Income Tax Department stresses upon more than 5 lakh non-filers ITR for AY 2014-15

Income Tax Department stresses upon more than 5 lakh non-filers ITR for AY 2014-15, whose income was more than 10 Lakh or paid self assessment tax more than Rs.1 lakh in last three assessment years. Directorate of IT (Systems) has issued a letter to all IT authorities to calling for returns of income from such non-filers.  The text of letter is reproduced below:- 

ARACentre, Ground Floor, E-Z, Jhandewalan Extension,
New Delhi-110055
F. No. DIT(S)-II/Non-filers/2014-15/4011 
Dated 29.10.2014

Subject: Measures for Revenue Augmentation -calling for returns of income in the case of non-filers far AY 2014-15- regarding 


Kindly take reference of above mentioned subject.

2.  It has been noticed that, 5,09,898 taxpayer’s who have submitted an e-Return of AY 2011-12, or 2012-13 or 2013-14 (upto 20th October, 2014) with returned income of more than Rs.10 lakhs or paid self assessment tax of more than equal to Rs. 1 lakh (as per lTR) have not filed their ITR for the AY 2014-15.

3. The list of cases CCIT wise is available on i-taxnet, The, path to View these cases is:
 Resources-> Downloads -> ITD instructions -> List of non-filers for AY 2014-15

4.  The Board has desired that all the CCslT should personally monitor these cases.

Yours faithfully,โ€˜
(Rajesh Chandra)
Joint Director of lncome’Tax (Systems)-II
New Delhi

Source: http://irsofficersonline.gov.in/Documents/OfficalCommunique/11029201450757.pdf

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