Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways – CBT in All Department on 04.05.2025 & 18.08.2025


Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways – CBT in All Department on 04.05.2025 & 18.08.2025

Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways – Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways — Centralized Computer Based Test (CBT) in all departments having Organized Services for the vacancy cycle 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2026 (including anticipated vacancies upto 30.06.2027) be conducted by NAIR, tentatively on 04.05.2025 followed by Supplementary Examination on 18.05.2025: Railway Board Order dated 15.01.2025


No. E(GP)2024/2/37 (E.No.3473167)

New Delhi, dated: 15.01.2025

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
[Kind attn.: PCPOs / PFAs | Dy. CPO(G)s / Dy. CAO(G)s]

Sub.: Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways — Centralized Computer Based Test (CBT) in all departments having Organized Services for the vacancy cycle 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2026 (including anticipated vacancies upto 30.06.2027).

Ref. : Board’s letters of even number dated 06.11.2024 and 08.01.2025.

It was advised vide Board’s above mentioned letter dated 08.01.2025 that fresh date(s) for conducting the Centralized CBT for filling up Group ‘B’’ vacancies of the vacancy cycle 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2026 under 70% Selection, earlier scheduled to be held on 09.03.2025 and 23.03.2025, shall be intimated shortly. Accordingly, the said CBT shall now be conducted by NAIR, tentatively on 04.05.2025 followed by Supplementary Examination on 18.05.2025.

2. Further, to ensure smooth conduct of the examination, the Model Calendar has been modified and enclosed as Annexure. The time frame given in the said Calendar may please be adhered to for timely conduct of the Examination.

DA. As above.
(Arti Singh Lal)
Dy. Dir.-II / Estt. (GP)
Railway Board
Ph. No. 23047250
Email ID: arti.singh1[at]

Copy to: Dy. DG/ NAIR.

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