
CGEWHO Geater Noida: Follow up / Reminder Letter who defaulted in payment

CGEWHO letter to the allottees of  Geater Noida Housing Scheme: Follow up / Reminder Letter who defaulted in payment:-
Central Government Employees Welfare Housing Organisation
(Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. at India)

No. A-504/11

November 12, 2014

All the allottees of Greater Noida Housing Scheme who defaulted in payment

Subject: Greater Noida Housing Scheme


Reference CGEWHO Allotment letter A-504/11 dated 25/07/2014 and letter No. A-504/11 dated 04/09/2014.

2. Part payment of the first installment i.e. land component was demanded upto 10th October 2014 as last date of payment. It has been observed that many allottees have defaulted by paying partially or non payment of the amount demanded.

3. A notice to all the allottees who defaulted in payment has been sent for payment at the earliest. Accordingly all such allotteeโ€™s may remit demanded amount, failing which CGEWHO reserves its right to terminate the registration and cancel the allotment without giving any further notice under Rule 18 of Part B of CGEWHO Rules. Cancellation action shall accordingly be initiated for non payment.

3. This is issued with approval of CEO, CGEWHO.

Yours faithfully.

(Arun Kumar Singh)
Asstt. Director (Admn.)
for Chief Executive Officer

Source: http://www.cgewho.in/defaulternotice.pdf

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