HomeSeventh Pay Commission

Form of Option & Undertaking – 7th CPC Revised Pay Rules, 2016

Form of Option & Undertaking – 7th CPC Revised Pay Rules, 2016

(Department of Expenditure)
New Delhi, the 25th July, 2016


[See rule 6 (2)]

*1. I, ____________________________________________ hereby elect the revised pay structure with effect from 1st January, 2016.

*2. I, ____________________________________________ hereby elect to continue on Pay Band and Grade Pay of my substantive / officiating post mentioned below until:

* the date of my next increment / the date of my subsequent increment raising my pay to Rs.___________________ / I vacate or cease to draw pay in the existing pay structure / the date of my promotion/upgradation to the post of _______________________.

Existing Pay Band and Grade Pay_____________________________________

Name ______________________________
Office in which employed _____________________________

* To be scored out, if not applicable.

I hereby undertake that in the event of my pay having been fixed in a manner contrary to the provisions contained in these Rules, as detected subsequently, any excess payment so made shall be refunded by me to the Government either by adjustment against future payments due to me or otherwise.

Name ______________________________

Date :
Place :

6. Exercise of option – 7th CPC Revised Pay Rules, 2016 [click to view]


 1-5. 7th Pay Commission – Revised Pay Rules, 2016 – Title, commencement, definition and application of rules [Click to view]

6. Exercise of option – 7th CPC Revised Pay Rules, 2016 [click to view]

7. Fixation of pay with illustration in 7th CPC – Revised Pay Rules, 2016 [click to view]

8. Fixation of pay of employees appointed by direct recruitment on or after 1st day of January, 2016. [click to view]

9. Increments in Pay Matrix. [click to view]

10. Date of next increment in revised pay structure. [click to view]

11. Revision of pay from a date subsequent to 1st day of January, 2016.
12. Pay protection to officers on Central deputation under Central Staffing Scheme

13. Fixation of pay on promotion on or after 1st day of January, 2016. [Click to view]

15. Overriding effect of rules.
16 Power to relax.
17. Interpretation

 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level 1 to 5 – 6th CPC PB1 – Revised Pay Rules,
2016 Schedule Part A


  • B ANIL KUMAR 4 years ago

    Hi sir, good evening i was appointed as peon in the year 1997 my first promotion i wast given promotion as J/peon in the YEAR 2002 and as jr clerk in the year 2010. tell me that i am eligible for macp in th e year 2007. i want clearification pl

  • Unknown 6 years ago

    my date of appointment 24.12.2015 under pb 1 5200-20200+1800Gp
    Basic salary on 01.7.2016 was 7210
    Tell me pls what i take option form and then what will be my new basic.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    my date of appointment 10.4.2007
    under pb 2 5200-20200 with grade pay of 2400 kindly basic salary on 01.7.2016

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    my date of appointment is 05.03.12 under PB5200-20200 with grade pay of Rs.2400/- upgraded to Rs.2800/- on 05.03.16..kindly tell me the basic salary on 01.07.16

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    My annual increment date is 01-07-2016 and my promotion date is also 01-07-2016 both on same day my basic 0n 30-06-2016 was 29640 in pb-3 with gp 6600 and on 01-07-2016 it was 32450 with GP 7600 what is may new basic on 01-07-2016 in 7th pay pl. guide

  • Vishal Gupta 9 years ago

    What is about the ORDER for the implementation of 7th Pay commission in Autonomous bodies under various Ministries.

  • kaisar 9 years ago

    for the question from unknown my answer is option "2" is a must there your fixation will be 20500 w.e. f jul 2016. and further more if you select option -1 your fixation will be 19100 w.e.f 1st of jan 2016

  • kaisar 9 years ago

    Dear Debjit you should be an option 1 for you without any doubt in your mind.

    if by mistake you opt option -2 then the new seventh pay on fixation will stand same for both the option. only if you opt option- 2 you will loose your Arrears.

  • Unknown 9 years ago

    How to fillup option form' my basicas on 01-01-16 is 5410+1800(grade pay)and post of semi skill. But i got promotion on 02-05-16 to skill.therafter mypay scale as on 01-07-16 is 5630+1900.but i confuse how to fill, kindly help me

  • Debjit Jha 9 years ago

    how to fill up -Form of Option & Undertaking, my basic pay 14390 on 01/1/16 gp-2800 pb-5200/20200. I think it is option no-2 , but i confused how to fill , kindly help me