
Grant of option for switching over to VI CPC (Pay Band & Grade Pay) from the date subsequent to the date of grant of third promotion

Grant of option for switching over to VI CPC (Pay Band & Grade Pay) from the date subsequent to the date of grant of third promotion: NFIR’s reference to Railway Board

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)


Dated: 01/07/2015

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board.
New Delhi

Dear Sir.

Sub: Grant of option for switching over to VI CPC (Pay Band & Grade Pay) from the date subsequent to the date of grant of third promotion-reg.

On South Central Railway. a peculiar situation has arisen. wherein a few Assistant Loco Pilots. who were granted three promotions during the period January 2006 to August 2008 have been denied the opportunity of exercising option for fixation of pay (VI CPC) after third promotion on the plea that instructions have not been provided by the Railway Board. 
2. In this connection. Nliโ€˜lR places below the facts of the case:-

  • On Vijayawada Division of South Central Railway. 12 Asstt. Loco Pilots (3050-4590 V CPC) were promoted as Sr ALP in scale Rs. 4000-6000 on 18/05/2007.
  • These employees were promoted again as Loco Pilot (Shunting-II) in scale Rs. 4000-6000 (VCPC) on 01/08/2007 and after about one year as Loco Pilot (Goods) in Vth CPC pay scale Rs. 5000-8000 on 29/7/2008.
  • All the above promotions were granted to the staff during the period January 2006 to August 2008 i.e. prior to Boardโ€™s instructions for implementation of VI CPC pay structure.
  • These staff have given option that their VI CPC pay fixation should be done from the date subsequent to the date of third promotion as Loco Pilot (Goods).

3, The case file was returned un-vetted by the Accounts Department of the Division stating as follows:-

โ€œA Railway servant has the option to have his pay fixed from the date of his second promotion, if he has been granted two promotions between 1.1.2006 and 29.8.2008. Provision is not available to switch over from the date of 3rd promotion. Hence two proposals are returned herewith un-vettedโ€.

4. Federation desires to state that the Railway Board might not have visualised such situation wherein three promotions were granted to the staff during January 2006 to August 2006. Since this case has come to light at this point of time, Railway Board should consider and see that the option exercised by the staff is accepted for the purpose of pay fixation as per Vlth CPC Pay Band/Grade Pay to avoid any discrimination. Incidentally, Federation desires to mention that the second promotion in this case was in the identical scale of Rs. 4000-6000 (Vth C PC)
NFIR, therefore. requests the Railway Board to issue suitable instructions to all Zones/PUs more particularly South Central Railway to accept options being exercised by staff for the purpose of fixation of pay in Vlth CPC in the above situations. A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Source: NFIR

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