Tag: Fitment Formula

1 2 3 4 5 6 9 40 / 88 POSTS
7th CPC: Latest Position Regarding Minimum Pay and Fitment Formula

7th CPC: Latest Position Regarding Minimum Pay and Fitment Formula

Increase in 7th CPC Minimum Pay to Rs. 21,000 & Fitment Formula to 3.00 wef 1/1/18: Confederation not confirming Media News

Increase in 7th CPC Minimum Pay to Rs. 21,000 & Fitment Formula to 3.00 wef 1/1/18: Confederation not confirming Media News

Increase in 7th CPC Minimum Pay to Rs. 21,000 & Fitment Formula to 3.00 wef 1/1/18: Confederation not confirming Media News 7th CPC Minimum wag [...]

7th CPC Minimum Pay, Fitment formula, Very Good benchmark for MACPS, NPS issues: Meeting with Cabinet Secretary

7th CPC Minimum Pay, Fitment formula, Very Good benchmark for MACPS, NPS issues: Brief of the meeting held with the Cabinet Secretary, GOI  [...]
Recompute 7th CPC Minimum Pay & Multiplication Factor – Anomaly in computation of Minimum Wage: Agenda Item for NAC Meeting

Recompute 7th CPC Minimum Pay & Multiplication Factor – Anomaly in computation of Minimum Wage: Agenda Item for NAC Meeting

Recompute 7th CPC Minimum Pay & Multiplication Factor - Anomaly in computation of Minimum Wage: Agenda Item for NAC Meeting Item No 1 Anomal [...]
7th CPC Minimum Pay – Rs. 19670 and uniform multiplication factor – 2.81 at all levels  – Notes submitted by JCM

7th CPC Minimum Pay – Rs. 19670 and uniform multiplication factor – 2.81 at all levels – Notes submitted by JCM

7th CPC Minimum Pay - Rs. 19670 and uniform multiplication factor - 2.81 at all levels  - Notes submitted by JCM Shiva Gopal Mishra Secreta [...]

7th CPC Revised Allowances should be from January 2016 – NCJCM Staff side shares outcome of Standing Committee Meeting held on 3rd May, 2017

7th CPC Revised Allowances should be from January 2016 – NCJCM Staff side shares outcome of Standing Committee Meeting held on 3rd May, 2017 Shiva [...]
7th Pay Commission: Will Centre revise fitment factor for wage hike

7th Pay Commission: Will Centre revise fitment factor for wage hike

7th Pay Commission: Will Centre revise fitment factor for wage hike of Central Government employees? New Delhi, May 7: As per the modifications i [...]

7th CPC Allowances, Minimum Wages, multiplying factor, pension parity, MACP, Running Staff Issues discussed in the Standing Committee Meeting of NC/JCM on 3rd May 2017

NFIR -7th CPC Allowances, Minimum Wages, multiplying factor, pension parity, MACP, Running Staff Issues discussed in the Standing Committee Meeting o [...]

7th CPC Pension Option-1 rejection, delay in 7th CPC Allowances, increase in minimum pay & fitment formula etc

7th CPC Pension Option-1 rejection, delay in 7th CPC Allowances, increase in minimum pay & fitment formula etc.: Protest of staff side was conve [...]

Demands pertaining the 7th CPC Minimum Pay, Fitment Formula, Allowances, NPS, Pre-2016 Pensioners – Employees are in dark about development

Demands pertaining the 7th CPC Minimum Pay, Fitment Formula, Allowances, NPS, Pre-2016 Pensioners - Employees are in dark about development - INDWF' [...]
1 2 3 4 5 6 9 40 / 88 POSTS