Reservation in promotion for PwBD- grant of notional promotion w.e.f. 30.6.2016: DoP&T O.M. Jan, 2025

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Reservation in promotion for PwBD- grant of notional promotion w.e.f. 30.6.2016: DoP&T O.M. Jan, 2025

Reservation in promotion for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities- grant of notional promotion w.e.f. 30.6.2016: DoP&T O.M. dated 07.01.2025

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
ESTT.(Estt. Reservation-II)

Dated 07 January, 2025


Subject:- Reservation in promotion with Persons with Benchmark Disabilities- grant of notional promotion w.e.f. 30.6.2016 onwards- reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM No. 36012/1/2020-Estt.(Res-II), dated 28.12.2023 (copy enclosed) and subsequent reminder OM of even number, dated 9.10.2024 (copy enclosed) requesting all the Ministries/Departments to undertake the exercise regarding ascertaining the requirement of creation of supernumerary posts for the purpose of granting the notional benefit of reservation in promotion to PwBD employees during the period from 30.6.2016 to 16.5.2022 in terms of DoPT O.M. dated 17.5.2022 and O.M. dated 28.12.2023 and submit the proposal to DoPT.

2. In response thereto, proposals are still awaited from some of the Ministries/Departments. Ministries/Departments are once again requested to look into the matter on priority and carry out the requisite exercise of creation of supernumerary posts for extending the notional benefit of reservation in promotion to eligible PwBDs with effect from 30.6.2016 onwards and accordingly submit the proposal to DoPT in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I) with the approval of the concerned Hon’ble Minister/MoS to this Department at an early date.

Encl.: As above.

Charu Vijay
Under Secretary to the Government of India

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