
Discussions held by Railway Board with Federations (AIRF & NIFR) on 01.10.2015: Summary Record Note

Summary Record Note of Discussions held by Board (CRB, MS, & FC ) with Federations (AIRF & NIFR) on 01.10.2015 on issues raised by federation:-


No. 2015/E(LR)II/1/8

New Delhi, dated :27. 10.2015

The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi -110055.

The General Secretary,
3, Cheimsford Road,
New Delhi-110055.

Dear Sirs,

Sub.: Summary Record Note of Discussions held by Board (CRB, MS, & FC ) with Federations (AIRF & NIFR) on 01.10.2015 on issues raised by federation.

Summary Record Note of Discussions held on 01.10.2015 on the above mentioned subject is sent herewith.
Yours faithfully
(Naveen Kumar)
Dy. Director Estt (LR)-I


Summary Record Note of Discussions held by Board (CRB, MS, & FC ) with Federations (AIRF & NIFR) on 01.10.2015 on issues raised by federation.


The following officers and representatives of Federations attended the meeting:-

Official Side

Shri A. K. Mital, CRB
Shri Pradeep Kumar, MS
Shri S. Mookerjee, FC
Mrs. Ragini Yechury, ED (IR)
Shri Debashis Mallik, DE(IR)
1.Shri Rakhal Das Gupta, President
2.Shri S.G. Mishra, General Secretary
3.Shri J. R. Bhosale
1.Shri Guman Singh, President
2.Shri M. Raghavaiah, General Secretary
Item No. Issues Remarks
1 Exempting Railways from New Pension
The Federation stressed that this
matter needs to be taken up at the level of Hon’ble  Minister for
Railways with Hon’ble Finance Minister and requested for a meeting with
Hon’ble MR. The Federations re-iterated  that Railway employees’
functionings quite comparable with those of the Defence Personnel as
Railwaymen work under continuous stress and strain.

It was agreed to fix up a meeting of  the Federations with Hon’ble MR

2 Up-gradation of Apex level Group ‘C’
posts to Group ‘B’ Gazetted (3335 posts).
2. Up-gradation of Apex level Group ‘C’
posts to Group ‘B’ Gazetted Official Side stated that proposal has again
been submitted to Ministry of Finance seeking their concurrence.
Thereafter, Ministry of Finance sought certain clarifications incontext
to the said proposal which has been replied to them on 10.09.2015. The
matter is further being pursued by Pay Commission Dte.

Federations, however, stated that creation/up-gradation in Group’B’posts
is within the competence of Railway Board as was observed in the meeting
of Standing Committee held on 07.05.2008.

It was agreed to examine this aspect after connecting the minutes of the
meeting of Standing Committee of National Council referred to by the

3 Report of High Power Committee on duty
hours of Running Staff.
Official Side conveyed that
recommendations of the High Power Committee will be deliberated by Full
Board on 06.10.2015 duly taking into account the views expressed by the
4 Induction of Course Completed Act
Apprentices against Safety vacancies in GP-Rs. 1800/-.
It was proposed,from the Official Side
that it is contemplated that henceforth educational qualifications for
recruitment to erstwhile Group ‘D’ posts may be kept as Course Completed
Act Apprentices and minimum 10th Pass Matriculation). Federations stated
that they will first discuss this issue themselves jointlv.
5 Unwarranted conditions like “working on
tracks” causing impediment in implementation of LARSGESS in the case of
P. Way .Staff.
Federations stated that the phrase
“working on track” in the case categories permitted in 2014 be removed.
This was agreed to.
6 Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors
appointed prior to 01/01/2006. The commitment given by the Railway Board
for granting stepping up of pay of the Loco Inspectors on the remaining
six zones is yet to be implemented.
Federations insisted that SLP be
withdrawn as an agreement was reached on 07.02.2014 that stepping up of
pay of LIs appointed prior to 01.01.2006 on the remaining 6 zones will
be implemented. Official side stated that it will be examined in
consultation with Leqal Dte.
7 Rectification of MACPS anomalies. Federations were advised that before
the issues are discussed at the level of Board (MS & FC), it will be
desirable to deliberate on those issues by concerned Executive Directors
(EDPC-I, EDPC-II, EDF(E) and EDE(N) ) in association with the General
Secretaries of the Federations(AlRF & NFIR). For this purpose/ a meeting
is to be fixed shortly
Source : NFIR

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