Chapter XII
Common categories of staff and Common cadres
The 6th CPC has classified the following as common categories.
For other Part of NC, JCM (Staff Side) memorandum to 7th CPC Click here to view

Accounts Staff belonging to un-organised accounts cadres. |
Artists |
Para Medical staff |
Canteen staff |
Photographers |
Care taking staff |
Police personnel |
Drawing Office staff |
Printing staff |
Drivers |
Receptionist |
E D P staff |
Store Keeping staff |
Fire Fighting staff |
Teachers |
Library staff |
Veterinarians |
Laboratory staff |
12.2. The personnel belonging to the above mentioned categories are recruited by various departments according to their requirement. Since they are often out of the mainstream of the activities of the concerned department, they cannot be provided with a planned career advancement. This apart, we also notice that the pay scales assigned to them vary from one department to another. The anomaly created is not capable of resolution at the Departmental anomaly committees and often carried forward to the next CPC, where some anomalies are resolved and others remain unresolved. We suggest that these categories of employees must be given common pay scales and made applicable in all Departments. They must be assigned pay scales on the basis of the entry level recruitment qualification and the structure specified to be applied uniformly in all departments. All these categories of employees may be granted the pay scales provided for similar personnel in the Central Secretariat. The Associations/Federations of these employees will no doubt submit their memorandum to the 7th CPC indicating the present state of affairs and improvement needed in their pay structure with reasons. The 7th CPC may consider their submissions and make appropriate recommendation to accede to their demands.
12.3 Staff Car Drivers :
In most of the Departments of the GOI, the cadre of Staff Car Driver has become a dying cadre, due to the policy of hiring the vehicle along with drivers rather than purchasing cars. However, operational vehicles continue to be owned and operated by the concerned department. The Associations/Federations of those departments where operational vehicles are required to be owned and operated will submit memorandum to suggest the requisite improvements in the service conditions of drivers. Incidentally we may mention that the pay scales assigned to the Staff car Drivers common category vary with what is provided for the staff car drivers of the upreme Court and Parliament. We request the commission to recommend parity for the sake of equal work – equal pay. In some of the Departments of the Government of India, presently the staff car drivers are surplus in as much as the staff cars are hired with drivers on contract basis with the result they sit idle. We request that the commission may recommend to absorb these drivers as a onetime measure in any appropriate cadre in the concerned department by amending the Recruitment Rules of those cadres, where they can be absorbed.
12.4 In administrative offices, generally, the following are the common cadres:
MTS, LDC, UDC, DEOs, Stenographers, Assistants, Senior Assistants, Office Superintendent, Administrative Officers Gr III, II and I, Private Secretaries Senior Private Secretaries, Personal Assistant etc.
12.5 We have suggested MTS the pay scale commencing with the minimum wage of Rs. 26000/-Tis may be applied in the case of MTS of all Departments.
12.6 On computerisation of functions of almost all departments of Government of India the duties assigned to LDCs, has changed drastically. The routine functions of Data entry etc has now been entrusted to Data entry operators and the rest is overlapping with the functions of UDC. These posts in all Departments are, therefore, to be upgraded as UDCs and whatever pay scale assigned to UDCs given to them. At the clerical level, presently there are two scales, with Grade pay 2400 and 2800. This, in our opinion requires to be de-layered and be replaced by one single pay scale. At the level of Assistants, they may be granted the scale of pay assigned to Assistants in the Central Secretariat and the Sr.Assistant/Office Superintendent are to be granted the pay scale of section officer in the Central Secretariat. The Cadre of Administrative Officers is in three Grades. Every department may not have the requirement of all the three grades. Wherever it is found to be necessary to retain the three Grades they may be granted the next three successive pay scales i.e., Gr A entry scale, senior time scale of pay, and the one next above.
12.7 The 6th CPC had recommended merger of stenographer with other ministerial cadres.. A few departments have acted upon it, others have left it untouched. The ground reality is that stenographers are presently seldom recruited or is not available for recruitment. The decision to abolish the post of Stenographers and merge them with clerical cadre may bring about difficulty in filling up the posts of Private Secretary and Senior Private Secretary in future. In any case, they are entitled to the same pay scale as is provided to the Stenographers and Private secretaries in the Central Secretariat and we suggest that they be brought on par with the similar grades in the Central Secretariat. The Associations/Federations participating in the JCM will submit a detailed memorandum covering these common categories, wherever they exist. We request the 7th CPC to consider and accept the views and suggestions made by them in their memorandum and make appropriate recommendation.
