One more option to switch over to 7th CPC, from a date subsequent to 25th July 2016
New Agenda items for the meeting of Standing Committee (received on 08.02.2021)
Agenda Item No. and Ministry / Deptt.: 3/21/SC M/ o Finance
Brief: Central Government Employees may be granted one more option to switch over to 7th CPC, from a date subsequent to 25th July 2016.
Comments from concerned Ministry/ Department:
Decision/ comments in the meeting of 26.2.2021:ย AS(Pers.), DOE stated that there should be some end date to the same. The Staff Side stated that there are some problems, and that is reason why it is being raised. If not agreed, there will be many court cases. The DOE is to examine it separately and discuss in Departmental Council Meeting of DOE. Hence may be treated as shifted to DOE.
Agenda Item No. and Ministry / Deptt.: 4/21/SC M/o Finance
Brief: Re-option opportunity for switching over to 7th CPC Pay Level, to a date beyond 25th July, 2016.
Comments from concerned Ministry/ Department:
Decision/ comments in the meeting of 26.2.2021: Same as 3 above. So, it is to be dropped.
View other Items of Standing Committee Meeting:
Sir, I have been promoted from Level-4 cell 6 i.e., Rs 29600 to the Level -5. My date of promotion is 18.1.2021. I have opted for pay fixation from the date of next increment . But the authority has changed my date of increment from July to January and pay is fixed at Rs 30,100.00. Kindly clarify the confusion that if i opted my pay fixation from DNI whether the DNI should be July or January. As per Establishment official statement since my promotion is on January 19th my DNI cannot be July. Kindly help me out as i am in loss and as per pay fixation i m demoted to lower salary. Kindly mail me :[email protected]. As per my understanding my pay need to be fixed at Rs 31,900 from July but administration rejected my option.
During Feb 2006 merger of five technical trades were merged into one single technical trade. Clarification is sought on how seniority is to be maintained.
(a) Should date of appointment to be considered
(b) respective position held to be considered in their mother trade before merger.
EG like date of Highly Skilled Gd -I, Highly Skilled Gd – II and Skilled.
As the official promoted between 02.01.2016 to 25.07.2016 has only two options to switch over in revised pay either from 1st jan 16 or date of promotion. As such, it is seen that the employee promoted between 02.01.2016 to 30.06.2016 getting less pay than the pay of employee promoted between 01.07.2016 to 25.07.2016. i.e., seniors are getting less pay than junior. Hence, please suggested how such anomaly will be rectified.
Sir, after the notification of 7th pay commission i.e. 25.07.2016, promoted officials can not switch over the revised pay. This rule also was in 6th cpc.
* Promoted official may opt his pay fixation under FR ia1 from DOP or DNI in the revised pay structure only not in pre revise pay.
* Promotion between 1 January 2016 and 7 cpc notification ,
Officials have only two options to switch over the revised pay either from 1st jan 16 or date of promotion.
* officials’ Promotion on 1.7.16, they may elect revised pay on 1.1.16 or 1.7.16 along with promotion pay fixation under FR i a 1 from DNI i.e. 1.7.16 in revised pay structure.(02 increment)
* promotion between 1.7.16 and 25.7.16, may elect revised pay on 1.1.16 or DOP thereafter promotion pay fixation under FR ai1 will be on DOP or DNI i.e. 1.7.17 which is beneficial .
* Pay fixation on promotion under FR ai1 From DNI in revised pay structure , official gets 02 increments in lower post’s level.
* These are according to rule 5, 7,13 and 15 of CCS revised pay Rules 2016 and DOE note dated 19.3.18 and OM.
Thanks Ramesh Ji,
Kindly send DOE note dtd. 19.03.2018 on my email if possible
Your mail add. Is not available with me.
So, you can find DOE NOTE DATED 19.3.18 by clicking following link
Thank you Respected Sir,
For quick reply.
The DOE OM dtd. 19.03.2018 says that the option for fixation of Pay in revised pay structure after the date of notification of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 i.e. after 25.07.2016 cannot be exercised, as Rule 5 of the said Rules provides for option only for promotion taking place upto 25.07.2016 (Date of Notification of said Rules)
Then how can I opt as my date of MACP is 10.10.2016.
