Extension of due date of filing return of wealth for A.Y. 2015-16

Extension of due date of filing return of wealth for A.Y. 2015-16 – clarification

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board ofโ€˜ Direct Taxes(CBDT)
New Delhi, dated the 3th/4th September, 2015

         All Pr. Chief Commissioners of Income-tax

Subject: Extension of due date of filing return of wealth for A.Y. 2015-16 – clarification

A clarification was issued vide letter of even number dated 27.7.2015 stating that in view of extension of due date for filing return of income in respect of assessees falling under 3 clause (c) of explanation 2 to Sub-section (I) of section l39 of the Income-tax Act from 31.7.2015 to 31.8.2015. the due date of filing return of wealth by such assessees for assessment year 2015-16 also stands extended from 31.7.2015 to 31.8.2015.
2. In view of CBDT order F.No.225/154/2015/ITA-III dated 2.9.2015 issued under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, extending the due date for e-filing returns of income from 31st August, 2015 to 7th September, 2015 in respect are taxpayers who were required to e-file their returns of income by 31st August, 2015 the โ€˜due date’ for filing return of wealth by such assessees for assessment year 2015-16 also stands extended from 31st August 2015 to 7th September 2015.

3. This issues with the approval of Chairperson CBDT.

(Ekta Jain)
Deputy Secretary (OT)

Source: http://irsofficersonline.gov.in/Documents/OfficalCommunique/194201514829.PDF

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