Tag: EDLI 1995

1 2 3 10 / 22 POSTS
UAN Activation and seeding Bank Account with AADHAAR – Extension up to 15.01.2025: EPFO

UAN Activation and seeding Bank Account with AADHAAR – Extension up to 15.01.2025: EPFO

UAN Activation and seeding Bank Account with AADHAAR for availing the benefits under ELI Scheme- Extension up to 15.01.2025: EPFO Order dated 20.12.20 [...]
UAN Activation and seeding Bank Account with AADHAAR for availing the benefits under ELI Scheme: EPFO Order

UAN Activation and seeding Bank Account with AADHAAR for availing the benefits under ELI Scheme: EPFO Order

UAN Activation and seeding Bank Account with AADHAAR for availing the benefits under ELI Scheme: EPFO Order dated 22.11.2024 Employees’ Provident Fun [...]
Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance (Amendment) Scheme, 2024 – Regarding penalty rate for default in contribution to Pension Fund: Notification

Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance (Amendment) Scheme, 2024 – Regarding penalty rate for default in contribution to Pension Fund: Notification

Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance (Amendment) Scheme, 2024 - Regarding penalty rate for default in contribution to Pension Fund: Notification MINIS [...]
Transfer of Accounts after the death of member for calculation of Assurance Benefit under EDLI Scheme, 1976: EPFO

Transfer of Accounts after the death of member for calculation of Assurance Benefit under EDLI Scheme, 1976: EPFO

Transfer of Accounts after the death of member for calculation of Assurance Benefit under EDLI Scheme, 1976: EPFO Order 25.11.2023 EMPLOYEES PROVIDEN [...]
Alternatives for death certificate for settlement of death claims related to train mishap in Odisha on 02.06.2023

Alternatives for death certificate for settlement of death claims related to train mishap in Odisha on 02.06.2023

Alternatives for death certificate for settlement of death claims related to deceased members who lost their lives in the train mishap in Odisha on 02 [...]
Instructions in compliance of orders contained in Para 44 (iii) & (iv) read with Para 44(v) of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement dated 04.11.2022: EPFO Order 20.02.2023

Instructions in compliance of orders contained in Para 44 (iii) & (iv) read with Para 44(v) of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement dated 04.11.2022: EPFO Order 20.02.2023

Instructions in compliance of orders contained in Para 44 (iii) & (iv) read with Para 44(v) of Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement dated 04.11.2022: E [...]
Admissibility of Assurance Benefits payable to the beneficiaries of EDLI Scheme-Reminder: EPFO

Admissibility of Assurance Benefits payable to the beneficiaries of EDLI Scheme-Reminder: EPFO

Admissibility of Assurance Benefits payable to the beneficiaries of EDLI Scheme-Reminder: EPFO dated 03.02.2023 EPFO, HEAD OFFICE MINISTRY OF LABOUR [...]
Re-examination of cases of pension on Higher Wages, of employees who had retired upto 1st Sep 2014 without exercising any option under pre-amended EPS’95

Re-examination of cases of pension on Higher Wages, of employees who had retired upto 1st Sep 2014 without exercising any option under pre-amended EPS’95

Re-examination of cases of pension on Higher Wages, of employees who had retired upto 1st September 2014 without exercising any option under Para 11(3 [...]
Due minimum benefit to be paid from EDLI fund to the eligible family members

Due minimum benefit to be paid from EDLI fund to the eligible family members

Due minimum benefit to be paid from EDLI fund to the eligible family members - Gazette Notification no. GSR 299(E) dated 28.04.2021 in EDLI Scheme, [...]
Admissibility of assurance benefits payable in lieu of EDLI Scheme,1976: EPFO

Admissibility of assurance benefits payable in lieu of EDLI Scheme,1976: EPFO

Admissibility of assurance benefits payable in lieu of EDLI Scheme,1976: EPFO EPFO, HEAD OFFICE MINISTRY OF LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT, GOVERNMENT OF I [...]
1 2 3 10 / 22 POSTS