Please help sir. My email ID is [email protected]
My Pay Details are as under
Jan.2016 Old BP 16490 New Drawn BP 42800
10 October 2016 MACP as per Old BP-18390 New Drawn BP 46200
Whether I may avail of option for fixation of Pay on MACP from the date of next increment in the lower post.
If yes
Kindly send me method and rullings
Thanks and regards Sir
Vivek Dhavane
My date of MACP-II is 10.10.2016 from GP 2800 to GP 4200, Shall I give option for fixation of pay on MACP from the date of Next increment in the lower post.
Yes , you can re exercise option for fixation of pay from DNI i.e. 1.7.17 in lower post. If your entry pay is minimum in level 6 i.e. 35400 on DOP then, It is not beneficial for you.
The option to switchover to 7th CPC, for the promotees between 1.1.2016 and 30.06.2016, from date of next increment i.e. 01.07.2016 not allowed. It is a big loss to the promoted employees. The benefit of FR22(1)(a)(1) is not allowed to these employees. Whereas, the employee promoted between 01.07.16 up to the date of notification is getting the facility to switch over in 7th CPC after getting annual incremental benefit of July’16. As such, employee promoted between 02/01/2016 to 30/06/2016 is getting less pay than that of junior officials after fixation of pay as per clarification pay of Rly. Board dated 04/09/2020. May please suggested, how such anomaly will be rectified.
Send your pay detail and dop.
Sir, My pay as on 31.12.2015 is Rs. 14870+4200, Promoted to Senior SO in GP – 4800/- w.e.f. 20.06.2016, My pay has been fixed by switch over in 7th CPC from the date of promotion, i.e. from 20.06.2016 Rs. 52,000/-with next increment as on 01.01.2017 Rs. 53,600/-. Whereas, an another employee junior to me but same pay as on 31.12.2015, i.e. Rs. 14670+GP 4200, and getting financial up-gradation in GP 4600/- as on 03.07.2016.i.e. after the date of my promotion, his pay fixed by switch over in 7th CPC on 03.07.2016 Rs. 53,600/- with next increment as on 01.07.2017 Rs. 55,200/-
As such, I am getting less pay than the pay of the official junior to me. May please advise on the anomaly raised due to clarification under Rly. Bd’s circular dated: 04.09.2020.
Sir,your pay fixation is not according to CCS(RP) Rules 2016. Pay fixation on promotion must be in revised pay structure. As per may knowledge, even single line of any OM of
of DOE of 7cpc does not deny the same. Please call 6353847243
Sir, kindly see the Rly. Board’s circular vide no. PC-VII/2018/RSRP/1 dt: 10.07.2019. As per above circular my pay was fixed by switch over in 7th pay from the date of promotion, i.e. as on 20.06.2016 and junior employee has opted his fixation from the date of MACP, i.e. from 03.07.2016. Junior employee get fixation after getting the increment of July’2016 before promotion. But, as I have promoted between Jan’2016 to July’2016, without getting increment of July’2016. As a result, I have deprived from the increment of July’16 and getting less pay than junior since 03.07.2016 onwards. The above anomaly is only due to clarification of Rly. Board dated: 10.07.2019 for switch over the pay in 7th CPC. Sir, please advise further to rectify such anomaly.
With best regards from: Ashok Sharma
The option to switchover to 7th CPC, for the promotees between 1.1.2016 and 30.06.2016, from date of next increment i.e. 01.07.2016 not allowed. It is a big loss to the promoted employees. The benefit of FR22(1)(a)(1) is not allowed to these employees
Sir, as per doe note dated 19.03.18 for CGDA , pay fixation must be in revised pay structure under FR22(i)(a)(1).
Pre revised Pay in PB -13820
Grade pay. – 4600
Promotion GP. – 4800
Promotion date. .01.04.2016
1. Revised pay on DOP 49000 Level-7 {(13820+4600+200 GP difference)ร2.57}
2. 1.4.16 to 30.6.16. – 50500 Level-8
3. 1.7.16. 52000 level 7 to level 8
( Two increment on DNI)
4. DNI- 01.01.2017
This revised pay and PAY fixation on promotion from DNI is according to CCS(RP) Rules 2016.
