
SAS passed Assistant Accounts Officer in DAD eligible for Group ‘B’ Gazetted: CGDA

Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Accounts Officer in Defence Accounts Department.
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt -110 010

Subject: Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Accounts Officer in Defence Accounts Department.

This is to inform that with persistent and concerted efforts, the recruitment rules for the merged cadre of Section Officer (Accounts) and Assistant Accounts Officer of Defence Accounts Department has now been approved by the UPSC.

With this approval of Recruitment Rules of Assistant Accounts Officer, the Departmental Candidates who have passed the Subordinate Accounts Service Examination conducted by the Controller General of Defence Accounts would be eligible to be appointed Assistant Accounts Officer directly in Group “B” Gazetted.
This order would be effective from the date of Gazette notification.
(Ambarish Barman)


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