Relaxation in period of reckoning Sports Achievements for recruitment against sports quota- Railway Board RBE No. 09-2021


Relaxation in period of reckoning Sports Achievements for recruitment against sports quota- Railway Board RBE No. 09-2021

Relaxation in period of reckoning Sports Achievements for recruitment against sports quota- Railway Board RBE No. 09-2021

RBE No. 09/2021
Clarification/ Corrigendum No .115

Government Of India
Ministry Of Railways
{Railway Board)

No. 2021/E(Sports)/4 {1)/01

New Delhi , dated 03.02.2021

The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways including
CLW, DLW, CF, RCF, RWF, MCF, Metro Railway/Kolkata,
The CAO (R), DMW/Patiala,
The DG, RDSO and NAIR.

Sub. : Relaxation in period of reckoning Sports Achievements for recruitment against sports quota under Talent Scouting Category for the year 2020-21.

Ref .: Railway Board’s letter No. 2010/E {Sports)/4(1)/1 (Policy) dated 31.12.2010 (RBE No. 189/2010).

As per existing instructions, the period of reckoning sports achievements for recruitment against sports quota under Talent Scouting Category is current and/or immediate previous one financial year. But, due to covid pandemic and nationwide lockdown most of the national or international championships didn’t take place last year.

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The condition for reckoning sports achievements for recruitment against sports quota under Talent Scouting Category has been considered by Board and to give a fair opportunity to sportspersons for recruitment under Talent Scouting Category in 2020-21, it has been decided that the sports achievement for this category may be reckoned for the previous two f inancial years, same as that for the recruitment under Open Advertisement category.

This also disposes SERSA’s letter No. SERSA/Recruitment/TS&OA/2020-21, dated 15.01.2021.

(Bhaskar Roy Choudhury)
Dy. Director, Estt.(Sports)
(Railway Board)

No. 2021/E{Sports)/4(1)/01
New Delhi , dated 03.02.2021

Copy to:

1 The General Secretary, AIRF, 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi.
2. The General Secretary, NFIR, 3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi.


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