Review of MACP: Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- where there is no such grade pay & Treatment of Employees under LDCE/GDCE – Record Note of NAC Meeting

Review of MACP: Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- where there is no such grade pay & Treatment of Employees under LDCE/GDCE – Record Note of NAC Meeting Item No.1 & Item No.3


Item No.1: Review of MACP to Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- where there is no such grade pay in Railways &Item No.3: Treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme/GDCE Scheme.

 4. Shri M. Raghaviah, Leader of the Staff Side raised Item No.1 regarding review of MACP to Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- where there is no’such grade pay in Railways. He explained that there are 400 categories in the Railways and in 98 percent of the categories, there is no grade pay of Rs.2000/-; therefore, GP of Rs.2000/- does not exist. He said that it was the duty of the Government to resolve the issue before the 7th CPC submit its report. Staff Side requested to solve this serious anomaly as several employees are in disadvantageous position.
5. Staff Side also suggested for the Option to continue ACP benefits in lieu of MACP and also requested for five regular promotions. Staff Side also mentioned that there is no cadre restructuring in the MoD.

6. Official Side discussed these issues in detail and impressed upon the Staff Side on the issue related to Item No.3 i.e. ‘treatment of employees for MACP selected under LDCE/GDCE scheme’ that DOPT has already issued a clarification in September, 2012 giving similar treatment of LDCE/ GDCE in MACP scheme as was available in the ACP Scheme. As regards Item No.1, it was reiterated that MACP envisages placement in grade pay structure in the revised pay bands and non-consideration of Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- would not be in the spirit of the scheme. Any change for Railways would have wider ramifications in Government of India. Staff side desired that this issue may be reviewed since there is a large number of railway staff suffering due to this anomaly otherwise they should be given option for opting MACP or ACP.

Official Side agreed to review this issue.

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