Form-IX for Games/Sports (State School Team in the National Games)
(For representing a State School Team in the National Games
For School in one of the recognized Games/Sports)
OF THE STATE OF_______________
Certified that Shri/Smt/Kumari____________ _______Son/wife/daughter of Shri _____________resident of __________________(Complete address) Student of ____________represented the ______________State School Team in the game/event of _____________in National games held at _____________________from_______to_______ The position obtained by the individual/team in the above-said Competition/ Tournament was______________
The Certificate is being given on the basis of record available in the office of the Directorate of Public Instruction Education of _________
Place____________ | Signature_____________ |
Name________________ | |
Date_____________ | Designation___________ |
Name of University______ | |
Address______________ | |
Seal |
NOTE – This Certificate will be valid only when signed personally by the Director or Additional/Joint or Deputy Director in overall charge of sports/games for schools in the Directorate of Public Instruction/Education of the state.
Certificates Format – Download Here
Experience Certificate Performa
Disability Certificates Format Download Here: Form-II
Form-III for Ex-Serviceman
Form-IV for SC/ST
Form-V for OBC
Form-VI for OBC declaration
Form-VII for Games/Sports (National/International)
Form-VIII for Games/Sports (Inter University Competition)
Form-X for Social Welfare
Form-XI for Govt. Servants claiming age concession
Form-XII โ Income Aassest EWS โ Certificate to be Produced by Economically Weaker Sections
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