Doe om dated 15.4.2021 you may re exercise your pay fixation from DNI ie 1.7.16
It is more beneficial than your contention.
Proviso 2 of rule 5, rule 7, rule 10, rule 15 etc. Of CCS(RP) Rules 2016 and DOE Note regarding clarification of pay fixation on promotion from DNI under FR22(i)(a)(1) dated 19.03.18 for CGDA may please be referred.
Many depts not allowing such option. They are quoting Rule 5, in which, those who promoted between 1.1.2016 and date of notification i.e. 25.07.2016, has the option to switch over to 7th CPC scale either from 1.1.2016 or from date of promotion.
Even though I have given option for switch over from DNI, they have rejected it quoting DOE ID No.300346981 dated 14.09.2017. I know most of the defence establishments in Avadi, Chennai i.e. Defence Accounts Dept, factories which comes under Ordnance Factory Board has not allowed this.
Option for switch over to 7th CPC pay structure from 01.07.2016 is not available in case of Promotion/upgradation after 01.01.2016: Clarification by MoF
sir .
I have been promoted from pb 3 to 4 in 29-12-1016.
can I opt to conteniew 6 cpc till 29-12-2016.
and after promotion in 6th cpc I may opt 7 cpc on 30-12-2016
Illustration 1: Officer who got promoted from Level12 (PB -3) to Level 13 (PB- 4) on 20 June 2016 (Before implementation of 7th CPC on 25 July 2016).
i) Existing pay as on 20 June 2016 as per 7th CPC โ Rs 99,800
ii) After promotion the officer is given a choice to remain in 6th CPC from 01 Jan 2016 to till the date of promotion i.e. 20 June 2016 and the calculations are as follows:
a) Basic Pay as per 6th CPC โ 46100
b) NPA – 25 % of Rs 46100 = 11525
c) Multiplication factor for level 13 is 2.67, thus 46100 X 2.67 = 123087
d) 125% DA on NPA (11525) = 14406.25
e) Thus basic pay is fixed as (c + d) = (123087 + 14406.25) = 137493.25
f) Thus as per 7th CPC matrix of level 13 nearest stage of 137493.25 is 138500 i.e. stage 5 of level 13
g) Basic pay fixed as on 20 July 2016 after promotion from Level 12 to Level 13 is 138500.
Illustration 2: Officer who got promoted from Level 12 (PB-3) to Level 13 (PB-4) on 29 December 2016 (After implementation of 7th CPC on 25 July 2016).
i) Existing pay as on 29 Dec 2016 as per 7th CPC โ Rs 102800 (Due to increment on 01 July 2016)
ii) After promotion on 29 December 2016 from Level 12 (PB -3 ) to Level 13 (PB-4) the pay is fixed at stage I of Level 13 = 123100.
iii) Medical Officer who is getting promoted after 25 July 2016 is not eligible to get the DA on NPA which is given to all those who were promoted before the Implementation of 7th CPC on 25 July 2016.
Difference in Basic pay on promotion of Medical officer form Level 12 (PB -3) to Level 13 (PB -4) before and after 25 July 2016 is
138500 – 123100 = 15400
Due to the difference of Rs 15400 in basic pay there is further gap in the gross pay as it will affect all the allowances which are % based e.g. NPA, SDA etc.
please suggest what to do.
I promoted 29/12/1016.
Please send your pre revised pay details and date of promotion. I will send you available illustrations
My pay as on 1.1.2016 9760 + 2400
Promoted to GP 4200 on 01.04.2016
Given option to fix my pay from 1.7.2016, but not allowed.
Fixed the pay @37600 on 1.4.2016 with DNI on 1.1.2017
Have you received my email??
No, please resend
The pay of promoted employee should first be revised as per proviso 2 rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules-2016 and then fixed the pay as per the option under FR 22 (i)(a)(1) i.e from the DOP or DNI in the revised pay structure.
PPB- 9760
Promotion grade pay-4200
DOP- 1/04/2016
1. Revised pay on DOP 01/04/2016 and pay fixation from DNI 01/07/2016
a. existing basic pay 01/01/2016 = 12160 (9760+2400)
b. revised pay on DOP 01/04/2016 = 36400 L4
= 36500 L6 (TILL 30/06/2016)
((9760+2400+2400 GP Diff) x 2.57) (under proviso 2
and explanation 3 of rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules-2016)
c. pay fixation on DNI 01/07/2016 = 38600 L4 (02 increment in lower level)
= 38700 L6 (Shifted to promotion level)
d. DNI 01/01/2017 =39900 L6
Thanks Brother.