Chapter XIII
Classification of Posts.
Except the 2nd CPC, all other earlier Commissions had recommended for the retention of the four Groups of classifications. The 2nd Pay Commission was of the opinion that the grouping of Central Government employees into four categories served no practical purpose. Rather, they commented that it had only created an unhealthy psychological effect. The 4th CPC therefore suggested for abandoning the classification of civil servants in 4 groups. They had examined the practice followed by other countries including those with a large and complex civil service, where it had not been found necessary to super impose upon their civil service grade and occupational groups.
13.2 During the last six and half decades, our country has moved quite far away from the colonial system of governance in substance and form. The 3rd CPC justified the grouping on an assumed equivalence of the work content in different levels of the various occupational groups. Over the years, changes in the scale of pay of many grade and cadres have taken place, even though there had been no change in the value or level of responsibility of the assigned jobs. Despite having no such addition to the level of responsibility to assigned jobs, the grades had to move from one group to another, because of the pay scale based grouping.
13.3. It is the view of the Department of Personnel on classification that has ultimately survived. It may not be out of place to mention that the service conditions of Government employees are still governed by the rules enunciated, when country was a British Colony. Despite the specific provision in the constitution (Article 309) making it incumbent upon the parliament to enact the legislation to govern the service conditions of civil servants, the fact remains that no Government which took over the reins of governance in the country could find time to introduce a Bill in the parliament for that purpose. It is not therefore surprising that the DOPT stuck to the conservative position of maintaining the status quo. The four grouping which presently refers the classification, we must sadly state has taken the shape and content of “varnashram”. In almost all the PSUs, the classification is “Executive and Non Executives”. In our opinion all cadres, which were characterised as “Gazetted” in 1960s may be placed in the Group of Executive and the rest in non-executive. We, therefore, request the 7th CPC to make recommendation on classification of posts on the basis suggested by us.
Chapter –XIV
Grameen Dak Sewaks
We solicit the kind reference of the 7th CPC to the observation made by the 4th CPC in Page No.4 Part-I, Vol-I of their report, which is reproduced for ready reference:
“The matter is however beyond controversy after the decision of Supreme Court in Gokulananda Das Case (1957 1SCR679) where it has been declared that an extra Departmental labour is not a casual worker but “holds a post under the administrative control of the state” and that while such a post is outside the regular civil services, there is no doubt that it is a post under the “state”. In view of the pronouncement, we were unable to accept the contention that the Extra Departmental Employees were outside the purview of the terms of our Commission. They no doubt have their own peculiar conditions of their own service and in that sense their case is some what special. We therefore could not exclude them from our consideration, but we accepted the Government suggestion for the setting up of a one man committee to look into their conditions of service as was done in the 2nd and 3rd Pay Commission. Accordingly, a one man’s Committee under Shri R.R. Savoor was set up vide DGPNT’s Resolution No. 6/29/83 PA.II dated 5.11.1984.”
14.2 The argument advanced by the Postal Department that they are outside the civil service except for the purpose of CCS(CCA) Rules (disciplinary purposes) is untenable. That being so, the Gramin Dak Sevaks deserves to be in the purview of the 7th CPC terms of reference. The experiment of getting their wages revised through a one man Committee in the past had resulted in a total deprivation of all benefits other than pay which as civil servants all employees of the Government of India have been bestowed.
14.3 The organizations in the Postal Department who represent the Gramin Dak Sevaks will be submitting an elaborate memorandum containing the proposal for wage revision, revision of the existing benefits and allowances including grant of pensionary benefits for GDS. We request the 7th CPC to consider their memorandum and make appropriate recommendations. We also request that the Commission not to agree with the probable suggestion of the Government to set up a separate committee as was done earlier.
For other Part of NC, JCM (Staff Side) memorandum to 7th CPC Click here to view
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