iGOT courses on DIKSHA platform on COVID-19 pandemic are mandatory for members/volunteers: DoPT OM

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iGOT courses on DIKSHA platform on COVID-19 pandemic are mandatory for members/volunteers: DoPT OM

iGOT (Integrated Govt. Online Training) courses on DIKSHA platform on COVID-19 pandemic are mandatory for members/volunteers: DoPT OM

No: T-16017/3/2020-iGOT
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
D/o Personnel & Training
(Training Division)

Old JNU Campus, New Delhi
Dated: 18th April, 2020


Subject: iGOT (Integrated Govt. Online Training) courses on DIKSHA platform on COVID-19 pandemic.


The undersigned is directed to refer to DoPT’s O.Ms of even number dated 07.04.2020 and 10.04.2020 on the above subject.

2. In continuation of the information provided earlier, Elementary User Guide for Mobile App users is sent herewith as Annexure-I.

3. M/o Youth Affairs and Sports, M/o Health and Family Welfare, M/o AYUSH and M/o Defence are requested to bring to the notice of the members/volunteers concerned that the following courses indicated in Annexure-II are mandatory for them :

(I) Trainee Onboarding for M/o Youth Affairs and Sports
(II) Trainee Onboarding for M/o Health and family Welfare
(III) Participant Detail for M/o AYUSH
(IV) Trainee Onboarding for M/o Defence

The said Ministries may also specify further mandatory courses, if any.

4. The other Ministries/ Organisations concerned are also requested to specify mandatory courses for the members/volunteers. The details of the Courses uploaded on iGOT DIKSHA platform so far are at Annexure-III.

(Manoj Gupta)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

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