I do not know how our office will interpret this.
These people are mixing switching over option and promotion option. Both are different. I am fighting against this.
The difference is while switching over you are multiplying Old Pay+GP+GP difference.
Thanks you for taking your time. I will let you know about the progress
Can i have your contact number. Pl mail me
Rajesh B Nair
Sir, my pay in pre revised pay is Rs. 14670+ GP 4200 and I promoted to the post of Sr.SO as on 20.06.2016 in Level- 8. Also, I am sending a detail of pay, whose pay in pre revised pay is also Rs. 14600+ GP 4200 and he get promotion as on 03.07.2016 in Level- 7 and he opted to switch over in 7th CPC from the date of promotion i.e. w.e.f. 03/07/16. May please comments on the pay fixation of the both officials.
Did you receive my email sent earlier reg. your Pay fixation?
received my email with attachments sent yesterday regarding your Pay fixation?
PPB- 14870
Promotion grade pay-4800
DOP- 20/06/2016
Comparison of revised pay and pay fixation from DNI in your case-7 CPC
1. Revised pay on 01/01/2016 and fixation from DNI 01/07/2016
a. existing basic pay as on 01/01/2016 = 19070(14870+4200)
b. revised pay as on 01/01/2016 = 50500 Level 6(19070×2.57)
c. pay as on DOP 20/06/2016 = 52000 L8(DOPT OM dt 27/07/2017)
d. pay fixation on DNI 01/07/2016 = 53600 (L6 to L8)
e. DNI 01/01/2017 = 55200 L8
2. Revised pay on DOP 20/06/2016 and pay fixation from DNI
a. existing basic pay 01/01/2016 = 19070(14870+4200)
b. revised pay on DOP 20/06/2016 = 52000 L6 (14870+4200+600 GP Diff x 2.57)
Shifted to level 8 = Rs 53600 (till 30/06/2016)
c. pay fixation on DNI 01/07/2016 = 55200 L6 to L8 (pay fixation in lower level)
d. DNI 01/01/2017 = 56900 L8
Second one illustration is most beneficial. According to DOE OM Dtd 15/04/2021 you may re-exercise option for pay fixation along with representation within three months of said OM
***Now we may study about revised pay and pay fixation on promotion of case-1 of para 4 of annexure 1 vide MOR No. PC-VII/2018/RSRP/1 dtd 10/07/2019. (17300;4200;4600;DOP-12/05/2016)
1. Revised pay on 01/01/2016 and fixation from DNI 01/07/2016
a. existing basic pay as on 01/01/2016 = 21500(17300+4200)
b. revised pay as on 01/01/2016 = 56900 L6
c. pay as on DOP 12/05/2016 = 58600 L7 (till 30/06/2016)
d. pay fixation on DNI 01/07/2016 = 60400 L6 to L7
e. DNI 01/01/2017 = 62200 L7
2. Revised pay on DOP and pay fixation as per case-1 of said OM
a. existing basic pay 01/01/2016 = 21500 (17300+4200)
b. revised pay and fixation on DOP 12/05/2016 = 58600 L7 ((17300+4200+650)x2.57)
c. pay on DNI 01/07/2016 = 58600 L7 (no change)
d. DNI 01/01/2017 = 60400 L7
As per above mentioned illustrations, revised pay on DOP (no.2) should be more or equal amount on DNI than the revised pay on 01/01/2016, because official is forgoing his arrears till is DOP. Therefore second illustration is not in consonant to the CCS(RP) Rules- 2016.
๏ฐ Pay fixation on promotion must be in revised pay structure vide CCS(RP) Rules- 2016 DOE NOTE dtd 19/03/2018 circulated by CGDA dtd 16/05/2018
๏ฐ Even single line of any OM of DOE of 7 CPC does not deny the same
The pay of promoted employee should first be revised as per proviso 2 rule 5 of CCS(RP) Rules-2016 and then fixed the pay as per the option under FR 22 (i)(a)(1) i.e from the DOP or DNI in the revised pay structure.
