Policy of Appointment of TADK on the Railways: Revised instructions vide Railway Board Order
RBE No. 102 /2020
No. E(NG)IV2020/SB/5
New Delhi, Dated 01.12.2020
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/Production Units.
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Policy of Appointment of TADK on the Railways.
Further to Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2008/SB/19/BP/T ADK/Pt.A dated 06.08.2020 policy of TADK on the Railways has been reviewed comprehensively.
2. In continuation of the Board’s instructions ibid, the policy for appointment of TADK will henceforth be as under-
(i) Engagement of fresh face substitute as TADK is discontinued with effect from 6 8.2020.
(ii) Existing posts and incumbent TADKs will continue and all issues related to their service conditions and regularisation will be governed by existing policy prevalent over Zonal Railways.
(iti) As regards posts of TADK that are currently vacant:
a) General Managers may review requirement / necessity for continuing with such posts, keeping in view operational and functional consideration.
b) Such posts may be filled from substitute TADKs available in Indian Railways. Alternatively, these posts may also be filled by regular employees, from any unit in Indian Railways, subject to willingness of the employee and the officer concerned. The lien and seniority of above employees shall be protected in their parent cadre.
3. General Managers can make further provisions to operationalize above arrangement in their railways.
4. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(M. M. Rai)
Director Establishment(N)
Railway Board
No. E(NG)II/2020/SB/5
New Delhi, Dated 01.12.2020
Copy to:
(i) The General Secretary, AIRF, Room No. 253, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (35ย Spares)