR/Vadodara stands withdrawn). However, requests for transfer can be considered subject to terms and condition in column (I). |
Annexure – 2
Detailed procedure for Zonal Allocation
- After joining NAIR, IRHS Probationers shall submit their preferences for zonal allocation.
- Railway-wise slots for probationers, based on number of probationers available for zonal allocation (and not the actual indent size) and vacancies intimated by Zonal Railways, shall be finalised by DG(RHS), DG(HR) and Board Member concerned.
- Reserved category candidates (SC, ST, EWS and OBC) who qualify on general merit without claiming any relaxation at any stage of the examination and who are recommended against UR/ GEN vacancy by MoH&FW shall be counted as UR/ GEN candidates for purpose of zonal allotment.
- For reckoning the total number of UR/ GEN candidates among the candidates available for zonal allocation, the reserved category candidates who were selected against UR/ GEN vacancy as per merit list declared by UPSC but allotted to Railway Health service against vacancy of their own category due to non-availability of UR/ GEN vacancies are treated as UR/ GEN candidates only. It is pertinent to mention here that for the purpose of zonal allocation, the category of CMSE candidate is the same as given in the merit list declared by UPSC and not the category under which Railway service is allotted to the CMSE candidate.
- After calculating the total number of candidates in each category (UR/ OBC/ EWS/ SC/ ST), priority list shall be drawn in two parts (a) 1st cycle, and (b) 2nd cycle. While drawing up the priority list, the merit position of the candidates irrespective of the categories to which they belong to will not be disturbed. In the Ist cycle, I / 3rd of Unreserved (UR/ GEN), I / 3rd of OBC, I / 3rd of EWS, I / 2 of SC and 1/2 of ST and in the 2nd cycle, the remaining ones i.e. 2 / 3rd of UR, 2/ 3rd of OBC, 2 / 3rd of EWS, 1/2 of SC and I / 2 of ST shall be reckoned.
S.No. | Priority List | Remarks |
1. |
I / 3rd ย General/ UR candidates |
First cycle |
I / 3rd OBC | ||
I / 3rd EWS
(applicable from CMSE-2019 onwards) |
1/2 SC | ||
1/2 ST | ||
2. |
Remaining General/ UR (i.e. 2 /3rd ) |
Second Cycle |
Remainingย ย OBC (i.e. 2 / 3rd ) | ||
Remainingย ย EWS (i.e. 2 / 3rd )
(applicable from CMSE-20W onwards) |
Remaining ย SCย (i.e. ย 1/2 ย ) | ||
Remaining ST (i.e. ย 1/2 ) |
While drawing up priority list for zonal allocation, the reserved category candidates recommended by UPSC against UR/ GEN vacancy shall be counted as UR/ GEN candidates only irrespective of whether they are allotted to Railway service against UR/ GEN vacancy or their own category vacancy (in order to get higher preference of service). In the event, however, such candidates do not figure in I / 3rd UR candidates in the priority list, they shall be included in the I / 3rd OBC or I / 3rd EWS or 1/2 SC or 1/2 ST list, as the case may be, as per their position in the merit list to further extend to them the benefit of their category as per reservation policy.
The Zonal Allocation once done shall be final.
(Kamal Kishor)
Deputy Director/ Estt.(Gaz. Rectt.)-11
Railway Board
Source:ย Click Here to view/download the pdf