Stay at Training Institutes after course completion due to lockdown

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Stay at Training Institutes after course completion due to lockdown

Stay at Training Institutes after course completion due to lockdown: PCDA (O) Pune message to regularise disruption in training due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic

Message No 13/2021

Stay at Training Institutes after course completion due to lockdown on account of COVID-19 Pandemic

Govt of India, Ministry of Defence, Dept of Military Affairs, South Block, New Delhi F.No. A/30555/COVID-19/GS/DGMT dated 28th August 2020 has since issued and conveyed the sanction of the Competent Authority and delegated financial powers to DCOAS (Information System & Training), New Delhi to regularise disruption in training due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic because of the restriction imposed by GoI on the ongoing Training Schedule Programmes relating to the training
year 2019-2020 which is stated below viz.

a) Sanction extension to regularise overstay at training establishments during the period of lockdown till stabilisation of COVID 19 pandemic.

b) Extension of study leave to permit completion of sanctioned courses due to completion in 2020.

c) Regularise/Waive residual service clause of three years post termination of study leave for courses completing in 2020 and on case to case basis for online courses.

d) Sanction for extended joining time and increased validity of Medical Boards for commencing training in Pre-commission Training Academies and Regimental Centres for courses commencing in year 2020 and 2021.

e) Sanction for protection of seniority to effected individuals unable to appear for promotion examinations/tests during the training year 2020-21.

This delegation of financial powerโ€™s will be effective w.e.f. 20th March 2020 to 30th June 2021.

Please ensure strict compliance to the directives issued thereon as stated above hereafter. All the proposal/cases/claims to be processed and regularised accordingly.

All Army Officers to note please render the proposal of TA/DA accordingly henceforth.

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