PPB- 14600
Promotion grade pay-4600
DOP- 03/07/2016
1. Revised pay on 01/01/2016 and fixation from DNI 01/07/2017
a. existing basic pay as on 01/01/2016 = 18800(14600+4200)
b. revised pay as on 01/01/2016 = 49000 Level 6(18000×2.57)
c. pay as on DNI 01/07/2016 = 50500 L6(NORMAL INCREMENT)
d. pay as on DOP 03/07/2016 = 52000 L7 (level change)
e. pay fixation as on DNI 01/07/2017 = 53600 L6 to L7 (02 increment in lower level )
f. DNI 01/01/2018 = 55200 L7
2. Revised pay on DOP 03/07/2016 and pay fixation from DNI
a. existing basic pay 01/01/2016 = 18800
b. existing basic pay as on 01/07/2016= 19370 (14600+4200+570)
c. revised pay on DOP 03/07/2016 = 52000 L6 (15170+4200+400 GP Diff x 2.57)
Shifted to level 7 = Rs 53600 (till 30/06/2017)
d. pay fixation on DNI 01/07/2017 = 55200 L6 to L7 (02 increment in lower level )
e. DNI 01/01/2018 = 56900 L7
Second one illustration is most beneficial
PPB- 14670
Promotion grade pay-4800
DOP- 20/06/2016
1. Revised pay on DOP 20/06/2016 and pay fixation from DNI 01/07/2016
a. existing basic pay 01/01/2016 = 18870 (14670+4200)
b. revised pay on DOP 20/06/2016 = 50500 L6 (14670+4200+600 GP Diff x 2.57)
= 52000 L8 (TILL 30/06/2016)
c. pay fixation on DNI 01/07/2016 = 53600 L6 to L8 (02 increment in lower level and Shifted to promotion level)
d. DNI 01/01/2017 =55200 L8
2. Revised pay on 01/01/2016 and fixation from DNI 01/07/2016
a. existing basic pay as on 01/01/2016 = 18870(14670+4200)
b. revised pay as on 01/01/2016 = 49000 L6
c. pay as on DOP 20/06/2016 = 50500 L8 (till 30/06/2016)
d. pay fixation on DNI 01/07/2016 = 52000 L6 to L8 (02 increment in lower level and Shifted to promotion level)
e. DNI 01/01/2017 = 53600 L8
First illustration is most beneficial (Revised pay on DOP 20/06/2016 and pay fixation from DNI 01/07/2016)
Thank you for the comments. But, Sir, is it applicable under rule to switch over in 7th CPC without including the increment of 3% on DOP, i. e. On 20.06.2020 and thereafter, we get 02 increment(01 for promotion and other 01 one for Annual increment) as on 01.07.2020 as given in the comments.
Not allowing to switch over from 6th cpc to 7th cpc beyond 25 July 2016 is huge financial loss to most of the Central Govt employees especially who got promotion or macp from GP Rs 2800 to Rs 4200 as per 6th cpc. I m also effected in this case.
It is’t in rule.
*This was also in 5th cpc to 6th cpc.
As per 6th cpc and 7th cpc’s revised pay rule, promoted official can’t elect the revised pay beyond notification.
We can’t go heaven as there is no steps. Like wise, without rule , you can’t switch over revised pay beyond 7 CPC notification.
This matter is still pending.
13. Central Government Employees may be granted one more option to switch over to 7th CPC from a date subsequent to 25th of July 2016.
Decision:-Additional Secretary Expenditure would discuss the matter with the Staff Side separately.
When in reference tothe demand of confederation with regard to grant one more option to switch ver to 7th CPC from a date subsequent to 25.07.2016 that there should be some end to the same. Then the question arises as to why there is no such limit when the option for any next increment ( beyond the date of 25.07.2016) is given or selected by the employee which is permissible and implemented by the Govt. Thus this is a complete discrimination to the low paid employees who have been promoted after 25.07.2016 and are suffering the monetary loss of Rs.4000 to 5000 in basic pay only.
The date of 7CPC notification is the “Laxman Rekha” for the events like revised pay from date of Promotion/MACP and from DNI for others.